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Posts posted by CCCP_Admiral

  1. I tried another 4 hour and finally beaten the distress call .

    I don't know what went wrong , maybe the difficulty is different ?(I 'm in legendary mode), my enemy is stronger than this video.In the video CSA has 2* troops as it's main force and 1* troops as it's support unit.And they seldom use wave attack(first brigade charge , take damage to protect the following brigade charging).

    I tried to copy what he do in the video,put main force in the wood , but even six brigades in the wood still can't hold the depot under two or three 3*CSA brigades charging.The wave attack made up of 2* and 3* enemy overwhelms my troops.

    I have to find another way .

    On 7/27/2022 at 10:45 PM, LAVA said:

    Actually, there is a bridge, and 2 brigades of Reb infantry and an artillery brigade cross there as reinforcements. It is on the far right bottom of the map and a skirmisher unit is deployed there. Immediately move 2 infantry brigades (you will need to run them most of the way) and your cavalry to the area and set up an ambush. If you catch the Rebs moving across the bridge you can wipe them out and this will give you the advantage in winning the battle.

    Thx dude, It's true that ai won't spawn as same location every time ,but put an ambush in the right forest is a option. This will protect Union's right side . 

    So at last I put main force on 1st depot to delay the enemy and draw the line at south forest , use fire power to reduce enemy number , take the depot back at the last 5 minutes . The battle result is not very good---5k loss and 9k kill .At least I won.

    Now we came to 1st bull run , it's not as hard as before ----then I found I need use the exhausted troops wipe out the henry hill -----It'll take them 20 minutes just to walk there, let alone charge. So I have to order a bloody attack , take the vp at last 5 minutes (again). The result is not very good (again)---14k loss and 20k kill. At least I won(again).

    I checked the video from Gonzo gamer about 1st bull run , he bypass the bridge and put all the force in the Matthew hill,it's nice tactic but I was tried not to make decision as I knew the history , or see the future and reload for a better result. So I accept the result and keep going on.

    The next is river crossing .  I still don't have any good ideas in stop charging enemy , I can just put all the nearby fire power and artillery on the enemy and use cav strike to rout them as quickly as possible. It's worked but I take heavy loss every time . The result is not very good (oh god plz not again)---5k loss and 8k kill. At least I won.

    At last we has arrive crossroads, but I can't take any step any more . After three consecutive bloody battles , my economics and logistics is crashed , the money reward can't even cover the loss in battle , 16k rookies has no weapons.

    In crossroads CSA can easily push my troops out from the vp  , even if I win this time, it's no doubt that I can't win shiloh.Win the crossroads will cause another heavy loss and reward can't cover it . 

    I checked some video about  legendary MG Union , only find two video in 2021 , and at that time something seems different from now. For example the deploy zone was different in crossroads . So those videos has very little reference value.

    I began to think about giving up the legendary mode . Tomorrow I will retry the 1st bull run and try to get a better result ,maybe I can get more weapons by saving the friendly force this time ? If the weapon number has a big different it maybe save this campaign from restart.

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  2. nice mod ,but I need some advice.

    I 'm not a top gun at this game , I have complete the vanilla CSA campaign on BG , this week I start playing the UNION MG legendary campaign , after I won the malvern hill I found this mod.

    But it's too hard for me. I spend almost 4 hours to take the train station. My troops always be surrounding by the second wave of CSA counter attack.

    It's not like the vanilla , you just need to back off a bit and the charging enemy will gave up,now they can charge a really long time and catch up my troops,they can't even outrun them.

    So I need three or even more brigades fire power to stop A charging CSA brigade. My brigade always shatter as soon as it's get involve in to any melee fight. Some times troops in fortifications could hold a little longer with one brigade's attack , but if two brigade charging , they will shatter quickly.

    I tried again and again , still can't hold the upper town until the reinforcement come .Some times reinforcement almost arrived the bridge ,but they stuck on the bridge and take a looooooong time to cross it . My brigade can't hold such a long time.

    At last I have to use a classic Total war trick: bridge plug. I pulled out of the upper town and put the line  on south side of the bridge , shot CSA when they are crossing the bridge , quickly deplete the enemy's strength and get the upper town at the last minute till campaign failure. 

    That was so hard , but I feel a sense of accomplishment so I'm continue playing this mod happily.

    But , it's sounds very funny , I stuck at distress Call right after the first level.

    This time there is no bridge , my troops are more than CSA ,but they can use devastating charge and wipe out any thing in their way .My troops were drawn into close combat quickly. I order them retreat  but they are slower than the charging enemy.So I need twice as many as CSA to stop the charge ,but obviously, there is no troops left.


    I wonder if there is something wrong with my way of playing .  My usual tactic is draw a line to delay the enemy and put skirmishers,cavalry and elite troops on the side, then let enemy enjoy a revolving door. Is this tactic has less effective in this mod ? Or i need to play in a more classic way , put elite troops behind the line as a reserves to counter charging enemy?

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