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Posts posted by PainKiller

  1. 36 minutes ago, SonicB said:

    Anyone else getting a bug that arbitrarily restricts ship speed?


    Here I have five 36kt destroyers in divisions of 4 and 1. The group of 4 is restricted to 7kts; the single ship is restricted to 24. Even the single ship gets the message "some ships in division are unable to reach this speed" when I try to increase it.

    What is the fuel level of your ship? If it's below 20%, your ship basicly stops. You can check that below on that small ship card, when you hover your cursor over that

    • Like 1
  2. 10 hours ago, Schmitty21 said:

    When secondary batteries are firing quickly the main battery stops firing. Is this due to confusion with shell splashed? It doesn't seem like having uniform batteries or researching technology improvements is having enough of an effect here.

    This bug has been present since 1.06 at least, and i'm glad it's getting voiced again, since it's very annoying to say the least. When i was testing this (in 1.06, so i haven't done it yet, but will look at it), i found that it's not a main battery vs secundary battery bug, more like low caliber guns (50-70mm / 2-3inch) interfiering with the "middle" caliber guns (127-250mm/ 5-9inch) This means it mostly affects DDs, Cls, CAs, at least for me. When i looked at any ship using more than 300mm main batteries, they worked fine.

    It has nothing to do with research or shell splases, because if i change the secoundaries to fire on A ship, and the mains to fire on B ship, they still refuse to fire consistenly. 

    So yes, usually disableing the secoundaries "solves" the problem, but i hope don't have to tell how frustrating is to put those guns on the ship, and I'm either forced to not use them, or suffer with a very low main battery effectiveness. 

    Sure this is not a critical bug because this does not crash the game or anything, but it still should be high priority to repair. I don't know what would help the devs here. This can also be reproduced in those normal quick matches as well from the menu, i tried it once or twice to test out what guns should i be using in campaign :D for exaple, previously i liked using 70mm and 127mm guns on dds at the same time, but with this bug, only the 70mm guns were firing, and the 127 very rarely. So i checked how it behaves (like playing with range, when only the 127 could fire, or moving closer for the 70-s to join. as soon as the 70-s start firing, the 127-ns effectiveness drops drasticly) Of course, using only 1 type of gun solves the problem, so i redesigned my dds.

    I'm going to work now, but when i get back, i will test what causes the problem on a CA for example. because in theory i can use 127mm guns with the 200mm, but not the 50 or 70mm, which usually gets picked for me, since they have place on the toweres. 

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    • Thanks 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, Lima said:

    Yes, great idea, we need a report on the removed mines.

    Something like "With the help of God and the Virgin Mary our 20 DDs managed to remove two mines. We also managed to clear 99 mines with the bodies of our ships, 10 DDs 4 CL 2BB lost, 9999 crew died".

    Thank you for the laugh :_D

    • Like 1
  4. You always talk about a lot of feature should be optional / turned off.....Mines probably needs just some balancing. It's there so the player doesn't send bbs and bc-s alone, but with a group of destroyers (like more then 8-12) It's crearly not intended for ships to get destroyed in the middle of the ocean, it's a bug. Once it gets fixed it's gonna be good. Also we are biased to belive that they are a weapon of mass destruction because it's the only notification we get when we hit next turn. Maybe we need to see that minesweaper equipped ships are do in fact working (well i hope so lol...) with a popup of X fleet cleared 18 mines or something like that. I haven't got to the point where i get hydo or sonar yet, but shouldn't it also help with the clearing of mines? (I'm still at 1902 in this run, going forward is hard because of Next turn wait time, so excuse me if later years are that hard)

    • Like 4
  5. I don't read the forum for a few days and hell break lose. Only thing i noticed is that i used to have sh*t ton of money, now I have to put my ships (In being) from (Sea Control) status when i'm not in war, but still making little positive income. I have never used that mothball thing ever, not in the past, not now. 

    I don't understand what are you guys crying about, and why are you so rude to the devs here. I actually like that I'm not the richest country of the world. I'm still beating the crap out of everyone when I'm at war. 

    Oh and one more thing. I'm the guy who said that you should try SAPBC insted of HE spam. So i'm not even using that to beat my opponents. I saw that you guys are comparing HE to APBC, of course you will get more consistent resoults with HE. APBC is the crappest shell i have ever put on my ships, never using them again. They either ricochet, or overpen causing very little damage. (APBC has even lower base damage value then regular AP, so any kind of pen/overpen/half penetration will cause less damage) I have been experimenting with SAP and SAPBC and I have been very satisfied with them. They have much more forgiving penetration angles then normal or APBC shells, rarely being blocked by armour or overpenning the armour. They are much more likely to cause full penetrations or half penetrations, and more likely to cause fire then a normal AP would. And of yourse they have 2-3x penetration power then HE usually.

    Although I'm glad that i'm reading the forums. I have never tried using the research focus thingy. Can you really get radar I between the 1900-1910 years? I have to try that in my next campign :D (If it not gets patched until then)

    Maybe I'm the only lunatic here who is not using the "cheats" of this game (8.9 or 12 inch guns, He spam, early radar, mothballing....what else is there?) although i don't understand why the devs call cheating something that's in the game. I always thought that using third party softwares is cheating.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, BuckleUpBones said:

    Secondaries jamming. I don't think this is the classic target lock bug but something new. Secondaries won't firer against the DD but straightaway firer on the CL. Take note at 0.31, 5.9" guns are still loading but stop at the trigger point and note all the penalties targeting the DD. Campaign game.

    Have you tried putting your guns to agressive? If the hit chances are too low on normal, they will not fire. That dd seems to be very fast, so i can imagine this is your problem.

    • Thanks 1
  7. I would like to mention here what i have experienced in battle now, about the "main guns not firing while secundary guns are shooting" bug.

    I don't think it has anything to do with that it's a secundary or main battery category, but rather what the caliber is.

    example one: 1890 light cruiser design, 4 piece of 150mm centerline gun, 4 piece of 120mm guns, 2-2 on sides, and the usual secundary guns, 4 piece of 98mm 2-2 on the sides. So the broadside looks like 4 150mm, 2 120mm, 2 90mm. The 90 and 120mm guns seems to be firing all the time when loaded, and has clear view of the target, but the 150mm guns refuse to fire constantly. What i usually see is that 1 of the 150mm guns fires, reloads, than waits a few secound, and fires agan.

    secund example: (this is why i'm sure it has to do something with caliber) is my 1908ish dd design. As you probably know it only has main gun category, from the 50 to 127mm, and of course the extension. My design was 4 piece of 149.9mm and 3 piece of 76mm guns, all centerline. I have intented to use them as a support CA, CL killers, especially when they have someone in front of them tanking the damage. But they unfurtunatly have the same problem as my light cruiser mentioned before. My 3 76mm guns firing all the time no problem, but the 149mm guns behave the same way. 1gun fires once, reloads, waits a few secound, then fires again. I am really sad seeing this, since the 149mm guns are supposed to be the main damage dealer, the 76mm guns are not enough on it's own. AND when the 76mm guns run out of ammo (similar to when you disable the secundary guns on bigger ship) THEN the 149mm guns FINALLY starts working as they should. All firing immidiatly as they reload.

    Now let's not even mention that i have to fight doomsday Jutland battles as well, and my CA, CL ships are only using their secundary guns basicly because of this bug, which is very frustrating.....( I can still beat them, but it would be quicker if my guns would work :_D ) 

    My new heavy cruiser with 270mm guns, and 100mm secundarys seems to be woring as they should, every gun firing. My previous design had 170mm guns, and they had the same problem as well. Happy that i got rid of them. 

    I will try to refit my DD, so that it only has either 149mm guns, or at least guns only using the same caliber. At least until this bug gets repaired. I would have loved to use both the 149 and 76mm guns, since against dds close range, the 76mm are superior because of the fire rate, that's why i gave them those.

  8. 7 hours ago, ZorinW said:

    Can we all agree that the tech research should work the following way?

    With the slider dead center you will research each tech so it becomes available at the year given in game. With the slider set fruther to the right, you will get techs earlier with +100 giving you a 50% bonus. So a tech that would take 4 years now only takes 2 years to research. Same would apply for the slider set to the left, slowing down research though by up to 100%, because you won't research anything if you don't spend a single $ on research.

    Later on, the whole research tree needs to be reworked completely, but to get this into the right direction for now this feels like a easy to implement solution. 


    While i do agree, that the slider in the middle position should make your tech available at the year given in game. But if we move it to the maximum right, halfing the research time would be too much right now. (OR it can be balanced out with exponential budget increase.) Just imageine you are going for a radar1, of which you usually reach in 1930ish years, with maximum research budget you would get it in 1910? No way that's balanced. But getting it 3-5 years earlier seems much more fair i think, than the AI would get it on normal research speed.

    Other balancing factor can be that your budget + crew + transport uses some kind of shared economy, of which you have limited points to use. Let's imagine you can put 10 points to research, 10 to crew, 10 to transports maximum. And the game gives you 16points to freely use inbetween these 3 categories. With this, you can put 10 in research sure, but  only 6 points left to put in crew or transport ship building, so you are sacrificing thiese two for prioritizing research. 

    10/10 research -> research speed +30%-ish

    3/10 crew -> you are getting very few people each month, and not enough money to train them to "trained" level

    3/10 transport -> you are losing transport capacity overall -> lower GDP 

    This would mean that you can't put 100% to the research in the long run, but forced to balance it out. Maybe you can get points by having big GDP, or winnig war.....yes. This can be an event, that when you win a war, you take away scientist from the other nation, which gives you a permanent point to research. Some kind of events. If it's broken that you get permanent points, than have them for 2-4 years, so you are forced to go to war.

    I don't know what can work. I do know that somerthing has to change in the future. 

    • Like 2
  9. Hello guys, just questions since i don't know if there is any kind of statistics. i can't replay campaing multiple times to have significant data about this, takes long time. When you start from 1890, how balanced the game is for you? I had research, crew training and trading ship build sider all the way to the maximum whole time, and was building the dockyard whenever it was possible. 

    I had way too much money. i couldn't spend it. around 1910, i had, with +50.000.000/month. at the beginning years every time the game offered me the option, i chose the +GDP ones. i always had between 70-100 ships ready to go. And yes i was builind as expensive ships as possible since i can afford it. 

    Research is way too slow i think. I mean comapred to when i start a campign from the 1910s. In My 1890 campign i got semi oli fired boilers in 1917, isn't that slow a little? Other projects were behind as well, like i didn't even reach the better CA where the whole hull is flat the first time ( I don't know what it's called, it looks like a little dreadhnaugh, you know what i'm talking about) , and turret mechaism research was slow as well too. 

    As i sad, my research buget was maximum the whole time, and i was very rarely using the priority option, since overall i know it just holds back all other research in the long run. 

    Unfortunatly i gave up that camiagn around 1918, becouse i was very curious what a game looks like starting from 1910. that's why i got suspicious and i'm writing this, since I got more research done in that secound game which is odd for me.

    Shouldn't be the "avarage" research speed is when the research budget slider is in the middle? And when i move it to the maximum, get advantage over the AI, at the sacrifice of crew or trading ship building?

    I'm going to restart the campaing again from 1890 to see what happens this time.  

    • Like 3
  10. 48 minutes ago, Nagato said:

    I really hope they release 1.06 soon. With current state of campaign it get quite boring. Especially if you nail your enemy fast they just surrender.

    I have seen that you shouldn't form fleets. when you do, it is going to throw half of her ships against your small ship formation, and if you manage to get out victorious, yes they gonna surrender in the first 3-4 months from the start. Instead i usually just use the normal sea contol option in the fleet tab, and only move ships port to port if needed. This way, the game generates much smaller battles, where the tonnage is equal on both sides. For me it's much less stressful. Also, when they want to surrender, it's better to accept them. If you don't, they usually fight only 1-2 more months then go bankrupt which results in the The end window. When you accept the "peace", they go in a bugged state that you dont go to a big major fight whith that nation, rather they usually join their closest allied nation with their remaining ships, or only generate 1dd vs 1dd escort missions or something like that. 

    I hope this bug gets checked, becouse i want to create little fleets (1cl + 1-2dd) for escort or raiding porpuses, but they won't allow me. (by that i mean for example when i'm attacking with such a force, instead of enemy using similar number of light ships, they will go against me with 4bb+8something else, so the only logical thing is running......don't get me wrong, i wouldn't have a problem if sometimes my only option is running if i don't want to lose ships, but i expect that thiese situations would only happen in 1/6 times)

    Also want to note  that using ballistic SAP is the best ammo for AP (for guns bigger then 250mm). The stronger AP shells, like capped ballistic AP 1-2, while have very good penetration, is also their downfall. They usually either overpen, or ricochet, resoulting very little to 0 damage (20%pen, 40%overpen, 40%ricochet or blocked). Enemy likes to put less then 100mm armour on their ships, and SAP sticks to them like honey on bread (50%pen,30% those half pens which still does a lot of dmg, 20% blocked or overpen) Of course thiese numbers are just what i see in battles, and depends from a lot of thing, not statistically relevant. I'm just writing this as a observation. Someone mentioned how strong HE is. I too was using HE way more often then those super AP shells before, becouse they are more reliable, SAP is very similar to HE, but almost 2x more penetraion.

    Can i comment on the multiplayer as well? I don't want to see player vs player game, but coop battles. Especially in the big battles where you have to manage 15 or more of your ships. I would love to see that with my friend we can create like 2 groups sorrounding the enemy, and focusing only on our "division". Managing angleing, ammo usaige, torpedo beating, formation is fun for less then 6-8 ship. More than 12-15 it becomes very stressful, even on 1x speed. Most of the gameplay is flying over the sea in birdeye view checking for torpedoes since if i don't catch them with the little exclamation mark, they are basicly invisible. Which happens a lot since you can't keep this much ship in one view. I don't think the devs should copy wows, because NOT seeing torpedoes is realistical, But somethimes i really wish that spotted torpedos would be marked with a permanent colorful triangle like in wows...( even more relevant for my own torpedoes, the AI loves friendly fire)

    Otherwise i love the game, and i'm very excited for the 1.06 release :) take your time, no need to hurry.

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