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Posts posted by slightlytreasonous

  1. 3 minutes ago, Wowzery said:

    I will admit, when this happens to me its usually MY fault.  My TB fired at long range because, well, that's what they do if you are not watching.  So when they finally get into range, they are still reloading.  The second is I've forgotten to return the torp to normal or aggressive and missed my chance.

    So I do wonder how much is AI and how much is player fault.

    I find it ironic this guy is talking about "pEoPULz IQ", but doesn't even take a second to think "could I have possibly prevented this?"

    It's almost as if games aren't universally supposed to hand you victory on a silver platter...  No, game is just terrible.  I shouldn't have to think just to win!

    Seeing how people respond to the upcoming AI improvements will be...interesting.

  2. Maybe its just the obsession talking, but a long version of the south carolina hulls could look really, really cool.  Just a version as if the displacement slider went farther then it really does.

    Maybe im underestimating the amount of hull customization the next update will bring, but I doubt it would be that time consuming to make one so Im just throwing it out there.  Pointless?  Pretty much.  But I think it would be neat :)

    Also regarding these hulls, ive found that you cant CTRL/SHIFT place the funnels or towers, because they stoop down to main deck level if you dont use snap points.

  3. hear me out here-



    what's the point of going all the way into 1940 if there's no fundamental changes whatsoever?  You could cut off at 1920 and it's still the same game, really.  Ships just get bigger, there's not much more to it.


    Don't get me wrong, I love my fair share of super battleships, but it gets old after awhile.  CVs could shake up the "endlessly growing battleships"

    And if you don't want carriers, just let us turn them off.   I know I want Jutland style fights unmarred by airpower, but I also want to see my BBs covered in oerlikons going to town, and failing to do anything productive despite that.


    • Like 3
  4. 11 minutes ago, The PC Collector said:

    I don't see it as unfeasible... The Ironclad part is pretty much doable, since a lot of them are already implemented in the missions, so I easily see it as a future DLC once the current content is finished... the carrier part is more difficult, as they really don't fit in the gameplay in any way.

     I mean, I dont know a damn thing about the era, but there was just so many weird messes of ships in the 1870-1890s, atleast in the era it is now they were generally more uniform and can be generally blanketed with a few classes.  

    I know carriers wouldnt work, w/ how limited the scope of fights are atm-  hope that changes, but alas. Steam & Iron campaign?

    "just saying" but it would make fights feel more significant, and open up lots more variety, outside of simply allowing carriers...  commanding the entire grand fleet... mmmm.

    Please devs.



    13 hours ago, Candle_86 said:

    Im in the opposite, i wish we could start at 1860 with monitors and casemate ironclads moving onto early ironclade battleships before moving onto Predreadnoughts 

    1860-1970, "monitors to super carriers"

    I can already see it-Protectsd cruisers ramming through obsolete ironclads, watching my beloved super dreadnoughts be torn asunder by the dawn of missiles and jet aviation, nuclear submarines fights straight out of cold waters.. ^-^


    I know, I know, it's as unfeasible as snow in hell, but let me dream...

    • Like 3
  6. The massacre of Helgoland.

    This is merely the results for the first action, there was a follow up that would see the Sunderland and the rest of the cruiser forces for both side sunk.

    This was my first grand battle, I was pretty bad, clearly.  Ironic thing is, the Sunderland was named for a major victory in my 1930s campaign, at the time I thought it was as large as campaign fights got.


    Well, absolute slaughters make for better stories then the clean sweeps, lol.



  7. Firstly, modding?

    Secondly, atleast for the player, the only restriction as to where you can put stuff should be "is there actually room?". Within reason, fine, but things like secondary barbette's being forced onto the centerline in a few select places makes them being useful very rare.  If I got the deck space for something, I should very well be able to use it.

    Finally, being able to place little chunks of superstructure here and there, for those of us who hate when a funnel touches the deck or want to get rid of a really minor height difference.

    thats my attempt to make a few suggestions within reason, so these are my fantasies that are totally out there with no thoughts about reeling them in:

    Much more expanded scope of the campaign fights- location in the world, the scouting, etc, like a tactical map, plus much more time control.  Seeing more "degrees" of a scenario would make fights feel more significant & opens up a lot of room for new scenarios like larger fights in general, long running battles, even carriers.  

    Total overhaul for superstructure construction, if not the entire ship designer.

    The option to run the industry of the navy a bit- torpedo production, weapon testing, individual slipways, etc.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Norbert Sattler said:

    It'd be nice to have some or all of them in the game.

    Or at least allow enough modding that people can create a mod and put them in themselves, once the game comes close to release.

    I agree, really hope the devs make modding a top priority.

    Im 100% confident that full modding support could easily immortalize the game and make it the best in the genre.  Take Empire at War for example, its been going strong for nearly 2 decades because of the mods.

    for now, i can only spread the good word of the mod.

    • Like 2
  9. It's obvious a lot of towers are intended to fit together, but they don't always, even with CTRL placement.  Please allow a little bit of overlap so they can properly fit.

    Also, to connect to the above-.

    Supporting modding of hulls and towers, should be added absolutely as soon as possible, and emphasis on that.

      The devs have probably heard it all a thousand times, so I won't restate it.  But yeah, I need an excuse to spam "add modding" without risking a ban, and I'll use this as it.  (full modding eventually too please :)

    for now though, especially with the big update coming adding to ship design, I think it's one of the best possible thing you can do.  I understand you can't  do everything at once, but for now, if atleast modded parts is possible, it should be done, and soon.  

    • Like 2
  10. 14 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    In the next major update.

    very excited to hear, but.  Draft always seemed just kinda extreme to me in the measurements-  In this regard, does the game measure from keel to main deck height? or simply below waterline?

    Im assuming the former, & draft modification would be just the freeboard of the ship? but if not.... 😃

  11. Ship designer-

    Im not going to go to in depth on what doesnt need to be said, yeah it needs an overhaul badly.  Im personally hoping (as well as begging you devs) for it to be the next thing after the campaign.  

    However, i will throw down a few quick improvements i think could be made.

    -Multiple towers.  No stats buff after the first and it doesnt serve as redundancy, either.  However, I think the option of having multiple towers would be good for us aesthetically focused players.

    -A true unlock all

    -Standard battleships and tillman battleship hulls. 

    -Designing transports/ mebbe even liners? troop transports. that sounds like a convincing enough excuse..

    -On transports, force the designs to use free deck space for cargo holds.  For the sake of my eyes.

    -Ship painting.

    Also, ill mention now that Japanese super structures have a big problem with practically none of them being able to fit dual/ angled funnels. From what i can tell this is a problem all across the board.


    The repeated ones- let me turn off auto collision ; modding would be good ;  In some way, punish the AI for emptying the national torpedo stockpiles.

    Minor-  Keeping track of a ships entire history, and having the option of turning them into museum ships, etc.  Being able to go back, look at the battles, read the full logs of ships, just reliving the entire campaign.  That would all be simply incredible.

  12. In battle, torpedo tube size doesnt seem to be affect by the torpedo diameter.

    See in this picture how it near completely overlaps the strip of metal, & is practically touching the depth charge rack.


    This is how that same destroyer looks in battle, the deck strip is still visible & it isnt glued to the depth charge rack


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