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Edward Reynolds

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Posts posted by Edward Reynolds

  1. Yeah they have nothing prioritised to accuracy otherwise theyre not fast enough and get blasted to pieces - Its all speedy gonzales all day long. 

    And given you could just march a block of infantry directly at the bad guys and get a better result if direct damage is the mission, cant say I reccomend it. Using them as a distraction worked nicely, but if you dont micro the cav they end up running way the heck away from where you want them if they stop moving and start the auto retreat cav and skirmishers have.


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  2. Yeah latest version, requires stacked speed perks (at least 2 + general speed boost. 3+ and general is better.), perfect terrain, for the AI unit to not have a rotation buff (seems that way to me, maybe based on your comment all AI units turbo rotate which might explain why i can never out maneuver the bad guys with my infantry), and you have to appear out of concealment from a nice angle. 

    edit: I reckon you can get 1 full rotation if youre close enough without them being able to shoot you doing this. As long as the ground and perks are there however its relatively easy to pull off - however given how crap the six shooters are for actually shooting and you cant really use this to get a flank or rear charge its not that usefull currently in practice other then to
    1) Prevent shooting for a little bit as theyre rotating instead
    2) In theory you could use this to rotate the bad guy so you can charge or shoot flank/rear with a different unit. Havent tried this yet but now im gonna. 


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  3. I find aslong as the bad guys dont have one of the rotation perks and my cav has bonus speed from perks + the general perk its not too hard to kite infantry and arty with circling. Clear ground only of course, if theres any bush or swamp or steep ground its no bueno.
    Little bit of a lottery, but ill try get the bad guys to rotate first so I can see how fast they spin around before hand. 

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  4. Yeah right OK, thats what ive not been doing well is the distracting for the second shot :D Getting the unit inplace for the initial volley is fiddly enough. A single shot then right into a charge is the best ive managed.
    Trying for multiple shots ive been attempting on 1v1 situations with an isolated enemy unit of infantry, pop out of concealment and keep circling the unit so they keep rotating and cant get a shot off - goes poorly once i try stop and shoot as you might imagine!
    Generally Ill keep cav units in bunches of 2-3, have a go at charging with the first unit then blasting shots into the melee with the second.

    Only reason I upgrade cavalry above the Palmetto is for the better melee stats so the other 5 shots are a bit wasted for now. 

    Starting new campaign :D big battle went poorly. Most of my units are 500-1000, baddies are popping up with 2k plus and I got steam rolled. Well, lesson learned!

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  5. @pandakraut
    It may be placebo, but it seems to me the more casualties I inflict as Im getting better at the game the better weapons and stars the bad guy units are, Im on whatever the 2nd difficulty is called and im coming up against what appears to be a 50-30-20 mix of 1/2/3 star bad guys all with guns Texas or higher (current Mission is Winchester 2nd). The Grand Battle and 3 previous side missions all had no 0 star bad guy units, which seems weird to me. Although to be fair this is quite deep into the campaign so might be nothing. 
    I havent touched the config files yet, but given the ramp up in bad guy quality of men and equipment, im suspecting after this one Im toast and gonna have to start again with a new campaign haha my little trick to boost some unit sizes to swamp a flank on a particular Grand Battle has come back to bite my ass big time! All learning anyway, still loving the mod over vanialla so much. 

    Latest question, is it even possible to use melee cavalrys ranged attack effectively on the offence? 
    I might have seen 2-3 instances of it triggering ever naturally, and any time i try stop the unit up close for a couple of volleys they get shredded. Other wise i see it popping some times (quite rarely still) when mopping up routing units. Finger in the wind I reckon the range should be doubled to 120 - at least considering how ive managed to trigger volleys. I may be mishandling them badly!

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  6. Ah, that feels abit too much like punishing the player for either doing well, or for going with a high number low quality strategy for my tastes - so ill go fiddle with the config options and see what I can come up with to suit my tastes. 

    Bloody good of you to have those options available, much appreciated and thanks for the advice yet again dude :)

    On the unit size for the AI point, does the AI get a compensatory drop in equipment quality or its all upsides for the AI all around as their sizes increase?


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  7. Ive just save scummed a Grand Battle to try a different strategy, this time i drained by recruit pool and ran with lower quality equipment...is it just me or do bad guy units get bigger along side your own units?

    I was hoping to swamp some areas of the battle with human waves while running my existing elites as is, but it seems like the bad guys now just have way more soldiers. I want to say they might have 20k+ (totally guessing, could be much less)more men this time then my previous save.
    Are their units random or have I done something to influence this where the AI gets bonuses as my own army gets 'bigger'? 
    Their star levels appear the same, facing off generally every unit as 1-2 stars on their side, they just have a weirdly large number of lads all of a sudden.

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  8. That was very enlightening PaulD, thank you very much. 

    Now that Panda pointed me to the recruitpool stat tool tip (i had no idea that was there :D), ive just had a play around with some of the ideas you mentioned and have a much better understanding of how Training and the recruit pool works. 
    Time to restart my campaign!

    Using your disband method this morning I was able to pop out 1 star units with a captain. This is fantastic! I Also added Rookies with my boosted recruit pool (disbanded all my high skill units) to a garbage unit with crap stats and noticed that the units stats actually increased by a couple points.

    Starting to feel like I aaaaallmost know what im doing.

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  9. Bloody fantastic, thanks for the response :)
    Answers everything perfectly, other than the skill point per X - is the number a secret sauce or are you willing to spill the beans on how many points per each action is required for each skill?
    edit: nevermind, found the values in the unitModifiers.txt config. 

    Really enjoying all the wee gotchas of the game and mod, flippen great work!

    Another question:
    What is the relationship between a units Stars and its Stats. Seems to be some kind of generic bump to all Stats as a unit kicks up from 0-1, 1-2 etc stars. 

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  10. Dumb question time!

    Quite new to the game and mod so excuse my ignorance. Really loving the slower pace of Rebalance so cheers for the hard work :)

    How are stat increases from battle calculated?
    I see on the vanilla wiki melee is 1 point per 25 kills, and firearms is 1 point per 5x reload cycles.
    Is this still the case in Rebalance?

    How does the Career skill Training perk work? 
    The description and comments in this thread seem to indicate new troops will come with +10 (or whatever bonus based on skill points), but buying new vets on a rookie unit doesnt do anything to the unit stats for me and new units also appear (might be wrong) to not come with increased stats. 
    Some of the comments also seem to indicate high training will let you recruit 1 star units - ive not found this to be the case, everyones at 0 exp. 
    I reckon i have the wrong end of the stick on how this perk works. I dont have screen shots but ill see if i can remember tot to take some next campaign, last time i focused on training and got to 10 and felt like it was a total waste in terms of improving my units or giving them a head start - all it did was give me a discount on vets to maintain my units at their current level. 

    3. Is there a way to influence Corps and Division commander exp, or is it a set number per battle? I.e. its gonna just take 6 battles (or whatever) to get to the next rank. I ideally dont want to swap em out and have them risk their necks on line units + lose or have to build up Battles Lead bonuses, for whatever reason unit commanders seem to level up way faster.

    4. How do detatched skirmishers bring their exp and stat changes back to the parent unit. Multiplied down based on skill difference vs parent/detatchment man power at end of battle?

    Thanks in advance!

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