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Posts posted by Scorpion

  1. Lately, I've been encountering a bug with formations. It happens when the leader of a formation is hit and falls back.

    Sometimes, it seems when the other members of the formation also have some damage, the leader falls back and control is passed to a second ship, but since that ship also has damage, the control is then passed to a third ship, and so on, continuously.

    The situation devolves into a furball of ships continuously taking the lead and falling back, without chance of recovery, becoming uncontrollable.

    Has anyone else encountered this?

    (I also submitted a bug report ingame.)

    • Like 1
  2. I started a few missions in the Academy, and for some reason, when the battle started, ships:

    1 - did not reach the designed speed, the throttle bar was reded-out like the ship had received damage

    2 - rapidly pitched up and down like a playground see-saw in the first seconds of the battle, and then returned to a normal behaviour


    I first noticed this when I designed a ship for 20 knots, but it would only go at 19. I didn't give it much thought, but then in the "attack undefended convoy" mission, I designed a light cruiser to go to 30 knots, but since the begining of the mission, it was locked out to only 17, costing me the mission.

    Has anyone else noticed this behaviour?

    (I also reported this in-game.)

  3. 1 hour ago, SodaBit said:

    Okay, I know I said that ships should exceed their design speed by a bit to form up, but I think we might have over done that just a little
    That's a 10,000 ton cruiser moving At 73.5 Knots.
    To give you some idea of just how fast this is on land, that's equivalent to ~85 mph or 136 kph
    I don't think any ship, let alone any waterborne object has ever moved that fast.

    Running around at the speed of sound...

  4. 1 hour ago, Plazma said:

    I also don't understand why some fix/improvement are not including. Example:

    - Torpedo spotted, a yellow icon pop-ups and after ~3s disappeared and you don't know where torps anymore, THAT IS ANNOYING, why we can't have this icon permanent on the torpedo or like 60s? [...]

    - Save / load - why we can't have it? copy all date relating to the campaign to folder "save" and copy back to original localization if someone load it. [...]

    -Import / Export ships, maybe not super useful and important, but nice to have.

    -Smoke on compass or something like that

    While I don't share Plazma's assessment of how "easy" it would be to implement this, these 4 suggestions are in my personal top of needed Quality Of Life improvements.

    If your have a pop-up when the ship detects a torpedo, surely you should have some kind of UI feature tracking the torpedo. Even you (player) lost track of it during the battle, surely someone in the ship would keep a close eye on it, representing the UI feature tagging the torpedo.

    And it surely would be nice to be able to play more than 1 campaign simultaneously.

    • Like 2
  5. 48 minutes ago, Littorio said:

    I've been saying for ages if they are going to do this stupid smoke thing they need to give us relative bearings at least.

    YES. How many times have I been told "Enemy smoke spotted North", I proceed North and the enemy is nowhere to be found! I turn on the AI and my ships turn East, because I had been sailing due North and the enemy was sailing Northeast!

    I sure somewhere at the spotter's post there must've been some sort of compass. Provide an accurate bearing for the smoke! Or if you're going to stick with the cardinal directions, at least use the 16 instead of only 4! (E.G. instead of only North -> East, do North -> North-northeast -> Northeast -> East-northeast -> East.)

    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    The war in Ukraine has affected our development team, but the majority is able to continue to work on the game. Some of our teammates cannot participate at the moment and we wish they will be strong and safe, to continue later when the situation allows it. Stay tuned, as we plan to offer the next major update within this week. 


    Thank you for reading,

    The Game-Labs Team

    I think I speak for all of us when I say that no matter how awaited, no patch or release is more important than the lives of your team members. I hope they are all safe, and if they are not, that they will soon be!

    • Like 16
  7. On 12/2/2021 at 12:54 AM, akd said:

    Time compression at will, no restrictions, but a menu for events that drop time compression (and set these by default to "don't die stupidly" selections that the player can alter if they wish).

    +1 for this! Command: Modern Operations has this and I always have it set to pause the game when submarines or missiles are detected. It would have saved many of my ships when they detect a torpedo launch.

    • Like 4
  8. 7 hours ago, Gamebook said:

    Are we meant to be able to field monstrosities like this? This thing has all the tech maxed and all the torps and 14.1 inches of belt and turret armour as well. And it's exactly balanced.


    Oh god I hope so. One of the appeals of this game is being able to realize my demented fever dreams of a ship.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Please send a bug report when this happens, so we can fix it.
    Apparently this bug happens when you choose (wrongly) to not build any ships initially and continue. We shall fix tomorrow.

    That happened to me and I did design and build ships. A few of each type, too.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Do you continue to have this problem, as we cannot reproduce. Is anyone else having such a bug?

    Me too! I started the German campaign, designing my ships, with Random AI. I designed them, built them, crewed them (maybe? I don't know what was happening there, the game did not provide much feddback on what I was doing), and when I clicked next turn, the dialogue showed "Updating relationships" and it didn't budge.


    BTW, the only instructions the game gave me was a pop-up saying "design and build a fleet". In the build-a-ship menu, it shows you how many ships you're gonna buy and how much they will cost, but not how much money I have. The Research menu is similarly criptic. You have three "free priorities" but I can't tell what technologies I'm researching or when can I expect the research to be completed. Are the "free priorities" a boost? Are they the 3 technologies I am actually researching? Are there any downsides in selecting all 3 versus only 1? I do not know, the game does not tell me. The fleet menu has the option to "set ship crew". Should I? Do I have to? How many crew do I have available? And why can't I choose to which ports my ships are assigned to instead of their homeport being chosen at random?

    Just a few of the many questions that popped into my head when I played the campaign.

  11. @Nick Thomadis, the first step to solve a problem is to admit one has a problem. And you (by which I mean the Dev Team) have to admit, you have a communication problem. Before this patch announcement (on November 14th), your last post on the development of the game was on October 8th. That's more than a month without hearing from the Devs about how the game is going. This shouldn't be happening.

    Much of the negativity and toxicity you complain about are the result of the absence of contact from the developers. In the absence of information, people talk. And they start wondering if they sunk 50$ in a dead game. For the second time, I only get news of a new patch just after about a month of radio silence. That is not normal.

    We don't need much from you. Just a few sentences once in a while, to reassure us the game is on track. If you want to look at the gold standard, look at SCS Software's blog or the Factorio Dev Blog. They don't even have to show us new stuff. Hell, the most interesting posts on the Factorio devblog were about the various bugs and software issues they found and how they solved them.

    Please, consider this. And take this post in the spirit of good will and care that it was written in.

    • Like 8
  12. 7 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:
    • Keyboard input values for Displacement and Speed: Now you can alternatively type the desired values instead of using the slider.


    A much wanted change that has gone unmentioned! No longer will my OCD senses tingle at a ship whose tonnage is defined by a string of random numbers!

    • Like 1
  13. 20 hours ago, Skeksis said:

    Did you ever notice the flurry of comms with every update? No Sir, communication wasn’t a problem with every update.

    You misunderstand me. Not with every update, but since the last update. Since about two months ago, we've been virtually under radio silence about what's going on with Core Patch 1. Without information, minds wonder and people gossip.


    Like I said before, we don't need much, just a few lines every fortnight. But the golden standart, in my opinion, is the old Factorio Blog. A simple blogpost every Friday where the team explained the bugs they'd found and how they squashed them. They managed to make sprite tiling and pathfinding algorithms sound interesting! I know, we are not owed that, but a man can dream, can't he?

    • Like 7
  14. On 7/15/2021 at 12:12 PM, Nick Thomadis said:

    Guys, we are sorry for the silence. The campaign is in works, and it is the primary thing we do now. The game is certainly not dead. The version you play is stable so what remains as top priority for us is to provide for you the upcoming Core patch which will include the first campaign version and many other features you requested. When we finish what we consider essential, then we will provide all the necessary info and, of course, we will make the patch available.

    Guys, you gotta give us a proof of life once in a while. It doesn't have to be much, just a "hey, look at this cool texture!" or "look at this bug we squashed!" or even a "hey, look at this menu!". But you've got to drop us some little breadcrumbs once in a while that we can follow. Just something to show you're alive.

    Because otherwise you'll have people saying "the game is dead!" after a few weeks of radio silence. I know I felt anxious when I heard nothing from the devs for weeks after I just bit the bullet and bought the game at last. I knew it was a risk buying in at such an early phase, but it still didn't feel good.

    • Like 9
  15. 17 hours ago, Skeksis said:

    Ah yes it does. Skill is exactly what overcomes failure (something that's to hard to start with), this actually equals content, lots of it.

    I know I’m against the trend on this one but reducing this game to 2D battles would defeat the team's development energy for their 3D visual aspirations of this project.

    The "skill" in naval battles consists of planning your movement, considering the enemy's position and motions, maneuvering to get them into a trap, and target selection. Not wondering where the hell are my cruisers and having to wander around with the camera trying to find them for 5 minutes. The first one measures skill. The other is just makes gameplay more annoying.

    How many times has the second scenario happened after spending some time micromanaging a few battleships in the middle of a torpedo ballet? What excuse is there, in the year of our lord of 2021, to make the player spend precious time searching for it's own ships in a 3D POV instead of having a quick, easy mode to recall its position? Do you think ships didn't report their own position to the fleet? Or that maps and plotting boards are just fanciful myths and legends?

    To make an analogy, think of a football game. You could make a team play against a more skilled opponent. Or you could make them play against a regular team only with some yobs lobbing stones at them from the sidelines. The first makes them use their skill, the second just makes it harder.

    Adding an overhead map doesn't diminish you skill as a commander. It just makes book-keeping less annoying.

    And while we're at it, if we were to really go for the Admiral experience, shouldn't the 3D camera be anchored around the player's ships, sort of like in Atlantic fleet? They didn't have a bird's eye view of the enemy fleet at will in the XIXth century either. And I'm not saying this rhetorically, it could be a good idea so you dont know immediately what the enemy ships' class or what guns they are armed with is before they are even identified...

    • Like 2
  16. Yes! You need a map, with an overhead view, where you can plot waypoints for your fleet to follow!

    You need that map to have a sense of the relative positions of combatants, to plan ahead how to engage the enemy fleet, to engage on diversionary tactics, to flank, etc...

    Just because you make something harder and more confusing to accomplish, it doesn't mean it takes more "skill" to do it.

    • Like 1
  17. 3 hours ago, Cpt.Hissy said:

    "Oh yeah our navy's pride was sunk by a flash fire, repeatedly" (c) Beatty
    That's not a problem.
    the real academy's problem is wild random with in most cases average enemy power being set well above what player is given.

    That why the custom battle generator needs a budget/tonnage limiter to balance the odds.

    Each side could have it's budget or tonnage limited, either on the whole fleet, or in a ship class basis, or both.

    For instance, you could set Fleet A as having maximum 1.000.000 tons and Fleet B 1.500.000

     tons, and simultaneously, Fleet B's Battleships having to displace a maximum of 60.000 tons each and Battlecruisers 45.000 tons each.

  18. Hi there! First of all, I would like to confess I do not own UA:D. My only exposure to the game comes form these forums and Stealth17's gameplay videos. Having said that, I have a few ideas that I think would improve the random battle generator.

    If I understand Skesis' post correctly, he mainly focused on selecting previouslt designed ships from saves to fill out the fleet.

    I also like your idea to have divisions customised in the battle set up screen rather than during battle, it would cut off much confusion from the starting minutes of the battle. The only thing I would add is a separate overhead map where you could physically place your available ships in the formation you want them to be in.


    Besides this, I would add a fleet or ship-class "budget", either in terms of tons of displacement or building cost. That way, you can have more control over battles where the enemy fleet is A.I.-generated.

    For instance, imagine a random battle generator where, besides the nation and starting year, you can select the maximum tonnage (or cost) of the fleets participating. Or, after the number of ships in each class, you can select the maximum tonnage (or cost) of each ship in the class. Or both!

    What do you guys think?

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