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Posts posted by SeaWolf_

  1. 1 hour ago, victor said:

    I am a PVE player and liked much more the game before the patch

    My perception is that the mega patch - one dura, no teleport, costly ships and so on - has been implemented to answer to PVP players that asked for a more "hardcore" and "realist" and "difficult" game.

    So blaming the carebears for what the game has become seems to me quite a strange attitude.


    Calm down, I wasn't blaming carebears or pvers, I said devs need to listen to the veterans more instead of the pvers and care bears. After all this is a game that was developed for PvP combat not pve and running from fights. 

    • Like 1
  2. +1 OP is one of the first people that i pvped with against the brits on OW. The game has changed a lot for good and worse since then, but now its just focused on PVE and coast guarding. Maybe and hopefully the devs will wake up and start listening to the pvp veterans again, instead of the carebears and pvers.

    Me along with SeaHyena has been around since mid july 2014 testing, and has been playing every patch, update and change since then. When a bad patch came out that we didn't like we gave our opinion but we still played and tested. When a good patch/changes came out we also gave our opinion on it, but now its so bad that not only us but a good part of our clan as well can not stand to play the game. Everything is targeted towards pve and not actual PvP.

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    my most magical moment would be the first battle i ever had on na. it was one of the first large battles that happened on na i believe. here is the link to the vid(im "seawolf" ofc and SeaHyena is "sureshot"). 

    the fog in these battles was amazing. we split off in our own little groups/fights and had no idea where our allies or enemys were. at any moment a enemy or ally fleet could come and join in on the little battle.

    The next magical moment was the final battle vs WO in the tournament. doing fair fights vs other groups was a great experience that i wish would happen on NA more. 



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  4. 11 hours ago, koltes said:

    Watching you single shooting mast made me thinking...

    My ping on PVP1 is averaging 350+. On PVP2 is 200+. Demasting single shooting is nearlly impossible. Somehow even if the aim was perfect I keep missing. Maybe this has something to do with the 30ms ping you have which means its almost instant and mine makes my aim half a second off, dont know.


    Ping doesn't matter all that much on na, even for demasting. I get around 200ping(pvpeu and the main server I play on) and i'm one of the best surp duel demasters(I snipe masts a lot and never lost a demast duel). Its just all about practice and eventually you won't notice the ping or the delay when trying to snipe masts

    • Like 7
  5. 22 hours ago, Christendom said:

    Am I?  I can be pretty good when I feel inclined to be.  I don't broadside my own team on purpose like the great Babay, so that's something.  You guys always seem to be singing a different tune after I cap one or 2 of you a fight.  Can you handle the master of boarding?

    Too bad you didn't do this months ago when people gave a shit, it could of been fun. Oh well.  Maybe I'll match your 10mil and fill a ship with paints or a BP and sail around while streaming it for all 100 people on the server to watch.  

    At least when King of Crowns put a bounty on me months ago he had the cajones to do it when gold mattered.  

    See you out there snow flakes!

    PS - 10 mil is a paltry sum to the guy who made you guys flee servers IMO

    calm down christen, this kind of makes me want to play again to just sink you once more <3

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