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Posts posted by Pappnase

  1. I have read a little bit about Trincomalee. She was used around 1850 as a corvette. Of course she was build earlier as a Leda class, but when she was recommisoned (hope it's the right word) she received a new (for that time modern) stern. So actually the stern of the ingame Trincomalee is from 1850. Isn't that way to modern for Naval Action?

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  2. That depends of course how easy and fast you can get a SoL. I hope it will be a lot of work and lots of hours gaming to get one or a second rate. Another Idea might be, that you only get the big ones when you are in a clan (let's call it a fleet. Clan sounds dumb). If I am right, no pirate, no single independent captain, merchantman or freeboter had a 3rd/2nd/1st rate ship. And no lone wolf would try to fuck with SoL of a fleet

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