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Cavalry Enthusiast

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Everything posted by Cavalry Enthusiast

  1. To me it don't really matter all that much if we get ACW 2 or the Napoleonic era in the game following UG: 1778. But there is one thing I'd like to see. Lancer cavalry and horse artillery. Being mostly interested in winning with cavalry tactics the oppertunities to take horse artillery for fast movement of guns to support cavalry manouvers and lancer cavalry to try my skill with a type of cavalry that can quickly break their targets in chock actions are things I would really want to get my hands on. Yeah, I can hear you laughing at the lances, but I want to see if I can make them carry the day with combined arms tactics and get a cavalry that can be equipped to deliver a more brutal charge than the sabre can at present.
  2. Yes, something like that. I will admit I am a little disappointed we didn't get Ultimate General: Napoleonic Wars, but hey, you can't get everything you want. And this looks pretty sweet as well.
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