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Posts posted by Elite06

  1. so i have tried this mission.. idk even how many times, at least 50 times.. and its literally the same thing EVERY time.. enemy BB, who has 4x 3 barrel 14" main guns, 2x 2 barrel 6", 6x 2 barrel 4", 3x 2 barrel 3"  secondaries each side,  , as well as almost every upgrade you can have somehow... many bulkheads, antitorp V, AUX III, Shaft II, Krupp IV, Barbette IV, Triple hull bottom, Re enforced bulkheads I, Antiflood III, Citadel V, super heavy shells, Cordite II explosives, electrical turrets, standard reloading, fast 21in torps (two launchers each side), RNG S IV rangefinding, sonar III, RDF radio, Gen 1 radar. this combined with, 13.3in belt, 7.2 belt extended, 7.2 deck, 3.7 deck extended, 18.1 turret, 6.1 turret top, 7.2 secondaries. all of this, while SOMEHOW coming it at a total of 58,500t... and im supposed to sink this thing with a battlecruiser? i managed to throw 7 torps into it with the two pathetic DDs you get for an escort, resulting in a measly 386 damage.. and the friendly BB? not even close to being in the fight yet... starts off at 80km away moving at 24kts?!?! there is NO WAY this thing will EVER get to the fight in time. even if it does, its a measly 40,300t battleship, with hardly anything on it...3x 3 barrel 15" guns, and a handful of secondaries...  Not even considering the THREE heavy cruisers that are escorting it. These arent a random rare spawn either, i consistantly get VERY overpowered, super tiered enemy CA's and the BB, while getting a absolute crap BB who is MILES away, and a couple of crap DD's. i cant beat them at range, and i cant beat them in a brawl, as i cant mount good antitorp on the ship and have any decent guns (im already only mounting 4x 2 barrel 12" guns with my max armor at 14" and can only fit antitorp I)... also.. these guys somehow spot and begin firing at me, both my DD's, and all the TR's at 20km the second the mission starts, yet i cant see any of them until i get within 17km?!?!





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  2. I have noticed that failing to load (insert ship type here) 10 times, is a common issue i am running into. i see others have seen this problem as well, and its being taken as a rare occurrence, yet i have had this happen 4 times in the last 3 hours. (4 out of 10 battles (some of these missions you can tell if your ship design will fail in the first 10 minutes)) this is a 40% fail rate, i would hardly consider this rare. This causes you to force close the game, and reload. Is there something i can do to minimize this occurrence or is it something we will have to deal with until a fix is found?

  3. Most hated missions...  destroy full fleet, prove your might, Ive spent hours and hours on these 2 missions, attempted  at least 30 times, .. ive given up at this point on these missions.. just not worth the effort at this point, its more annoying than fun. i really like these kind of creative games, but not when its "create what the devs want" to succeed game... ive also found a massive bug, when launching torpedoes while in a formation, only the lead ship will launch, all the others refuse to launch, even when well within range, and set to aggressive... here is a perfect example, ive got 4x4 torp launchers, all loaded, set to aggressive, with an enemy ship inbound at 6km, with a 22km range on my torps, yet it absolutely REFUSES to fire. the lead ship fired, and the rest refused, i then broke them out of formation, hoping they would fire, still nothing.  they wont launch on the BB's who at this point are only 9km away, wont fire at literally anything. how is this mission possible if the DD's wont launch their torps?!?!?! ok so im literally done with this banzia mission.. literally rediculious.. you cant get ahead of the enemy convoy, as they somehow detect you at 19km away and turn away.. also, how in the hell do you hit a ship that is constantly turning? ive launched so many torp spreads attempting this mission, and the best ive done is sink 2 of the BB's with lucky hits... how are you supposed to possibly sink them all? you cant carry near enough torps to do that...

    torps no launch.png

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