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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. I'm new to the game but have been playing a lot since I got the game on Sunday. I don't know if I am missing something or if it's just not implemented yet but I would appreciate a way to stop the lead ships in a squadron auto changing when it takes a hit. I was driving a squad of 3 fast destroyers into torpedo range of a BB escorted by DD's, I was dodging the torps from the DD's on the way in when the lead ship took a shell hit (about 25% damage, slight flooding but otherwise ok) and I suddenly lost control of the ship and it turned directly into 3 torps I would otherwise have not hit. If I had realized in time I may have been able to pause, detach, and dodge but I only had a few seconds. So, I would like it if the game auto paused when it makes a change as to the ship you are controlling, or the ability to disable the auto change or make it so that when the AI takes over a ship it doesn't turn into the path of an incoming torpedo spread.
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