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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. I want to say that I would love to have access to what I just saw the AI use against me that being a pair of Battlecruisers with a single hull mounted torpedo launcher launching them in a constant stream against my ship. As the battle wound down to the two BCs versus my one remaining DN, I finally started to land hits against the BCs only to see a pair of torps coming at me from separate angles, as if both had fired one each, on both I see the torp launch indicated showing each is about 25% reloaded. I am turning full right rudder and see another torpedo, followed by another and another etc, I lost count around the fifteenth torpedo, yet they kept coming, all the while it shows neither BC has reloaded torps yet, luckily I am still turning inside of these, but they are still blasting away at while I cant hit anything in such a wild turn. Finally I see the lead BC has run out of torps, so maybe now I can try to eek out a victory, when a pair of torps come from too far in front to avoid again and I am dead. The irritating part is that the lead BC had to be the source, though it was out of torps, nevermind the fact that neither one of them had a double launcher. So I am throwing the BS flag, I won't say its a cheat since the designer has repeated stated that he detests cheating AI and I choose to believe that. However, it is one hell of a beneficial glitch for the AI...I would love the same glitch in my arsenal. Rant complete (FYI I had managed to take out the two torpedo carrying CAs so I know they didn't launch these.)
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