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  1. Ah Naval Ops they were truly the Best ps2 naval games out there in my personal opinion.
  2. KMS Muspelheim again in combat like I said I'd post, I have some other pictures of it from Crew POV, might post them might not, will PM them to anyone's who's interested.
  3. sadly we dont have her AA rocket turrets to mount to her. The HMS Hood's I mean.
  4. My Battle-cruiser KMS Muspelheim. It is actually my 1st mixed main battery ship, its running 2x3 356mm mk4's and 2x3 381mm mk4's. the main reason why was the 381's wouldnt fit on the forward bridge barbette and the aft bridge barbette so I had to mount the next best thing being the 356mm cannons. also its a bit of a sneaky underhanded ship to fight against at range, 38kn speed with 30km range for its main guns, 24km torpedo range and it packs 24in oxygen torpedo's 14x underwater tubes and 4x5 deck launchers. Enemy ships trying to dodge the gunfire usually end up finding out about the torpedo's the hard way and sink before they realized their mistake. 2x3 174mm mk5, 1x3 203mm mk4, 6x3 152mm mk5, 6x3 51mm mk5, and finally 8x3 76mm mk5's are the secondary weaponry. I"m pretty proud of this ship as it is the 1st BC I have built that I actually feel comfortable with and blown past my expectations for it in performance and efficiency. (I actually had poor expectations of for it, I was not expecting its mobility to be as good as it turned out to be and its protection was quite good for surviving at 12km to 30km ranges) (had fun with taking the pictures having them be from area's you'd expect a dock worker to take them from if they were being payed a little extra by someone XD, the overhead picture is just for you all to see its profile though. I'll be posting some nice pics of it in combat as well.)
  5. Could Custom battle get the option to unlock all tech when you choose unlock all hull, or have the proper tech applied when the year and nation that the player has set? I'm bringing this because currently with this new patch I'm having mark 3 203mm turrets for japan when they used mark 5 for japan 1940 and again mark 3 457mm turrets when yamato again ran mk4's. I just wanted to bring this to the dev's attention but I had no idea where to place and yes the issue continues the other nations as well hence me asking could the option be given to unlock all tech to lv5 or have the tech properly scale to nations and tech year in custom battles. Thank you for the taking the time to read this.
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