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Posts posted by Wowzery

  1. In regards to #1, I think its you need to have 100k tons of warships in sea area the ports are part of, then what area you are trying to conquer will have a port with a small circle.  You must have your fleet within that area.

    If you wanted to invade Saipan you'd need 100k tons of ships in a fleet in the Philippines Sea.  Then you'd need whatever tonnage close to the port, within the circle, to have a chance of a successful invasion.

    I don't know if this is what you are doing, but its always worked for me.

    • Like 1
  2. I still think there should be a suggestion of what to invade.  It doesn't mean you will succeed in initiating an invasion and take a corresponding hit on your prestige as a penalty.  Maybe the higher your prestige the easier it is to invade, while a low prestige the harder it would be.

    Like a war invasion you would need a fleet parked in the area.

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  3. On 11/24/2023 at 10:10 AM, AdmiralMandalore said:

    Countries dissolving/collapsing while at war when down 1 million points in a war not getting out “scott free” as if your country takes no war goals, and allow a country that was utterly defeated to reform/be split to a million pieces. Currently, it punishes the player for winning.

    I like this.  Lately I've avoided some battles against transports to avoid causing a country to go under and lose the ability to invade/take the territories.

    Or allow a better system to suggest invasions of territories which have no government from a nation which has gone dissolved.

  4. This has been a thing for a while now.  I've only seen this massive weight increase on battleships, not cruisers. Its really to the point you either build a battleship with iron, or wait until you get the first Krupp armor as anything else is too heavy to build a well armored battleship.

  5. I understand the shipbuilding.  I've had to suspend or cancel ships because of that.  Would also be nice to see your shipbuilding capacity when a friendly asks you to build something for them.

    As for moving ships to port.  I know this has been discussed before.  When you moved you actually didn't select the port, but a spot very close despite what you think you saw.  I'd like to see a bit different port screen if you select it compared to regular movement.  As to what causes it, not sure.  It does feel like at times the UI can be extremely picky and other times, your cursor just has to be in the vicinity of the port when you click.

  6. I haven't figured out this armor either.  If I create a battleship, switching from iron to anything other than Krupp increases weight, some cases a lot.  In a cruiser it seems like the weight decreases.

    And this is doing nothing other than changing the armor.

    I honestly don't bother creating a battleship anymore until I have a dreadnought hull and Krupp armor.

  7. On 5/11/2023 at 10:02 PM, MyTeitoku said:

    I'm aware of that "somewhere is considered as a threat and we are gonna invade it" but I hope devs can make it possible for players to invade at our will.

    Personally I'd like the ability to influence where there is still the chance the government doesn't do what you want. 

  8. Just a few observations for things to fix for the campaign to perhaps make things better.  I'm also currently running 1.2.0 as of this writing.

    1.  The map, continuous scrolling.  Its not as fun playing Japan or China if you have to scroll all the way to the other side to see the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean.

    2.  Tweaking how quickly a nation will dissolve (don't think that's the correct term used in game).  It takes some of the fun away when playing a game starting in 1890 and by 1910 3-5 nations are gone. Perhaps a period of time where the country is undergoing a revolt then returns (with all areas) under a new government system and reduced fleet.

    3. Being able to influence invading a third nation.  I see it like park a fleet off the coast of the area you want to invade, next turn you're given the option if you want to influence the government to invade.  Next turn the government either does or doesn't.  If it doesn't you can't retry for a couple of turns later.  The random invasions is just too few and random to do anything with.

    4.  Perhaps a shipyard capacity increase when at war. A bit like there is an economic increase.

    5. Tone down how quickly other nations go to war with each other.


  9. I know nations can dissolve during a campaign, but lately starting in 1890 by 1900 I'll have 1-3 primary nations will have dissolved. 

    I'm not sure if its just a run of bad luck on my part or if there is something in the code calculations which makes nations fold so quickly.  Losing so many so early just doesn't make the game as fun IMO.

  10. 4 hours ago, Bennygames said:

    I mean, a US-citizen would probably also be outraged if the confederate flag was used to represent the US in 1940.

    The problem with this analogy is the Confederate flag represents a different country. It was never intended to represent the USA.  Anyone who does us it that way doesn't know history.

    Now, could you have a hypothetical Confederate States of America, and use that flag, yes.  (RtW2 has this country in it, I've even played as it).  Would be an interesting what if to play.

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  11. I do a lot of real ships for my YT channel, and everyone it seems there is a struggle to balance the ship.  Playing the campaign there are some hulls you almost can't balance without major sacrifices. 

    Many times in the campaign, especially with TB and DDs early on, I just don't even try to balance them.  And many other designs I just look for it to be under 20%.

    How much do others care about this stat?  Is it too sensitive?  Not enough? Don't look at it?


  12. On 11/22/2022 at 2:34 AM, Marshall99 said:

    Oh and the most important thing! I still don't have Battlecruiser hulls, wich is strange because in 1915 many nations had battlecruisers already. And I still can't build them

    Yeah, the cruiser tech doesn't make much sense.  I can build dreadnoughts most games by 1900, but battlecruisers lag way behind.  And for most of that I'm still designing cruisers like a pre-dreadnought.

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