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Posts posted by cj95



    Me:   Spending hours and hours replaying this scenario over and over.  Trying various configurations without success....either transports or my battleship, or BOTH going to the bottom in flames....


    Also Me: (looking at clock) ugh...I have to leave for work in ten minutes....Ill run one more game on full time compression 5X and just sail in a straight line while I get dressed.


    Computer ME:  (Ding) Success...you have won the battle!




    Yeah...well a win is a win I guess....even if I didn't even hit the keyboard.

    2x13" turrets and 4x 7" turrets for the record......17 knot top speed with armor maxed out.



  2. Hey all.

    I was wondering have we established a list of possible real world ships able to be created in the designer?


    I don't mean  "near-analogues" but rather actual real world designs.

    For instance I know we have the HMS Dreadnoughts hull, and I think I heard Hood was on the way perhaps?  I think the iowa class is modeled, and the pre-dreadnought hulls look similar to some British and French designs but I have not nailed down what exact ships they took the parts from.


    Im really really hoping to be able to model real world ships and not really mish-mash fantasy designs and was wondering if we had a parts list yet.

  3. Greetings,


    Maybe I missed it, but im looking for some clarification on the gunnery modifiers on the left side of my screen.

    I notice a base chance tied to range which typically is in the 1-3% range.

    Following there is a whole slew of modifiers good and bad, however they don't seem to have any effect on the final hit % numbers that I can tell.

    Ive had a base chance of 3%....followed by modifiers that total well over +80% if you total them all in (even subtracting out the negatives) but the end result still only comes to like 4% if im lucky.


    How does the math work on this?

    It seems not to add up as straight bonuses so im assuming there is a formula somewhere?


    Thanks for any enlightenment on how all the numbers work.



    Ive been looking for a  replacement to my old JUTLAND and DISTANT GUNS game and this seems to have great potential.

    I'm Very thrilled for the possibilities tied to this game, and forward to further development.

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