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Everything posted by Dread2005

  1. well the enemy trader is not going to get killed in the harbour after delivering either.... so somehow the enemy wants those goods or? 😜
  2. Hi Comm, hi Devs Its a hard live out there to make money by trader missions with your tbrig or tsnow. right now i can fullfill about 33% here a idea which might be interesting for all it would make more PVP related options i think give the nation/harbour a effectiv bonus in some way if any Player of any other or own Nation can fullfill a Trader Mission to the harbour give a negativ effect, if missions to this harbour fail, the effect should be against the Nation if possible Goal of this is: player of the Nation from the destiantion Harbour will not attack enemy player which trade to there own city! player need to hunt down enemy player trader ships at other Nations harbours, so they are in dangerous waters themself player of the Nation from the destination Harbour will help the enemy player which is in trouble because they need this mission fullfilled future, make it worth to escort other players as soon as they need to move goods/cargo in some way what do you think?
  3. and now, will i get an exchange and will it be fixed??? how or where can i view my open cases which i send by ingame F11???
  4. i bought a Trader Cutter snet him to another oupost by Tow License! in the other outpost the Trader Cutter suddenly had 100% Cargo, but it was empty (zero of zero Slots filled!) i cant leave port, i cant delet ot sell the trader cutter.... i tried severel things to debug... for example use the tcutter as a fleetship... THIS made everything really worth... my main ship essex got suddenly converted to a Trader Cutter... and i could not leav port with my tradercutters.... than later i noticed, that the trader cutter which i moved before still was in the old Port!! my bad again i tried to fix it delet it.... lost some mor ships and credits... cant delet the oupost because of this damm trader cutter, didnt try to move it again with tow licenc, i am afraid of destroying mor of my ships... i waited till after maintenance and change lang settings nothing helped.... pls help me lost a essex a indefatigable and some smaller ships... arg
  5. since the last patch from yesterday i cant anymore redeem my Hercules DLC ship.... it says its succesfull redeemed, but its not in any port of my outposts listed and the reset timer is not starting to count, i pushed 100x redeem... nothing happens change lang, rebootet game and steam... waited after maintenance nothing helped...
  6. is this intended? well why does the mission scale up? if i bring 3 ships (rank5 and 2x rank7) the NPC fleet gets 3x rank 3 ships.... but the quest tells the enemy is 1x rank 3.... this is somehow a wrong concept in my eyes, i am only going to hunt open world NPCs because then its not going to scale more ships....
  7. I lost one of my Ships, because there was no info/warning to me that if they are not set to retreat and sailed out of battle before me they are lost.... so i as noob would say, tell me that i am going to lose ships, if i leave battle....
  8. cool, so this let me take more than 10 missions, interesting... ty
  9. Hi INK, thx for replying so fast, that means i can cancle my faild mission? or any chance that ill get this recovered, i am very new and so a very poor captain right now... ingame!
  10. sure? so its intened, that i lose all my Ai fleet ships? there was no warning... telling me that this could happen!!! btw i opend a Bugreport with F11 right after it happend... can i see the Progress of my open Case somewhere?
  11. In the Screenshot you can see the Timstamp of a battle against a AI Fleet of 1x Spain Snow! I started this battle as fun, and to find out if my AI Fleet Ships can help me to get Battle EXP! My Fleet was 3 Ships Trader Snow(main ME), a Surprise(AI) and another Trader Snow(AI) The Battle was not long, maybe 10 min, then i left battle i did not shot Guns myself, only made Orders to AI Ai Surprise (Destroy Snow) Ai Trader Snow (Demast Snow) all my Ally Fleet Ai Ships where not really harmed or damaged.... i just left battle and entered nearby Port La Guanaja. Time of Battle was 23/08/19 3:17 in Port i only had my Trader Snow and the Surprise of the Fleet left, the other Ai controled Trader Snow was totaly gone! sadly i had 1x Cargo Mission item in there.... i hope someone can fast recover me this ship and cargo mission item ( mission goes 9 Days...) thx
  12. hi all do i get EXP if my NPC Ship of the Fleet does Damage the enemy? lets say ill take a T Snow and my NPC gets the Surprise, and i let him do all the Work, will i get lesser EXP or no EXP? i could go and try it i know, but right now at work and to lazy not the time to test so did someone try this?
  13. its not just with mission, its with all items i do aswell fill my cargo up with "trade goods" manualy, to sell them so ill need to gether them into one spot from my 3x traders fleet ships
  14. me as noob had a hard time to find out, that i cant sell accomplish mission and and, if my needed items are in a Trader of my Fleet and not in my Main Ships Cargo... well i no do a send to depot command, but for easy just count all items/storage palces in Port/Ships as one for some interactions in Port
  15. i am a noob, so not sure if i miss some of the things ill mention here... i started as Pirate on PvP because of a friend of mine! thats fine i just would like to see more Piratelike mechaniks! - Pirates can use any Flag of any Nation, till the start a Fight. if a pirate Player kills many of one Nation, he gets a foe for them - Pirates are always in war with any Nation - Other nations can have Peace and form a Alliance against other nations and and not sure if this is doable now, or if there is a plan for something in this direction, but would make things more interessting, get suddenly attacked by a Spanisch player (which reveals aas Pirate)
  16. thx, thats cool, not the newst infos, but looks up to date so far
  17. i as a noob read many things in here, about 95% did change in game and are not up to date sadly... i hope someone can get fresh Infos into this Forum pls, and well all the Wikis as well are outdated again...
  18. i and my mate formed up a team, and wanted to run killmissions, but the mission ships get doubled because my mate joind me we did not fight against 1x ship, no it was against 2x ships.... and well only i got the questreward... so mor work for the same reward! can we lets say share quest with group or double quest reward and share after with mate? sidenote, its easier to run open word hunt missions, because than you can go in as fleet, but enemy gets no reenforcement ships! somehow strange, why in missions and not in open world? or just dont do it in missions, let the ships be same as if played singel?
  19. this again is some unneeded micromanagement, i always, really always forget to which towns i need to bring my mission trades/people so ill open quesstlogs tousend times and then again klick on the quests one by one between looking to the map or better idea, let me open the questlog insede the mapview... ,that would help alot
  20. i do some Trading at a sidewindow, well that works pretty well, but it would be Great if i get a Timer that roughly tell me when my ship hits the end of my navline... like 5 - 10 minutes in realtime. it must not be super predictable just a rough info btw multiple navpoints would be fantastic aswell
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