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Victor Hugues

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Posts posted by Victor Hugues

  1. Maybe could you prevent or put a message indicating that isn't possible to capture a DLC ship to another player. Because I tryed with a Victory 1765 and I was teleported to a port with nothing. I had a lot of doubloons and repairs inside this one. Thank you very much

  2. 1 hour ago, BoatyMcBoatFace said:


    you just buy them from others. not hard to find now at all. cheap too compared to months ago. 

    or is there something about "small clans" "small nations" that prevent u from making money as well? always same demands.. people want 1 man nations with all handed to them free

    I don't see why big clans should have the privilege to sell blueprints, when they already have the advantage of the number of players to find them easy.

    I recently saw a seasoning shed blueprint for 2 millions in a free port, it's still very expensive

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  3. On 4/27/2020 at 10:40 AM, Jan van Santen said:

    You still didnt answer my question about investments. Only a new player who hasnt invested much can make a suggestion like yours which is nothing but a near wipe for many players. Dev statement: No more wipes after release. 

    No player would lose their investments, the ships acquired before would be preserved, the purchased ships would be preserved, shipyards could be used to make futur or neutral ships like 3rd rate, or to use a permit that we stole. Shouldn't that be the primary goal of a pirate ? If they take pleasure in comfort, so pirates have really changed.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Jan van Santen said:

    Indiaman is Swedish btw. 

    Based on a drawing from a book by Swedish shipwright Fredrik Henrik af Chapman 



    Overall a rather imbalanced suggestion.


    My list isn't very precise, but these are details... Thanks.

    11 minutes ago, Jan van Santen said:

    Why did I invest a ton of dubs into a lvl 3 shipyard if all I can build now as Pirate is a PFrig ???


    I think the reason why we choose the pirate faction is the freedom or the challenge. Probably not for comfort and technology of an empire ?

  5. 18 hours ago, Snoopy said:

    Are you sure limiting competitive first rates to France and Spain and restricting everyone else to the Redoutable is the way forward? 😛

    Yes, I think it would add a level of difficulty depending on the faction choosen, like in any other strategy game.

    A team of good players in Redoutable can be redoubtable.

    18 hours ago, Snoopy said:

    For even fuller 'historicity' :)

    • Trincomalee => UK, France (which had the ships the Leda class was based on)
    • Victory => UK, Russia (they built a handful of them)
    • Diana => Spain
    • Surprise => France
    • Santa Cecilia => UK
    • Rattlesnake => US
    • Leopard => UK
    • Hercules => neutral 😛
    • Hermione => France
    • Pandora => UK
    • *Brig => US
    • *Snow => UK
    • *Lynx => US
    • Endymion => UK, France (Pomone)
    • Rattvisan => SE
    • Redoutable => FR, UK (they built a few of them)



    16 hours ago, Sento de Benimaclet said:

    Victor, Diana was a spanish ship, built in Mahón 1792. Saludos.

    Thanks for your precisions.

    For purchased ships I don't think we can go back.

    17 hours ago, mexicanbatman said:

    but i dont wanna be prussian to sail my wapens


    If this update were to be released it would not be retroactive, so each player would keep his ships... until he sunk with.

  6. In order to increase realism and historical coherence to the game, I suggest to assign ship permits only for its historic nation. This would increase interest for each nation, to try them all, and let the player choose their level of difficulty. That won't prevent each nation to capture ships to the opposing nations, or find note if it needed exotic ships.


    Thank you for your attention.



    France :

    L'Océan, Le Bucentaure, Implacable, La Belle-Poule, La Renommée, Le Gros Ventre


    Spain :

    Santisima Trinidad, Diana


    England :

    Victory, Bellona, Agamemnon, Indefatigable, Leopard, Cerberus, Endymion, Indiaman, Santa Cecilia, Surprise, Trincomalee, Roukie Snow, Snow, Pickle


    Danmark :

    Christian VII


    Russia :

    St Pavel, Ingermanland, Frigate, Mercury


    Sweden :



    Netherlands :

    Admiraal de Ruyter, Indiaman, Yatch


    USA :

    USS Constitution, USS United-States, Essex, Niagara, Prince de Neufchâtel, Rattlesnake, Rattlesnake Heavy, Brig, Navy Brig, Lynx


    Prussia :

    Wappen von Hamburg


    Pirates :

    Pirate Frigate


    For all nations :

    3rd rate, Redoutable, Leopard, Rattvisan, Hercule, L'Hermione, Pandora, Le Requin, Mortar Brig, Trader Brig, Trader Snow, Basic Cutter, Cutter, Gun Boat, Privateer, Trader cutter, Trader Lynx

    • Sad 4
  7. Objection, your honor !

    Screenshots don't prove anythings. Collisions are normal when we aren't used to playing together...

    Every fair justice must have in mind that in absence of clear evidence, it's better not to condemn a guilty person that to condemn an innocent person.

    I ask that he be declared innocent ! Thank you very much for your wisdom.

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  8. Cela est juste mon avis, mais s'il y avait autant de temps investi avec les GB et VP qu'il y en a de perdu avec les russes, ces derniers n'auraient déjà plus un seul port sur la map. Et on réglerait par la même occasion cette incohérence historique que les devs ne veulent pas régler eux-mêmes.

    Il y a 12 jours à peine, la nation russe tremblait devant l’ampleur du multi-flip. Ne commençons pas à nous débiner sous prétexte qu'ils nous ont pris PaP, flippé à une heure où il n'y a personne chez nous. La seule stratégie qui fonctionne pour les petites nations, c'est coalition et multi-flip. Les russes eux l'ont bien compris depuis, d'où leur précipitation à vouloir faire un accord avec nous, pour que ça cesse... Sauf que, quel serait pour nous l'intérêt de faire un accord avec les russes, la nation qui a tout le monde contre elle ? On aurait immédiatement après les autres nations contre nous, GB et VP en tête. Je me suis fait copieusement insulter la seule fois où j'ai fait équipe avec un russe à la patrol Tumbado face à deux danois.

    Donc pesons bien le pour et le contre avant de décider quoi que ce soit.





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