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Donkey Kong

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Everything posted by Donkey Kong

  1. Thanks, appreciate the help, I'll probably be back here later with some questions.
  2. Thank you, this was very helpful, I'm going to try and take your advice and I'll post back here if I'm still struggling with the game. One of the things that I'm also wondering, when you guys begin a campaign or battle, do you review all the stats and attributes of all your troops, such as morale, stamina, etc? Do you think that is necessary to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your army before you start issuing commands?
  3. Oh, one more thing I forgot to ask. My first goal is just to learn the basic keyboard and mouse commands. Is this a complete and comprehensive list of all commands you can issue on the battlefield? • Halt/Hold (Space key) • Double Quick (R key) • Charge (C key) • Fall Back (F key) • Combine/Split Division (Y key) • Mount/Dismount (M key) • Limber/Unlimber (M key) • Hold fire (H key) • Withdraw (G key) • AI The rule book is pretty long and spread out, so I feel like I may have missed some important things. Are there more commands to know, or is this basically it?
  4. Thanks for posting those guides, I'm sure they will help. I'm a little confused on which campaigns or battles you guys think will be easiest for me to begin with. For instance, not sure what you mean by "play the first couple of missions leading up to Bull Run", because Bull Run was historically the first battle of the Civil War, there weren't any battles leading up to it. Bull Run is actually the first non-campaign battle that you can select, and you are immediately in charge of a huge army in a massive map, which is what overwhelmed me in the first place. Thanks for the help so far!
  5. Thanks, I'm not really looking for a walkthrough, more of a guide to how to interact with the overwhelming large game interface and map, how to understand, move, and manage so many troops, and the very basics of strategy, but whatever you can point me towards I'm sure will be helpful.
  6. I've read all the instructions and decided to play the Battle of Bull Run, which I've studied historically. My first experience of this game was just feeling overwhelmed by the number of troops you control and how big the map is. It was very tempting and easy to simply circle all my troops on the right side of the field and direct the entire group toward my enemy. Within a few minutes I had taken over a major objective point. I tried this with some other targets and it worked also. I realize this is a very stupid and unsophisticated way to play, just pointing and clicking like a video game, so I am hoping some videos or tutorials can help me really understand the right way to play this game. Are there any such tutorials or guidance for me? Thanks.
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