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Posts posted by Rorgan

  1. Hi!

    I have a question about nation change, hopefully someone can give me accurate answer before i screw up all my assets!

    As far as i know, i will have to move all my assets to a Free Port and close all outposts in national ports before i use the redeemable item.

    The description says "Neutral Port" so thats means a neutral port works too or its have to be a free port?



  2. Im so sad to see that there are players who think its completely normal and should be promoted / rewarded to farm newbies in capital zones.

    Don't you understand thats killing the game?

    Thats the main reason 90% of the players leaving before even starting to enjoy NA.

    Basically you destroying the player retention of the game and that should be fixed ASAP or you will end up playing all alone.

    Sure some of you gankers have some no risk fun and even received great rewards for doing this..(pvp marks) meanwhile the population of some nations (looking at you USA) slowly decreasing to zero.

    Just take a look at other "more" successful games, i can't tell you one single MMO/Sandbox where newbies and starting zones have zero protection.

    POTBS did this right, EVE-online doing this right and the list goes on, meanwhile in NA ganking newbies is promoted and even supported with nasty toys like the Le Requin...


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  3. I suggest what already mentioned before..

    The player credited the kill, gets the right to loot, if he leave the battle or die the loot is free to take for everyone.

    Theres one more important thing worth to mention here!

    I played many MMO including POTBS and EVE-online, all had their own rules for looting and worked great in that environment, but its whole different in NA.

    Its very hard (if not impossible) to get loot in time with anything bigger than a 5th rate, especially in pvp or large  AI battles where you go up against multiple opponents.

    Basically you have to plan your whole tactics around looting if you want to get anything from the sinking wrecks and i think thats a bad game design.


    My suggestion is to make looting easier, increase the range of looting to 100m+ or anything works and remove the speed restriction.

    I know its not realistic but its don't have to be anyways, the gameplay is much more important in this case.

    This will resolve all the problems with looting, no more wasting of 10 minutes sailing around to grab the loot if you even have a chance before all wrecks sunk and you can get your well deserved reward for your efforts (if you can take it home).

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