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Posts posted by ws7

  1. staticMode? Yes! you are geniuses (both) :) this is what I needed. Briefly tested 1.28.3t8, now the enemies are of adequate size, thank you very much!

    1 hour ago, pandakraut said:

    Enemy weapons and experience do not scale off the player army in any way.

    AIscalingExperienceMultiplier, =0 AIscalingWeaponMultiplier, =0 - with the staticMode ON  will it mean that the game uses the base/on date parameters, or will it reset the values to (0 exp level units/commander and only cheap muskets and 6 pdr)?

    and lastly, I will not take up your time anymore (I will look into your discord more often):

    is there any way to make the guns fire only the canister (ban on waste shell-fire)? it is probably difficult to remake the interface like this, but then may be a way to make duplicates for some guns, with a limited firing radius? Or is it also divided by an internal game-engine algorithm into shell and canister?

    thanks for your answers and good luck!



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  2. I don't remember how it was in vanilla, but I'm worried about the automatic increase of the enemy army .... 40k in the forecast, turn into 100k on the field ... this is in the second boss battle ... (+Anti-ballast evil rule :))

    as I understand it, AIscaling-multipliers directly increase the enemy's army according to the formula: divide the player's army by the base for the current battle and multiply by a AIscaling? so as your army grows, better weapon quality and more experience... AI gets the same bonuses... which completely loses the meaning of progress for me...

    it is more convenient to have the formula enemy army = base + player's army multiply AIscaling ... then for those like me who want to fight with their formations against a predetermined army of the enemy, it will be convenient to set the AIscaling 0 and the game will work ... because now at 0 - the army of AI is destroyed :(

    thanks for your mod, I played previous versions a few years ago, now it's much better, but auto-leveling annoys me

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