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Linus Boman

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Posts posted by Linus Boman

  1. My game just crashed had just captured the spanish 64 gun.... then game hangs completely... very frustrating as it was a very hard capture. But now after reboot it says I am ingame when I am not. Cant get back in to the game at all.

  2. Wow your b&w art is spectacular!

    We want to work with you on some promo art. Can you also do fonts and patterns? We want to make a combat tutorial to look like Nelson's time manuscript


    Wow thanks! I think I could do that. Let me know what you gents need.

  3. Nice find this! Love wooden ships and wwi aircraft. I am flying RoF ( with http://www.jasta5.org/ ) since it came out. Did a lot of historical community skinning work for ROF as J5_Boman/J5_Rumey) Also love drawing WWI aircraft but also ships. Looking forward to this game a lot! Used to play wooden ships and iron men but also gave PoTBS a go.


    Here is a link to my deviant page where you can see some of my drawings and paintings.





    Quick ship drawing did at some point last year:



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