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Banshee Queen

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Posts posted by Banshee Queen

  1. 2 hours ago, admin said:

    I agree that there should be some exclusivity, but maybe a better implementation is to expand PvP rewards store in admiralty?
    I think it is better to just give an option to buy content in the admiralty instead of giving them out only for the first place. (first place winner will still be able to buy it)

    Yes bring smaller ship to the admiralty store/pirate den so new players can make use of it.
    Change the cost of building 1st/2nd rate ship so we don't see them in hords "all"the time,for example to build a first rate you must spend 100 maybe 200 victory marks.

    So maybe each clan have 1 or 2 flags ship each not 100...

    Maybe it would balance things more out and we can see more smaller ships out there.

    Just my opinion though:rolleyes:

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  2. 13 minutes ago, rediii said:

    prepared double ball expert carpenter determined defender

    Are essential for OW pvp. 

    Double charge if you mastsnipe

    Hold optimization if you want to be a bit faster

    Fleet control if you want to board ships and use them later. :)


    Pick a nice cheap ship and go out. Only in pvp you will get the experience to know which books and perms you need.

    Hold optimization if you want to be a bit faster? Thought that was a traders perk.

  3. 1 hour ago, Trashicity said:

    Cant even get attacked in the safe zone

    Pvp gets delivered to you and you can choose wheter or not you feel like fighting, as only one side gets to pick, no matter the odds.

    Had a trinc, frigate and surprise not attacking me in their safe zone. They waited til they got 3 more frigates aswell as a connie to be sure not to mess up. Now I dont see the fun in that but okay, whatever people call pvp is pvp i guess

    Reinforcments shouldnt work from a certain threshold, being affected by rank and ship. One frig should be allowed to attack three max rank frigates without 2 1st rates spawning in... 


    People are so afraid of loosing their ships now days,they don't want a 1 vs 1 dual but 1 vs 5-8 so they know they'll win. 

    I use to sail down to Port Royal looking for a fight,but they all run away from me,even scared away a Bellona in my little snow haha.


  4. 12 hours ago, Sepp Stuart said:

    i think, its a mission.

    if you are in 1 of 3 new hardcore nations, you will allways fight against neutral in missions!

    Well its kinda hardcore outside MT sometimes :P

  5. 52 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Is this PvE Server cause they are allowed to take missions out of freetowns so that might be it.


    No this was the pvp server right outside Shroud Cay. Basic cutter jumped in a "mission"right infront of me and this battle circle showed up.

  6. Well the lack of information in the tutorial section is kinda lame,but guess this is a early stage.

    But the first part was fine,there at least they told us what to do with a small right hand info box. But how could anyone know that we need a active ship in port with hull,rum and rig to be able to repair ships in a tutorial,it makes no sence. As I said,I guess this is just a test and here is my feedback. Please put little more information so new players don't get confussed so easly. I should't search this up in a forum,this should be ingame intel for my knowledge.

    Thank you Norfolk for your reply,you've bin a great help.

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