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Posts posted by Bach

  1. I don't think we need to start handing out participation trophies for almost being in a pvp battle. It becomes a slippery slope. If I get an LVG full of coal into La Habana my reward is selling that coal at double the price it cost to get.

    Now I haul cargo all the time. Its not that hard to escape and the playing field between merchant prey and privateer preditor generally favors the merchant. If your friend is actually losing ship after ship I would have to say he must be doing something wrong in the methods he is using. I would be willing to help him with this in hopes of increasing his enjoyment of the game.

    The convoy of loaded "fleet" merchant ships sounds interesting though.

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  2. It depends on the server you play on.

    On pvp2 and PVE servers the population is so low that the ports do not have any competition for the Euro traders. These severs can be raw material farmed easily using the contracts and the smuggler flags. So more contracts will just result in more bottom dollar materials produced out of thin air. Since this doesn't cost labor hours and the prices are low it becomes better to build ships using the euro traders than player factory raw materials. That's not good.

    On pvp1 there is competition for the Euro traders. I have a contract in right now for coal. However, another player came in and placed a contract for a higher price so my contract stopped filling. If I want it to fill again I need to offer more of my gold. Similarly you see contract competition in most of the free cities. So in this case increasing the contract number from 5 to say 10 should increase that competition further and spread out the raw material supply ports creating more shipping and more ships at sea.

    So yes, I am for more contracts providing there is competition for euro trader contracts OR euro trader bottom price is raised enough that it doesn't become a better method of production than the x5 player factories.

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  3. Yours is the eletist attitude since youre asking.

    You- I made this choice on my own to play in a different server for my own reason NOW I DEMAND THAT EVERYONE ESLE DOES

    Me- I get a good ping on tje server that says US and therfore is recommended for me. Hmm i think ill stick in this one.

    Seems sorta obvious to me. Why are you so damn determined to argue this with us ? Its only you guys telling us we HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT and merge ? Why bach ? Why are you and some others so determined to force us to do what you chose to do intead of have free will ?

    I guess we can sit here and argue for all eternity and also if i dont want to play with certain people why again does that bother you ? Why bach ? Im only playing now as it is just whem a friend logs in because this game has changed for the worse to much BUT still shouldnt i be allowed to make my own choice of community?

    Its not just me that says this btw its lots of people making the same claims so please bach dont single me out.

    Again why is it so important to you that you force me and others to make the choice you did ?

    I thought I made it pretty clear above that I don't mind if you stay on pvp2. There aren't enough of you to effect anything any longer. It's just about getting the gear and limbo players back.

    At some point the Devs will have to weigh the value in renting server space and maintenance for a server supporting a handful of players that can't get a good ping in the part of the world in which they live. That day you will have bigger problems than us players asking for stuff to be merged to pvp1. Good luck with that.

  4. With all due respect to your experience on each server, mine , my friends (who moved on but one) our ping experience was and is way different as well as a clan member from western south america.

    As far as RvR im a pirate so i dont get involved in the war but that mechanic is so broken its not even worth talking about.

    If wanting to play with a good ping and good people i know and have something in common makes me an elitest then so be it.

    P.S i dont think anyone has ever said anything aboyt you not getting your stuff. In fact most people gave said let anyone who wants to transfer thier accounts to either server but its the pvp1 toughs that keep interrupting our posts anywhere they find it insisting wr are hold outs or eletist who need to get over it and play with them. Trust me ive never heard one person suggest here or in game that you cant gave your stuff.

    Maybe someone else knows.

    On pvp1 I play the game as it is with the people that happen to be there. No matter if I like or dislike their comments in global or NAT chat. No matter if their play style agrees with mine or not. No matter if they might have a ping advantage over us North Americans there.

    You have stated numerous times that you won't play pvp1 because those players say toxic things. Those players play styles are just gankers. You wouldn't subject yourself to the disadvantage of a less than optimal ping.

    Which one of those two points of view seems elitist to you? Not trying to pick on you. As far as I'm concerned your entitled to play how you like. But it is what it is own up too it.

    I wouldnt force anyone to do anything. Two months ago it was suggested we should be on pvp1 because it was going to happen anyway. Pvp2 at that time had long sails to pvp and players had to wait 3-4 hours to teleport to other pvp zones. So many of us left to pvp1 and some went into limbo to wait on the merge. At this time we didn't know if we would get our stuff back or if it would be a unilateral wipe to equal starting points. Then a month ago they merged pvp3 to one and suggested we would get all our pvp2 stuff in play to use on pvp1. Then a little over a week ago the Dev forum post on upcoming patches suggested the merge would occur in the June patch. There are about 60-70 steady players on pvp2. That is barely going to make a dent in pvp1 if you merge them. So it's really now just about the gear and limbo players. My clan alone has half as many players waiting in limbo as the entire pvp2 server has left. I suspect limbo out number playing in pvp2. No way to prove that though. One thing that has me a little worried after playing pvp2 this past week is the raw materials farming of that near empty server. The stockpiles of materials harvestable at dirt low prices there could cause an Econ swing if it's all brought to pvp1 at once. So as time goes by a serve wipe is starting to make more in game fairness sense but that also will piss off a lot of players. So the sooner this thing gets resolved the better.

  5. Those hundreds/thousands you are talking about are people who are simply not coming back. Nobody is sitting on the sidelines waiting for this magical merger to play the game. They are all playing different games by now.

    Thousands may be an exaggeration but at least 30 or so of my old pvp2 clans are playing other games while they wait. They worked hard to be top rate ship Blue Prints and hulls made. Starting all that over on pvp1 is a big turn off for a number of players who choose to wait in other games rather than climb that crafting ladder from scratch again. If the Devs would just transfer our stuff I for one would be happy for you to keep your private little server going.
  6. Im not ,and i dont believe the others are either, taking it personally but you guys AND admin needs to see it from our pov.

    Ive been on pvp2 since it started and have seen the big and small clans leave for pvp1 as well BUT alot of these players have left because of rumors or hints from admin and mods that our server is gonna close. Thats pretty insulting to keep implying our server is weak or deserves to close etc when during US prime time our population is low just like pvp1s and if all those players lured off by rumors or poachers comming in and offering prizes to leave then there is no doubt that during US prime time pvp2 would be the bigger server.

    One of our biggest complaints that are ignored is that in a merger not only will the larger European population dictate everything that happens while we sleep or work but the ping is bad. Yes some people dont have issues but when we tried pvp1 we lose every single pvp boarding fight because of ping. Just last night 2 more people came back to pvp2 because they said they keep getting boarded and lose because ping.

    As a the pvp1 players can see we are happy with our server and dont see why people keep trolling our post with " just give up and join pvp1" talk.

    Agsin its not personal we just like our server like you like yours.


    Actually you are not correct.

    Me and others also started on PvP2 just like you did. We do know what it was like. It wasn't bad, the ping was good, at first the pvp as good. It had toxic Brits, toxic pirates it had zergs stomping entire nations out of the game or trying to. It had everything personality wise pvp1 did. Just less players

    Now where we differ is that some of us actually gave a fair try to pvp1. In that aspect some of us have more information than you do. I play in Pacific zone. I haven't had any ping issues. Neither have my clan mates playing in eastern zone. Pvp1 isn't all that toxic. My guess is those players have long since moved on just like they did in pvp2. This past weekend pvp1 had about 800 players during the day both days. They are a good crowd and the Zerg nation also seem to have died off. I'm not finding any problems playing on pvp1 worth noting over pvp2.

    Now to give it a fair look I went back to pvp2 this past week. I did some easy crafting. Other than that it was relatively worthless to try to play as France. Why? Because the entire server is nearly polarized into Brit or USA. There are a few Danes but they mostly just exist to put down the few inexperienced French trying to make a come back. So the overall health of pvp2 is abismal unless you happen to be in the "in" crowd. If it's not there already it's just going to be one an elitist server controlled by specific groups that even decide when and where all port battles will take place. But the Crafting is easy with so many unvisited ports containing thousands of low cost raw materials. Now is say crafting because that is what it is. There is no Econ game to be had there for merchant princes.

    Now if the 60-70 steadfast elitists want to hang out on pvp2 I don't mind. Realistically, if you were going to risk RvR in the populated game you would have done it already like the rest of us did. Your the stubborn hold outs and that ain't likely to change. What I would like is my stuff from pvp2 transferred over to pvp1 and for you to stop suggested there is something wrong with us players on pvp1 or that we somehow don't know what both servers are like. Stay there as long as the Devs let you but stop putting up road blocks to us getting our stuff back so the limbo players can come back.

  7. Once again despite the best efforts of devs and poachers the pvp2 server is back up to over 130 in US prime time the last couple times ive logged in. It really seems that the pvp1 server is the fail server since its numbers are in constant free fall. )

    That's just a lot of us logging into pvp2 this past week to prep up for the merge and sail around taking advantage of the hopelessly broken pvp2 economy. Just pop the smuggler flag on and go shopping for thousands of materials at base cost in ports no one has visited in weeks. Pvp1 should be sitting pretty good on redeemable raw mats after the merge.

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    • Crew hire
    • Fleets will be brought back with improvements


    These are the TWO WORST ideas ever!


    Everyone we delighted when we too the blasted fleets out, and now they are coming back? WHY???

    Also, Crewing was tried before in Closed alpha… lasted three days!!! Was removed because no one could untie there ship from the docks.



    But mainly i want to hear FROM A DEVELOPER  Why are fleets returning??? What motivates this? What is the expected outcome? PM me on this, please.

    I won't be reading it here, because everyone who baint a dev is going to try to answer it, and it is irrelevant.

    We're only irrelevant because your to self important to listen to anyone but a Dev.

    Had you read the Dev post and put a gram of thought into it you would realize why they brought fleets back.

  8. This treaty is player created content in the sand box. Well done to all those players involved!

    Now it's up to the rest of us players to respond to this content with their own. Some will play along, some will go rogue, rebel and other nations may see it as an RvR threat. So there will be more player made content built around this treaty. That is how the sand box is supposed to work. If you don't like this treaty we don't cry for the game masters to fix it. We man up, build up, set out spies and admirals to change it ourselves. If we like the treaty we prepare ourselves to defend it. It is good to see the sand box finally starting to form.

    During this time period in real life there were two France loyalties. Those loyal to the Republic and those loyal to the Imperialists. Have in game factions of France with different views is not only possible it's real life accurate. So those of you pro-treaty should come up with a name for yourselves or just declare YOU are the true French. Those opposed should create a name for yourselves or maybe even a special clan so other nations opposed can identify and support you. The stage is set. Go with it!

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  9. I understand that you view the mission as a personal solo instance. However this is not really that case the Devs have built for us.

    Months ago these very rules were discussed at length. All players used to be able to jump into missions. They started out as national events that included pvp and not solo PVE events at all. Enemies could always jump into enemy missions making them a pvp challenging event for players patrolling their home waters.

    Some players on the same team were using the missions to kill steal from their own team farming NPCs for money and xp. For this reason they changed the rules so national team mates, not in your group, could not enter your missions. But enemy entry is still permitted as it always was so there was pvp potential to mission running. The missions never were PVE only or even specific to a personal player in origin. They have become specific to player/group due to previous exploitation. But they have always been pvp capable events. This is why I had assumed you were asking for a change to PVE specific missions.

    Incidentally, those two French chose you as a target over the others in the area specifically because you triggered a mission near them. By doing this you unknowingly set up a situation where it was impossible for your team mates in the area to assist you. Making you the easiest target on that particular area. Imagine their Suprise when you beat them at their own game. Well done.

  10. First off this was not a gank. Had it been a gank they would have come in with 6 or more players in at least Ingermanlands. By your own account this was more or less a fair fight. Lucky for you they were greedy and apparently intent on boarding you as it probably bought you a few extra rounds to damage them at close range.

    It's a pvp game. Or at least it is supposed to be. Pirates, privateers or even national frigates sailing the seas in search of targets is what it is about. It's not about them sailing up to you and politely asking for permission to have a fight against your larger and PVE tanked out boat. As it was this event went in your favor. You should be thanking them for the experience and excitement to your eventual win. Or maybe you just preferred pushing the same sequence of buttons over and over killing mindless NPCs.

    In any event here is the bottom line. They were playing a pvp game as a team and contesting a larger stronger target. You were playing a solo PVE game and are now angry that they interrupted your PVE. I'm sorry, but you are the one in the wrong. Before you start telling me how people like you will QUIT THE GAME if players can jump into your PVE mission stop and consider this. How much effect does a soloist PVE player really have on a pvp game if no other player is allowed to interact with them? The answer is a big zero. You could leave tomorrow and the population number will drop a point. But pvp, the sway of RvR and everything else that makes the game a pvp game will not have changed. In fact, IF the DEVs ever give you exactly what you are asking for the pvp game will die off at least in part and those players will quit. Eventually there won't be any real pvp but arranged duels and the remaining pvp players all hanging around one port. Meanwhile the PVE game will thrive in its isolated solo instances across the game. But the game itself will no longer be a pvp game. Balance must be maintained. Pvp must exist and PVE players inside it must have a reasonable chance to play in it too. However, guaranteed safety will always destroy the pvp side of the game over time.

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  11. The game is Naval Action, not pirate action. I don't really understand why pirates are in the game at all and it would probably be an improvement to get rid of them altogether.

    Because if you don't have pirates and privateers you don't need naval officers to patrol the sea zones.

    Lt. Maynard has no place in history if not for Blackbeard being a pirate.g

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  12. AI does shoot sail now. The cerb sailed next to me all the time chainging my sails so could get away and i started in the bay of philips with AI infront of me. I agree i should have been more careful but the amount of ships sailing outside is alot of ai ships so u get lazy with time not clicking on all the ships. Main point here i want to complain about is the fact the enemy fleets are going to other nations harbours and i do not see the point of that.

    Ouch! Yeah that had bad situation written all over it. Perhaps the AI are programmed to desail certain types of targets.

    I'm not sure how the AI determines which ships are outside a port. I notice in the west almost all the fleets are French. However those ports on the original starting map were French. Part of it may be to give local players NPC ships they can actually attack without going pirate. Though they certainly don't need to be as large as some of the fleets we see in game.

  13. I'm not in agreement with the entire post.

    But the OP does have a point on ramming being to easy of a combat tactic now to get a successful.

    A few things I see these days. Boarding rigged ships that simply ram another ship at high speed in the front quarter to stop and board it. That kind of impact should have at least one of those ships sinking.

    Players using ramming to broadside lock more nimble opponents that can turn better. Arm you tric/frig with Coronades, ram the othe ship to broadside lock it and rip it appart with the corros.

    I don't think either of these as a real life tactic crews and ship owners would approve of.

  14. Looks like 2 players ganked you. Obviously you would not be able to fight a Frigate in that Cargo ship and would run anyway leaving NPC Fleet behind you as well. Lynx will keep you in and Frigate will chew your masts. I see no harm in this situation. Always check what is happening around you before leaving port. If caught you would sink anyway with or without fleet. You need to complain about gank problem imo. Also, what is the best sailing point for Indiaman?

    I don't think you could call this a gank. The battle weighting are a good match the Indiamen is slightly faster than the average frigate. The NPCs only come into play if they start the battle close to the Indiamen and even then they shoot hull so sail hits would be minimal. The French guy in the Lynx is a bit of a mystery and was likely just passer by. Even if it was per some joint nation plan it was hardly a game changer. The frigate has nose guns so it didn't need the Lynx.

    A frigate (18# guns) + Lynx (x4 6#). vs. Indiamen (18# guns and more hit points, crew and armor)

    If anything all the fleet did was stop the Indiamen from turning to fight. In that sense I can see the OPs annoyance at the fleet. But it's not like the fleets are hidden. He could have realized a Dane was more likely to risk attacking him with a Dane fleet nearby. If anything he should have planned ahead and stayed well away from the NPC fleet. Then the frigate would have to consider the risks of an Indiamen that decides to fight instead of run.

  15. And because iam on a PVP Server means i must be stupid? Its not about getting attacked or whatever but why should i use one of the suggested harbors when there are 30 safer others ... and the pvp argument is lets call it nice ... useless ... since if you so much need your pvp press the random battle button .... so when i want pvp so hard like you why should i sail with a trader to such a harbor and dont use simply a warship to have pvp? (see your argument isnt pvp its more like "I want to gank!" and for that you dont want to look for traders but want them come to you so you dont need to move and can jump into the harbour if there is a escort ...)

    Hopefully your not one of those trolls that has to drag "ganking" into every gaming discussion. I'll try to answer your "why build in a pvp area" question below.

    First consider the lay of the battlefield post crew patch. Let's consider Plymouth area. Sure there is currently piracy and privateering there. That also means there is pirate hunters there. Now if the Danes, Swedes or French decide to RvR there will also be RvR there. So we have all these different styles of pvp going on around Plymouth. Like it or not pvp drives the main market. There are small markets for new player ships and crafted modules but they are tiny compared to pvp ship replacements.

    Today those players simply teleport ships built safely at capitals or way down south in the corner of the map to Plymouth. Then they do whatever style of pvp they do. So today they only use Plymouth for ship storage and repairs.

    Post crew patch they can no longer teleport a ship into Plymouth. So if they are pirates, Brits, Spain or USA they have to sail fresh ships in from Far west. Very impractical in game time and probably takes them 2-3hrs of just sailing. But if they can just pop up a shipyard in Plymouth they are back in business. Maybe they buy our local Plymouth materials or maybe they have the computer ship them in from their own free city in the west. Either way building ships in Plymouth is the future. Now due to the chaotic and dangerous nature of the pvp surrounding Plymouth I am also betting that the locals (Danes, Swedes, French) also decide to build combat ships in Plymouth. Especially if we have a robust market their that can fill in any missing items they may need for quicker production. Remember their isolated capital city markets are plague by inflated prices. Now again, none of this requires the participating merchants to actually sail goods into Plymouth if they don't want too. They can use the free city to free city shipments and still stock the markets. Merchants that do risk the cargo runs get the ability to lower prices and have their goods bought first. It should be a win win for everyone in the Plymouth area.

    It should work the same for the hot spots of Key West and Ile-a-Vachi. But the idea does hinge on players losing the ability to teleport ships in upcoming patches. Otherwise it's pointless as players would just continue to craft anywhere they like and just teleport ships to the battle fronts. This idea will work.

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  16. Sounds about right. 1 month before pirates get changed so they will only be going after trade ships we should make player trade ships (that FINALLY have to trade instead of teleport ) impossible to capture for a pirate.

    Wonder why this game is dying?

    I'm sorry OP. I know you mean well for us traders but MrDoomed is right. Over protecting kills the game off just as fast as players leaving from being what they consider unfairly attacked. It's a lesson POTBS paid the price for. We just can't say we have a pvp oriented pirate genre game if we remove the ability to be pirates. Just as many players will quit over this. POTBS proved that already.

    What works better than protection is some form of awards for the merchant running the risk and providing the potential prey for the pirate. Instead of looking for ways to make a safer pvp game (can you say oxymoron?) find ways to reward risk taking players.

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  17. I'm one of those guys that like to haul long distances. When I first started EVE I would make my money buying low in one system and selling it high three systems away. The same holds true in NA. I often sail a frigate to the forgott n edges of NA with my smuggler flag on. When I get to out of the way ports I cap a trader and go shopping in the ports. It's easy to buy thousands of coal at 23 gold. Take that to La Habana and it will sell for 60 gold. Iron for 250 gold.

    I think you mean well but are making the assumption traders are weak. That's not really the case. The truth is that many traders simply aren't trying to plan ahead. They just think of hauling things from point a to point b. If they get caught some blame the hunters that caught them. I don't. Those hunters make the game for me just like pvp groups do for you. Figuring out how to get past them and how to run from certain ship types is the excitement and challenge in my game. Otherwise I literally am just hauling stuff from point a to point b. They also help separate the men traders from the boy traders. If I plan a strategy and get the skills to smuggle goods in hostile markets while other merchants don't that is how I beat them in the merchant aspect of the game. That's what puts me at the top of the smuggler boards so to speak.

    So, I'm not saying the fleets are a bad idea. In fact they are already coming back with the crew patch. I'll be able to create my own fleets at that time and will probably choose x2 captured rattlesnake escorts for my cargo ship. But please be careful over simplifying aspects of the game. Not ever contest in the sand box is direct pvp. Some of it is chase and be chased contests.

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  18. Well, you want a unsecure Trade Hub? Why would anyone besides you who only wants to attack Traders (the only Thing why this would make sense) use this ... Trader will be attacked when they bring their Goods to it and when the Buyer bring it away ... honestly this is so stupid i have no idea why i write something about it ...

    One could ask why you bothered to join a pvp server? Everything you want safe and sound is available on the PVE server with minimal risk.

    Why did I join a pvp server? The challenges.

    When the crew patch goes live and teleporting ships stops players will need a way to build pvp ships IN or NEAR the pvp action. This fills that need by making supplies available and shareable between Free Cities. The safe alternative is to build the ships far away and sail for an hour or so to get to the action. Nothing wrong with that but it's not very efficient. This is a war game and he who takes risks gets a chance for the bigger wins. By smuggling arms, building materials and essentially weaponry into the combat zone I expect to make better profits in the long run than the safe crafters sipping tea watching the war.

    Now that said, you can still build your stuff in safety. Sail it to an out of the way free city and have the computer ship your goods to Key West, Ile-a-Vachi or Plymouth. Both of us will be supplying the war effort and creating content. The only difference is that by risking my ship and cargo now and then I should be able to undercut your prices. The system will still work even if some merchants elect to take the safe route.

  19. Plymouth is Gankers Paradies (from Plym and Island Harbour) last time i checked, so also a bad choice ...

    I disagree. This is what makes it a GOOD choice. It creates content, pvp and customers. Last night I moved two ships full of coal, iron and hemp into Key West. Yes, I said I was doing today but I might have exaggerated the convoy time a bit. :)

    Anyway, I set up in Key West, also considered a ganker paradise, undercut La Habana prices by 30% and sold out the entire stock in 3 hours. This works! You just have to be brave enough to try it and smart enough to succeed.

    FYI - La Habana was running >60% mark ups. In some cases greater than 100%. So even undercutting them I made over 30% profit on a half million in 40 minutes of sailing. If I had help and convoyed larger ships I could have made a lot more. Only question is whom to ask for help. I don't know if my buyers are Spanish getting low prices or British building ships in Key West to fight the Spanish. ????

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  20. To be truthful it just doesn't matter. Pick a method and go with it. Just stop constantly changing things.

    I had a lot of fun back when we had the 5min timer. The battles were dynamic and could change sway at anytime forcing quick thinking. On the other hand, this lead to surprises that often went against players that thought they had a sure thing. So maybe they didn't have fun.

    I have a lot of fun with the 2min timer. You can take a small group right up to the enemy home port and attack ships without having to worry about everyone in the port coming to get you. On the other hand, this lead to friends and team mates getting locked out of home water battles they were close enough to see. So maybe they didn't have fun.

    No matter what we do we aren't going to keep everyone happy. It's a pvp game. Someone has to be the loser. Winners don't like losing. It's part of what makes them winners. Unfortunately some cross the line from winners to whiners when they lose. It's just how it is. Constantly changing the rules is just going to make it worse. There is a bunch of things this game could be working on improving far more important than this.

    For the record, I preferred the 5 min timer with the changing battles over the 2min timer. Why? Because 9 times out of 10 I can tell exactly how a 2min timer battle will end. That means it's as good of a gank to the initiator as a 5min Suprise battle or he wouldn't be initiating it in the first place. Predictable battles suck and cause players to take less risks.

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  21. Key West is positioned at a cross roads for Florida, Cuba and the Northern Bahamas. Theoretically x3 nations one spot. Will this be a potential problem due to pvp? Yes. That's why it creates content. Sure YOU may choose to mail your goods into the market and avoid all that and build a ship right there. On the other hand I may choose to smuggle in my goods and in so doing undercut your cost by the free city mailing fees. Pirates and privateers may try to stop me. Spain or USA may decide to secure the waters for free trade. Maybe they will secure them for themselves and charge travel visa fees to the rest.

    So what the advantage to the merchants you might ask? Supplying all that pvp = customers = profit. What's the advantage to the nations to protect it? A common multi-national market place will drive down prices and the rediculous inflation currently infecting the game at capital ports. What's the advantage to pirates and privateers? Fat rich targets taking chances for big profits. That's all player made content in a sand box. So jump on board and let's do this. I will be using Key West myself so that's at least one crafty brave merchant making the run to undercut the no risk competition.

    I'm looking to make a cargo run to Key West June 21st in Pacific Standard Time zone. Any Spanish want to secure Key West or Escort?

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