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that guy that time

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Posts posted by that guy that time

  1. Do you have a list of the teams that are getting in... I don't know if AHOY's team is in or not?

    I see that some clans have more than one group... maybe to let other clans participate you may consider only letting clans have multiple teams once it's



    clear that no other clans will join...


    If you decide to do this then AHOY will confirm


  2. I agree with NicklasK on this, there should be a tribunal for the Mori as this should be seen as an attempt at cheating and a certain kind of malevolence that puts undue stress on its intended victims and is not in keeping with the spirit of the game.

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, Anolytic said:

    We had ships there too. And we started grinding first. But yes, you beat us to capturing it. That was your war declaration.

    cheeky buggers lol you guys declared war on brits like 2 weeks before that :) you know we never would have let you guys take Cartegena without an epic fight ;p

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Anolytic said:

    I don't think any war declaration is needed from Danes. Action already dictates that we are at war since the Brits blocked us from getting Cartagena when Danes were the first to lay claim to it. The only reason it doesn't feel like we're at war is because everyone is too lazy to pursue it. And also nobody wants to pay for all the useless ports.

    We had our ships there before you guys did ;p it was ours from the beginning :0 pluss we grinded first so there ;p

  5. 8 hours ago, Anolytic said:

    Back to the actual case, if OP does not want his case dismissed I advise providing actual proof of the accusation he is making. As of now all we see is that his ship sank. There is no log to prove Green-on-Green, video or even picture showing that he gets shot at. The location is obviously La Tortue, but he does not say what time it was or which server. And there is no reference to an F11 report. As of now this tribunal does not contain enough evidence to warrant further investigation and will probably be dismissed on lack of evidence.


    I made an F11 report at the time which I put under exploit and major... however as this was the first time that a Green on Green had happened to me I didn't think about cntrl L until after I left the battle.

    Can't remember the server time however it was somewhere between 23:00 and 01:00 on the EU server.

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  6. 9 hours ago, Skully said:

    As per http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/21414-green-to-green-damage/?tab=comments#comment-437546, jumping in another players mission is at your own risk. The green-on-green rule would not be in effect.

    It would have been courteous of Teach Edward to give you warning before opening fire, but as it currently stands this is not mandated.


    this was not a mission... as you can see, he is fighting an LGV... this was open world combat and so the green on green rule does apply. Also... as has been stated, that a mission jumper is allowed but if they attempt to steal your loot and you wish to stop them, you must give them a warning before taking action. No warning, nor request to leave was given, only the action.

  7. https://snag.gy/uzEPGi.jpg

    This fellow pirate sank me when I entered a battle to help him because he was in a fight with an enemy ship.

    I was in a lynx and he was in a reno then shot me when I approached to stern rake the enemy ship. As I got closer he then rammed my lynx so he could capsize the ship.

    This player did not say anything in chat even after he did what he did. This is a green on green as far as the rules go and I hope that this player shall be reprimanded for his actions.

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