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Daniel Silver

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Posts posted by Daniel Silver

  1. Hello guys.

    First off I want to tell you that I loved your game. I played it for many hours and even led fleets in PVP servers, most fun I had ever. This is definitely one of the best sailing games out there. I even like that non historical factions (like Russia and Prussia and Denmark) found their way to the Caribbean.


    I think you guys need to face up to the fact that the original plan that you had: A world where the players lead nations, declare war, run trade and the economy, is pretty much a failure. It was a good effort but it has failed. The reason it failed is pretty much the same why any open world PvP fails. Griefers, Gankers and Exploiters.

    The PvP server has turned into a few clans that dominate every map and steam roll everyone around them. New players can't get ahead and there is little options for solo play.

    I'm not by any means saying the game is dead throw it in the garbage, but I think you guys need to rethink your strategy for growing your fan base (and believe me, when you are maxing out at a 1000 players in peak hours, after 5-6 years you are presiding over a dying game)

    Can I make a suggestion?

    Eliminate the PvP server.
    Rework the PvE server so that there are PvP areas where players and clans can still battle it out and capture ports and earn the booty and the glory, and where the rest of the carebears can farm in peace outside those zones.
    Add more content, for example, have AI nations declare war on each other which creates PvP Zones, that drive up tensions,
    Create missions in ports where solo players can get orders to join in AI vs AI fleet battles, where Merchants can get missions to resupply ports.
    Add more content to the game, have a player rescue a governor's daughter or hunt an infamous pirate.
    Add more events like Treasure fleets that players can band together to attack

    These are just a few ideas and I'm sure your fanbase will help you come up with more.

    There are a ton of things you can do to turn this game around. You have enough ships and the mechanics are great. You just need to add more content to draw in both PvP players AND PvE players while keeping it interesting and fun.

    Like I said, I have been with you guys since the Beta, and it's still essentially the same game (though the ports look better). Just more ships and a few more mechanics. Stop fine tuning it and ADD CONTENT.

    If you don't I'm afraid this game will eventually die, and that would be a shame.

    My 2 doubloons

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  2. 21 hours ago, Reaper Jack said:

    Yeah they're the same guys. Nick = Darth

    Hence his forum picture haha


    I just want to say THANK YOU.


    You guys made the TW series bearable. I am SO GLAD that I bought this game now, at least I was able to repay you a bit for all the great work you did for free in TW.


    You guys ROCK 

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  3. 5 hours ago, KiltedKey said:

    Take your time, Darth. I’ve played every single one of your Total War mods; I know what quality you can do. And you’ve proven it again with this game.

    Seriously? Same guys who made the Darth mods??

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  4. 4 hours ago, Cptbarney said:

    Screenshot fam.

    Use a image uploading site and post it here. Id rather the game not only be fun but also done to a good quality and also has some challenge in it. (sick of the triple aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy studios and their scummy practices) Im pretty sure the devs will implement difficulty modes or scable difficulty depending on what happens in the match or game etc.

    Also it is the 4th alpha, and a very small dev team so things are not going to be instant and if they royally mess this up then well good luck to them having a stable financial future i guess.

    I'll take screenshots of my build for "German Pride" tomorrow (family time today) I would love some pointers. 

    And I'm not in a hurry on the changes. The work this dev team does is amazing actually, I bought all their titles. I'm not hating on this game but NO means. I just want it to succeed and would like to remind the community that games are supposed to be fun. This last update.... I don't know what they tweaked tbh, the list was long, but the end result was, it became less fun. The AI opponents are too difficult and players like to a challenging win, not a frustrating defeat and multiple do overs. 

    Historical accuracy is important and it is a draw for lots of future customers, so are graphics and a beautiful polished look. But at a high level, it is balance that will make the difference between a 5 star rating and 3 star "meh" and I hope they find that balance before releasing the game

  5. 1 hour ago, RedParadize said:

    I do not have issues with AI being too strong or accurate. 

    Maybe we could help you with your build. Can you show us your design? 

    Would love to, just no idea how to do that. Also, that's kinda besides the point. It shouldn't require a PhD in the game mechanics to understand what you're doing wrong, like I said, I'm a casual gamer, I'm happy to support the team, but the game, in its current state is just not enjoyable. I'm a mathematician by profession, and I TOTALLY understand the "getting lost in the weeds" syndrome. I'm just concerned that the designers are getting too hung up on making the game accurate and losing sight of the big picture, which is for the customer to have a good time. 

    Now, having said that, how do I upload schematics?

  6. I would like to start by saying that I don't usually post and I tend to support game developers that make games that are historically based. This is not meant as a complaint but more as a constructive criticism from a casual gamer. 


    I have no idea what you guys did when you tweaked the game in the last patch, but it is less enjoyable. 

    The AI is waaaay too accurate compared to the ships I build

    The AI is waaaay too hard to sink

    The missions are waaay too hard and frustrating, even the ones I completed pre-patch are less enjoyable or just plain frustrating to play

    The game, overall, is not as fun as it was and sometimes just plain frustrating, having to micromanage different ships because of the poor friendly AI captain

    My guns switch from one target to another randomly and lose their accuracy

    My accuracy drops off at closer ranges, which is just plain weird, with small calibers more accurate than higher calibers (I honestly don't understand how, at 1000m my 18inches have 20% accuracy to the opposing BB's 75% accuracy rating)

    There aren't enough descriptions for what certain items do. Like for example what is the difference between long range accuracy and general accuracy rangefinders.



    I'm sure it's much more historically accurate now, with armor and velocities and whatnot, but frankly I don't play games to be historically perfect (The battle of Jutland lasted what? a full day irl? I don't want to play a whole day to complete one battle) With battles taking as long as they do now I am certainly not looking forward to a whole campaign of those, God help us if we ever have to do 15 vs 15 BBs it will take a year to finish the battle. 

    I guess what I am trying to say is that it is easy to get lost in the minutiae, and I understand that the loudest voices are ones who are most passionate about historical accuracy, and that everyone has their own opinion, but please don't lose sight of the fact that games, before they are anything else, should be fun. 

    With that in mind, I think I will be putting Ultimate Admiral away until after the next patch, play a couple of battles and see if it still is an exercise in frustration. 


    Again, please don't take this the wrong way, I love the game and wish it success, but maybe you could do 2 modes of play, one for the hardcore historically oriented masochists, and another for thsoe who play games to relax and watch the pretty ships and have fun.


    My 2 cents

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  7. Considering we were fighting in a port that was 5 hours sail away from Charles Town, and that we had just come from Bermuda, a further 6 hours there and back sailing the day before, I consider it lucky that we were able to field 18 Aggys in Southern Mexico. 

    Our losses were not severe, we lost 5, our worthy opponents lost 2, but in reality, 1 of the ones we lost was a Brit Aggy we captured the day before the battle, so the Aggy losses were in fact 3 Brit 4 US. We were in any case able to withdraw in good order to fight another day, and the next one won't be as easy for our British friends :)

    All in all however, I would like to direct a comment to McMannis by quoting Winston Churchill when he spoke of Rommel in WW2:

     "We have a very daring and skillful opponent against us, and, may I say across the havoc of war, a great general."

    Well fought sir !



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