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Posts posted by Seenri

  1. On 24/06/2017 at 12:26 AM, PIerrick de Badas said:

    Depuis le wipe, la France a éclaté sur plusieurs Teamspeak ce qui caractérise probablement les divisions qui ont animé notre nation.
    Le TS de navalaction-france accueille depuis maintenant 4 ans une communauté éparse de joueurs français ou étrangers jouant pour la nation France.

    Je ne sais pas pour quelle raison certains sont partis. Désir d'indépendance, volonté de ne pas se confronter aux autres guildes ou autres.
    Je pense toutefois que ce problème de communication devrait être le premier sur lequel on "travaille" afin d'arriver à une harmonisation de notre nation.

    Ainsi, quelles solutions au fait de retrouver sur un seul TS? Comment gérer un TS pour recréer un esprit nation

    Ce que je suggère au niveau d'un TS national

    - Les GM de chaque guilde ont des droits spéciaux
    - Les tag de clans ne sont plus inscrits d'office. Si on met tout le monde tout nu, personne ne fera attention aux habits.
    - Pas de Super channel par clan. Un channel commun avec des sous channels. Aux gens de se regrouper  sur les channels selon affinité ou actions (pve, pvp, craft, etc). Ca permettra aux gens de se mélanger puisqu'ils ne verront pas les tags de clans avant


    Qu'en pensez vous? Cuelles sont vos idées?

    Tout d'abord, je voudrais dire que j’apprécie l'idée de vouloir fédérer les clans sur un même ts.

    Cependant, je voudrais juste souligné que tu t'applique à faire ce que l'on fait depuis plus d'un mois (certe pas sur ce forum), nos messages de "recrutement" (promotion du ts escadre.org)
    afin d'unifier tout ceux qui le souhaiterai.

    Je souhaiterai préciser également que les CBC ont choisi de rejoindre le ts : escadre.org, car à ce moment là, aucune volonté des EdR n’aspirait à vouloir jouer avec nous. Nous avons donc simplement choisi de rejoindre d'autres clans avec qui nous pouvions faire des actions commune.

    J'ai hate de pouvoir en discuter demain afin de remédier à cette situation, tout le monde unifié sur le même serveur, et là je rejoins la proposition  @Louis Garneray de repartir à neuf, et sur un autre support, discord (j'en suis pas super fan pourtant mais bon, c'est vrai que pour les notifications, je le trouve mieux fait que ts )

  2. 2 hours ago, Eleazar de Damas said:

    Chat “nation” du jeu:


    En dépit des sourires, la critique systématique des EDR continue. Juste un exemple vu hier soir, un EDR envoie un message de recrutement sur le chat « nation ». Un joueur répond en demandant l’adresse du TeamSpeak EDR. Immédiatement, un joueur CBC répond (@seenri), et donne l’adresse du TS CBC. Ce manque de fair-play n’a pas été corrigé par ses camarades ou consorts (MRF, ER, etc.)

    C'est fort de café ça...

  3. 43 minutes ago, Eléazar de Damas said:

    Just to setup a little bit the context.


    What I know is:

    • CDC refused to help us in all our last flips or PB's.
    • we (EdR) helped the CBC clan when they flip their two last PB.
    • We were present for the PB themselves (see YouTube records by Rediii or Tac).
    • CDC were present besides their beloved Danish and Spanish clans to fight against our allies in the Biloxi PB…

    This does not give excuses for a green to green battle, but this might at least give explanation and extenuating circumstances.

    I just note that Henry Fouchet did not questioned himself when Aria told him that the BURN clan was allied to France for this PB screen…


    What I also know is that I am upset of the behavior or some pseudo French clans:

    • more keen to find and blame EdR (guilty of existing),
    • always complaining if the nation is no for their service only,
    • never seen when others interests are involved (I asked them to help us in Pampatar, they refused)
    • and preferring to help our enemies that to stay al least neutral when, for some reasons, things are not in full accordance with their preferences…

    This is my personal opinion only…

    And if, for having this opinion, I must be banned from anything and any time, I accept this in advance. Having opinions, and staying in accordance with these opinions have for me more importance than staying stuck in a chair and complaining on others. Having a fair attitude with my nation is game is more important th

    CBC refused to help you for Biloxi as the others clans did because we didn't want to be evolve in several conflict at the same time, it's been said several time.
    You didn't just helped CBC at TdB but the Nation, this screenshot doesn't show a CBC only PB from my point of view http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1173380164
    Pirates of BURN clan are NOT allies with france, they are allies with you EDR but you seem to identify yourself as the french nation a lot.

    -If you think we blame you a lot, why won't you ask yourself why ? instead of rejecting the blame back on us
    -We do not complain if the nation is not at our service, and we don't ask it to be, i would like a bit more of explaination. (because you seems to be the one complaining about us not being at your service for Biloxi and Pampatar)
    -I get confuse here,  isn't EDR clan that is helping other nation ?

    For my point of view, we know what is going on with the EDR at the last moment,when they are doing it, like : no information about the "pvp" against the danes, no information on pirates or any other nation being your allies (personally I've learn that you were allies because of this post), no communication at all, we (other clans) do not always agree with the decisions EDR takes, but you seems to take for granted that we do.

  4. 2 minutes ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

    Clan war is the end of nations. If so just remove nation from games and make ability for player to paint their clan flag. 

    EdR is playing French and hosting French Color since start of the game. Our honnor is not to be sold for few ships, doublons or easy-play.

    It prevent us to become really friends with another nation as we would never be part of them but we make strong pacts with thoses having the same goal as us, enjoying an evening with friends.

    We make our best to expand our territory and give content to our player to keep them in-game by having fun.

    We invited as well the CBC (fouchet clan) to join us in biloxi attacks but they din't want to fight against Danish or Spanish.

    We then look up for new captains to help us in our attack and receive good answer for people's around what allow us on second try to capture the port and destroy the Spanish screening fleet.



    La question n'est pas là, mais de savoir pourquoi un EDR à volontairement rejoint un CBC dans le but de l'attaquer ?
    Je n'étais pas là au moment des faits mais j'aimerai comprendre tout de même

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