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Ouwe Knar

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Posts posted by Ouwe Knar

  1. Even in Real Life so to say...

    Spy is a way to get info on a large scale from other socie-ities.

    And if a double account is not allowed to be bought and created form the ""oh so needed pecunia for the further development of this simulator...""

    I want the stones trown at the user  of this way to obtain knowledge on large scale movements of ships in this very overdevelopped game dissolved..

    afterall is all about pixels..

    Excuse my baaad english because my native langualistic is Dutch.

  2. no i did not send a report.

    I noticed the loss of it when i first logged in after re-instal.

    Im sorry for the trouble,

    i just wish to find out if its some bug.

    I havent spend that Dublouns no where.


    Ouwe Knar.

    PS: For your info, I bought all the DLC overtime,

    Im not making up stories here, mistakes can happen but im just wondering if it was on my side...

    Wich i cant confirm because i did not do anything with the rest of my lost amount of Dublouns.

    and apologies for the trouble*

  3. Lost 1500 Dublouns due too reinstall game overnite.

    Good afternoon, I have a issue and wish to know if this can be fixed by any chance? Thanks in advance*

    I had to reinstall the game last morning and found out i lost 1500 of my total of 2000 Dublouns

    I still only have some 451 Dublouns left,

    Is it normal after a re-install? or a bug?

    Kind Regards *

    From Ouwe Knar*

  4. Mark my words,

    The Brits play against eachother.

    The Dutch are scared too loose theire ships.

    The Swedes are a collection of Both.

    The Usa dont really work together.

    The pirates only work for themselfs.

    The Prusians are no were to bee seen.

    The French have doubtfull players aswell.

    The Russians will spread out theire domination.

    The Spanish....urm...

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