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Posts posted by R3volv3R

  1. server pve ? I think it's okay for them to implement new things but make sense. after the loki rune now they put us can join players to the AI privateer .... the attack radius is so big that privateer AI follows you from mortimer to baracoa -saint nicolas making any step in that area impossible barco.thumb.png.f8b49056ed4d50d3e500f8a5b77ce767.png

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  2. the wonderful and boring port battles against AI  
    -when you attack :
    you do hostility missions which I find the most reasonable of this whole system because it's balanced 10 1st enter 10 s 10 thy come out this perfect
    -once in battle:
    this bores a lot come out 6 boats of 4th class or 1st class boring without more (could be like in hostility or that always completes the CB of the port that as a minimum)
    -when defending:
    here is upside down they can't defend themselves or being twice as many people as the enlightened AI some of the Indianmen score x4 so no one defends it perfect
    attacking it bores it to the point where you can eat pipes and defend it is complicated to the point of not going to defend it knowing that you're not going to do anything ... these are the battles right now


    las maravillosas y aburridas batallas de puerto contra la IA  
    -cuando atacas :
    haces misiones de hostilidad las cuales me parecen lo mas razonable de todo este sistema porque es equilibrado 10 1º  entran 10 1º salen  esta perfecto
    -una vez en la batalla:
    esto aburre mucho salen 6 barcos de 4º clase o 1º clase aburridisimo sin mas (podria ser como en la hostilidad o que complete siempre el CB del puerto eso como minimo)
    -cuando defiendes:
    aqui es al reves no se pueden defender ni siendo el doble de gente que la IA algun iluminado puso que los Indiamanes puntuaran x4 asi no lo defiende nadie perfecto
    atacarlo aburre hasta el punto de poder comer pipas y defenderlo es complicado hasta el punto de ni ir a defenderlo sabiendo que no vas hacer nada ... esto son las batallas ahora mismo

    • Like 1
  3. aquí llego el "especialista" ya que han nombrado voy a decir unas cuantas cosas  

    la primera y mas importante lobo va para ti  ya que eres un bocazas y se ahora mismo del palo que vas te voy a contestar …  el dia que entro en ventana el calentamiento de N.O.  los españoles que fueron a calentar  fueron esos que según tu los convencistes de que "no fuesen"  que viendo el poder de tu palabra  sobre ellos no te hicieron ni caso verdad?

    de ahí a que digas que tu los parastes en fin  cada una ve lo que quiere ver

    ..pero te digo que desde este momento han acabado las relaciones entre tu clan y el clan SKULL sobre todo después de poner screens de comentarios de otros jugadores haciéndolos públicos sin el consentimiento de los que escriben en el 

    un abrazo lobo  y te aconsejo que cambies de nacion nadie en España te quiere en esta nacion 



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  4. estoy buscando grumetes para iniciarlos en las tareas de limpieza , desde marzo que avisaron del wipe no he entrado al juego y  tengo todos los barcos bastante sucios  ...

    a ver si alguno se presta a la limpieza de cañones  , desplegado de velas y y mástiles limpios .. y si tiene tiempo que le limpie los sables a los marines  .. gracias

     pd: joder como me aburro 


    intrépido tu no  ok?

  5. The problem is not to unlock the slot .. the problem is that when you go to have it unlocked they tell you that there will be a wipe or some change on that .. and what you have done is not worth anything ... that is the real problem ..
      As it is an early access your work does not count .. imagine that you take 1 year to reach a santisima and when you are going to "have it" conditions tell you .. will see a wipe ... lol many players will tell you is a game Alpha you can not complain


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  6. When first say you at the end of March that it will be a wipe and what you're going to continue to do is not worth nothing (money, ships, etc.) because you will not return to it and tell you the day April 19 will be the day of change... arriving that day, alert you that it will not be possible and in principle you think (little serious are) but you have patience to wait for 1 or 2 weeks more... but when you are back to say that you for the day may 15 if that will be the expected day and you say that it will not be possible to patience, desire, and even the illusion is removed you...
    This is due to the lack of seriousness that we have in this game and how deceived we are all...

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  7. the pirate caribean hunt   no esta mal  para pasar un rato  tiene mundo abierto   pero juegas tu solo contra la IA   .. tiene un sistema de batalla x niveles pvp que no esta mal  no es el naval pero bueno es adictivo el pvp cada semana regalan barcos Premium  si acabas entre los 10 primeros ... no es el naval action  pero no tiene bugg ni desarrolladores pierde jugadores  es un punto  a favor

  8. Any information regarding the day of opening of new servers?
    Many old players ask for some date that is final .. while you work hard to make a stable and new server ..
    Many players lose interest in the game because they do not give definitive data or any exact date .. the loss of players is being worrying on the part of the players that we remain "active" ...
    It would be a good idea to give a date for the opening and not to make the community more nervous

    Thank you

  9. a new bugg
    .. to place an order for the purchase or sale in the repair kit or medkit leave ancient repair kit, large, medium and small options... and not new ones that lack level... to place an order of sale of any such sale that I have available..

    and understanding is appreciated on the previous topic


  10. would that we started with the buggs in the testbed server, we lost all the experience and had to start from scratch... there would be a solution to have the redemmables to enjoy as well as others of everything new and try the game in conditions optimal?
    any possibility? I hope that a mistake his it do not have to pay the rest...
    Thank you

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