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Pit Pinsel

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Everything posted by Pit Pinsel

  1. Versagt ich habe ? ich hab Schweden mit zur Weltmacht geformt.
  2. 😜and if it gets sunk by four russians, that's not bad for me.
  3. 😁im 30 im old, but the other battle was better , i sunk them all.
  4. 😁 2 battles with two alts , shit happens and i dont care about ships.
  5. 🤗Thank you buddy and your opinion change, is just as chivalrous.
  6. 🙄than you know the swedish players have much alt accounts and i hope the swedish alt account nation will join me🙄
  7. 😁 yeah good for me and not so good for the russians.
  8. 😁 i think kloohommel and thonys and rest of the dutch nation.
  9. Dizzwho beat your Demons and im your Demon you are only free if you destroy me, no nation change will help you there either! 38 you need not ganking little players at home I want to give you another chance because you really deserve it, plow your good pvp achievements, you fight like bruce lee.
  10. 😪Je sais que la plupart des joueurs français de PVP ont quitté le pays, ai-je récemment dit à Palatinose, qui devient vraiment bon, mais au lieu de continuer à aider leur pays, certains bons joueurs ont changé le pays. J'ai estimé la France comme ennemie, mais je ne frappe pas un ennemi étendu au sol. Je pense que j'ai aussi développé un peu d'amour pour toi😁. Je sais que beaucoup de vos joueurs ont un grand talent, alors n'abandonnez jamais et continuez à vous battre bravement et avec loyauté pour votre nation!😝 ps: et j'espère que mon français n'était pas si mauvais.
  11. 🤣and I really want to be modest, but your hello kittying port battle fleet already has problems against a small troop Cabal.😅 Cabal screening at cartagena🤗>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the guy in the video on the horse, like Babay, died in the first few minutes.
  12. 😏Wow the Russians have nice screenshots, but I also have some. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/957469202677390201/F7F378AF9E40F0B718CF7EA104F438EACCE5222F/
  13. I think that's good and I always wanted to fight you, but so far I have not surrendered, but I think it's cool that you accept. But you really are a real Naval Action Fighter. I still remember where I smuggled your Santa Cecilia note to Fort Baai, where Redii besieged you at Gustavia, I just have to do that because the ship belongs to the open sea.😁
  14. 😝yes, sorry Banished Privateer, in my case only speak the guns and not the forum, as with you but we can like to make a 1 against 1 what I would like to do against you so I'll see how good you really are.😝
  15. 😝They came to prevent the Russian tyranny over Cartagena, they were unfortunately destroyed by an overwhelming British, but they were her husband in the fight and that's why I want to honor your fighting spirit here.😝 ps: a small gift from Pit Pinsel , 300 PvP stamps for the brave Dutch fighters at Cartagena. I will give her to Joseph Dutch to distribute it fairly.
  16. 😝They came to prevent the Russian tyranny over Cartagena, they were unfortunately destroyed by an overwhelming British, but they were her husband in the fight and that's why I want to honor your fighting spirit here.😝 ps: a small gift from Pit Pinsel , 300 PvP stamps for the brave Dutch fighters at Cartagena. I will give her to Joseph Dutch to distribute it fairly.
  17. 😜 The Good Side of the Force Strikes back (Pala is Chewi)
  18. 🙄Have you ever wondered why they are not in your clan, maybe it's up to you.
  19. 🙄Whos afraid from this Clan? i dont know why?
  20. wow was soll ich dazu sagen, ich rufe auf für mehr teamplay in schweden und du wirst gleich beleidigend.🙄 wer die HRE halt länger kennt weis das sie im vergleich zu damals fast tot ist. das heisst aber nicht das es so bleiben muss, aber ich befürchte wenn sie dich zum offizier machen werden sie alleine schon wegen deiner Wortwahl abgänge haben und ich habe mich für meinen einmann clan entschieden, weil ich schlichtweg eine einmann armee bin.
  21. 😜Sweden and Cabal is my TEAM so lets get fight back😝
  22. HRE is almost dead😪 only Cabal has the power to save Sweden from sinking, but that does not happen with only Cabal, but also with new players and with players who are not so good in the PVP, we stand as a team or we are from overrun by the mass of enemies. Cabal is now the leading clan in Sweden, but you have the responsibility! Cabal has proven what they can. I think I have the right to speak as the heart of Sweden, if I say protect the weak and help those who are not so good, because that's what HRE did in Sweden and why Sweden was so strong and maybe also can become again. Create stutters from the world with the highest humanity you can muster. Cabal alone can not make it, but me and Sweden are behind you if you give us other Swedes a chance, because we are your TEAM🙂. Schweden i love you😍
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