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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. Sorry Vicious, that it do this by quoting you, because the following fact is about much more players than just you... Everyone who spend that much effort in Forums to point out and underline "HOW GREAT" he by himself, his Clan, his Nation is... shows clearly his "looser mentality" If someone needs "this" for identify himself as a "great" person (in what way ever" something is realy wrong in his real life. I dont say that to harm or blame anyone... I am just pointing at a fact. Anyway... allways when I meet SORRY Guys in a fight I have big fun because most time it is a good fight no matter who wins... and I respect SORRY for bringing bigger fleets in front of KPR chalanging us (Brits) and give us a good retreat fight instead of running on all costs when outgunned. So... to talk to you Vicious... you dont need all the postings here... they make you smaller than you are ! Have a nice evening Gents
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