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Posts posted by ER0S

  1. Another thing I'd like to see added to the game is the ability to have more warehouse space. I'm a crafter, and find that eventually I run out of space, even in a fully expanded warehouse. Could there be an option to buy another warehouse? It could be accessed through a drop down menu, or a pop up window like the one that comes up when we click "deliveries". Personally, I think having them open in a window would be better because we could drag things back and forth between them as needed.  As it stands right now, a successful, or aggressive captain can quickly run out of room in his/her warehouse, and having to haul things back and forth between different (distant) ports is ridiculous imo. Successful businessmen have always had the option to purchase/build/rent more storage space when needed, and having the option for two, or even maybe three warehouses would be a great help.  

  2. I would propose a change to the AI order window we use in battles. The currant commands available to us are limiting, and I think this would allow more flexability, and less frustration. If improvement to the AI's actions in battle could be made, so much the better! With the way things run now, I tell my fleet ships to demast, and then watch them shoot up the hull on the target ship with cannon balls. Shouldn't the fleet ships be using ball and chain when told to demast? So, here are my ideas on what would be a better set of commands.

    1. Change Destroy to Ball, which would tell the fleet ships to aim at the enemy hull.
    2. change Demast to chain, which would tell the fleet to aim higher (at the sails!)
    3. Add a Grape button, which would tell the fleet to use grape shot against the enemy.
    4. Add a Capture button, to tell the fleet to try and board the enemy vessal.

    I made a quick edit in paint to illustrate, obviously the buttons can be in what ever order you, the devs, think they should be in.

    AI command window.png

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  3. 1st, I apologize if this in the wrong part of the forums. I am having an issue for the last 3 days now. I can't get the game to launch properly. I click play, and it takes me through the start up screens just fine, but every time I choose PvE, it just sits on the "player selection" screen until eventually it gives up and goes to a "log in" screen as if the game has crashed. Friends that I was taking to in Team Speak and were in game when I tried to log in said that the members list for our clan said I was in game, but it won't go to the "entering port" loading screen. I can load both PvP servers completely, but I can't use the chat window in either server. I click "nation", "global", ect. but nothing comes up in chat window. I've verified game file integrity, checked fire wall settings, but can't get it working correctly. Anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this??

  4. 10 minutes ago, Captain Bonny said:

    PvE has a greater diversity than you might think. Large clans can gather together for a world boss, without having to worry about rivals who might attack them to steal the kill.

    There is no toxicity about one nation fleeing the battle because the other group is clearly bigger. Nobody will get caught in a lonesome indiaman just because he was afk during the trips of several hours. People can sit back and relax, reading a book or watch television. There is so much you can do while building up a fleet to fight big AI adversaries.

    Getting rich in a player driven economy is quite a challenge, especially if there is a leaderboard of who is the richest. PvE players can be very competitive trading day and night to become a huge economic power.


    I hope there will be possibilities to duel each other so we can test ships against each other. PvE players love consensual PvP, and not the random attacks you see on a PvP server. We like the thrill of winning a fair fight just like any other player.

    Can't agree more... wish i could click "like" more than once! 

    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

    no bitterness from my end, just someone really curious.

    What do you players do on the PvE server? is it all just sailing, trading and missions?

    we do a lot of the same things that our group did on the PvP server... group up and go find the BIG fleets or higher ranked missions to do. what we dont have, is ppl telling us that we cant attack that ship because its so-and-so's alt...  or groups of players that think a fair fight is 12+ ships attacking 1 Indiamen....


    So yes, THANK YOU DEVS!  while i can see closing the PvE server for monetary reasons, this makes me, and a lot of my friends happy. we left PvP to get away from the BS, and putting us all on the same server would just put us back into ALL the stuff we dont want. To those who want to call us cry babies, i would say this. no two ppl play the same way. what thrills you, doesnt thrill everyone else. and as for the amount of ppl playing the different servers, players have left ALL 3 servers, so your argument that a server staying up should be based on numbers just seems kind of funny.... personally,  I'd be willing to bet that some(not all) of those complaining about this, are just mad because they had some scheme thought up to cheat the system.....

    • Like 3
  6. 14 hours ago, admin said:

    Hello Captains. 

    This is a preliminary announcement - official statement will be provided later both on steam and here.

    • PVE server will be closed down. All assets will be transferred to the redeemables on both PVP Global and PVP EU (new server names). Transferring players will be able to choose themselves and stay on the server of their liking. We understand that it is painful but with forthcoming wipe you are not losing anything.

    Captains affected by this might ask: How can you PVE ignoring player vs player on the pvp server?

    The answer is simple and elegant.

    • PVE Zones will be added to the main servers.
    • We deliberated very long about this as initially we wanted to have full loot pvp everywhere with no protection. But looking back it was not optimal. Some might say it was awesome, but in reality most hardcore games we know have pve zones, safe zones, high security space or some other form of buffer area. Such zone allows pve players to see the more alive world around them and try pvp from time to time maybe converting to pvp players. 
      • Players who will want to engage in PVE activities without any interaction with the outside world will have to choose one of 3 nations. Spain (Sisal spawn), France (French Louisiana spawn), Britain (around Mosquito coast). These three nations will have 2 spawns - main pvp and secondary pve.
      • This will basically turn Gulf of mexico into large PvE zone.
      • All free-towns inside the PVE zone will be removed to avoid safe transport of resources from inside the zone. 
      • Some resource locations will be re-balanced.
      • The only way to fight in the PVE zones will be to attack smugglers - which will from the patch create outlaw battle (FFA) - the mechanic that you can test on the testbed.


    To the Devs; Please read the entire post before you ban me!

    This is the worst idea yet! You are going to lose so many players over this! (me included) I've played all three servers, but ended coming back to PvE because I was so tired of the BS!  Certain clans seem to think "THEY" rule the server, and you "HAVE" to do as they tell you or they will focus on driving you from the server.... how you may ask? ALTS! They come right out and tell you that they will use their alts to sink you whenever they see you until you quit. There are players who brag about having multiple alt accounts! Which leads us to the next problem. We can't attack anything because we get a private message saying "don't attack that ship, it's my alt!" If you reply that all other nations are fair game, they go back to the threats. Then there's the packs of "children" who think a fair fight is at least six to one, or are in a ship that is vastly bigger than yours. They will run away unless they can catch you alone, or out numbered! I work odd hours, and as a result, it's hard to find players in my nation that are online at the same time. So if I'm in a clan or not, i mostly sail alone. What am i supposed to do? Sail with people that speak a different language just so there are more friendly ships around? From past changes made to the game, i wouldn't be surprised to see this "PvE" area to be intentionally limited, with the goal being to force players into PvP areas in order to get certain materials. Is is fair? I don't want to limit the amount of time i have available to play to be based on when there are enough clan mates online so i won't have my Trader Snow attacked by seven players in Surprises! WITH THEIR FLEET SHIPS!!!

    It's your game, and you will do what you want (always have). And i don't want this to sound insulting, or threatening, but here are a few things i think you should consider. 1st, I thought the goal of making a game was to make money, but if you keep driving away players because you don't listen to them, I don't see you doing much of that. 2nd, word of mouth. I have played this game for over 2000 hours, and have recommended it to many people, but if you keep going in the direction you seem to be going, i will leave the game. Want to guess what i will be telling people after that? again, it's not a threat, but simple fact. Do you offer good comments for products you don't like to people you know? I have already heard people who have left the game give it bad reviews on facebook, teamspeak, and skype, so it's already happening! Yet they also say that they would come back if the "Devs" would just listen to the players. 3rd, everyone has different tastes, some want easier (PvE), some want it "hard core" (PvP with out AI fleets) where the only option is to go out and take what you want/need. Why can't we have it both ways? I can even deal with PvP based rules in PvE if i have to, so there wouldn't have to be different software for the different servers.

    So, ban me if you want, but I am only saying things MANY other players (your customers) are saying, but don't want to chance saying here. I think you have a beautiful game going here, with SO much potential! PLEASE! Don't kill it with this lobotomy! Make some accounts (if you don't already have them), come on into the game (PvP and PvE), and talk with us, maybe even invite a few here and there into a voice chat. Listen to our thoughts/ideas/concerns, I know not all will be possible, but it would make us (your testers) feel like we are a part of the team instead of midievil peasants groveling at the feet of the kings!

    Thank you for your time, and for ALL the hours of fun I have had with your creation thus far.

    • Like 16
  7. 20 hours ago, admin said:

    AI will NOT sail majority of lineships, they will have to be crafted or bought from Admiralty for marks. Also PvE server will be incorporated into main server line which relates to the HF section you started above and which we cannot disclose more info on yet. 

    "Also PvE server will be incorporated into main server line" this doesn't mean we will be losing PvE does it?

  8. 1. Will there be any reimbursement for the ships, and upgrades lost to the wipe? 

    2. What about low, medium, high notes we may have in our warehouse?  will we lose them to?  will we be reimbursed if we do?

    3. will this affect any ship notes we have in our warehouse? (i.e. rattlesnake, pirate frigate. LOcean)

    4. will there be any changes as to how we get paints? or the rare ship blueprints?

    5. has there been any work on our fleet ships AI? it would be nice if i could tell my fleet ships to demast, and not have them shooting up the enemy ships hull.....

    • Like 1
  9. With the addition of new wood types, and other materials, I've found that I'm constantly running out of room in my warehouse. Could there be a warehouse option put in the home screen? Just like Outposts, Officers, and Buildings, there would be warehouses. It would let us buy additional warehouses if needed/wanted. A tab could be added in the warehouse window that would let us move between our warehouses as needed. This would give some much needed flexibility for the people that like to build up a large supply for crafting.

  10. Why are marines not counted as crew during battle? They are soldiers right? Wouldn't they be familiar with cannons, and help out until the call for boarding went out? But ok, lets say they are not familiar with cannons, wouldn't they be up on deck shooting their muskets at any crew visible on the enemy ship? Couldn't they at least help with crew losses? It just doesn't seem right that they would just stand around until needed to board the enemy vessel. Could this be looked into, to see if a change might be possible? 

  11. https://gyazo.com/75a2675ae8712d7951182d56c3c1c23f


    Can anything be done about this!??  Pull into port to sell, and all i get is this?  All we can do is assume that the port is full.  We can't tell if its full, or if this guys sell order is blocking our chance to sell to the market! I've seen this in many different ports, with different items. Could it be an attempt to mess up our economy?  To prevent us from selling our stuff? To me, it would be nice if a sellers contract didn't block how much the port had of an item, and (if its not full) allow us to make the sale!   Despite this rant... great job guys, keep the great work going!

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  12. How about captains we could hire for fleet ships? Perhaps they could require experience in order to level up, or get perks which would make them better? Or, the ability to hire more officers, and assign them to the fleet ships instead of captains, while keeping any perks given them? In any navy that i am aware of, higher ranking captains have several lower ranked officers serve under them, and allowing players to mix perks could make battles more interesting/challenging.

  13. I believe better descriptions are needed in game, and in patch notes. I see a lot of players asking what a ship upgrade actually does, or how the latest change actully effects the game and i confess the descriptions sometimes confuse me as well. I think this may cause some players to leave the game, since some just don't want to take the time to puzzle things out. As for the patch notes, I've read many posts asking pretty much the same thing, what are these special events??? As a crafter, I am interested in obtaining these BPs, and I am concerned. Will these events be at specific dates/times, will i miis a chance for them because i have to work at that time? Or like the epic events scattered around the seas? A new type of mission?  I work a lot of hours each week, so the amount of time i can play varies, and is sometimes limited by real life obligations. Better descriptions would, for many of us i believe, make the game more enjoyable. 

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