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Senhor Lenhador

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Posts posted by Senhor Lenhador

  1. Pues sinceramente me da mucha pena volver y ver el estado de faccion.  Mas que nada ver como estamos el foro.  @Juan de Lezo no hay verguenza ninguna en formar parte de una flota de pantalla, de hecho se ve de las fotos que las flotas de pantalla hicieron su labor y no entraron suficientes barcos a la batalla de puerto.  No estuve alli ni formo parte de REDS y sigo en la faccion espanhola (sin clan pk apenas tengo tiempo para jugar) pero me parece una tonteria lo que estas diciendo.  El RvR solo funciona cuando la gente hace el trabajo o coge el rol que corresponde o que mejor beneficia el clan nada de corderitos ni chorradas.

    como siempre perdona mi espanhol, que ya sabes que no soy nativo y mi teclado es tb guiri :)

    • Like 4
  2. I don't agree with your analysis.  SOLs have been used in exactly one contested PB in PvP EU and that was at Cartagena and they were 3rd rates and both sides had them (yet there was no real fighting).  They were used one to raise hostility near Omoa and were countered by Basic Cutters and were used to screen the Pirate attack on Georgetown and were countered by frigates and constitutions.  From the little we've seen I'd say they're not as OP as  you say they are. 

    You're right, everyone is grinding like mad to get a 1st rate PB fleet.  However maintaining a 1st Rate PB after multiple battles and sailing the replacement ships from where they are crafted to the front lines is a going to be a huge logistical challenge.  I don't want to make predictions, I would like to see how this plays out in a long war spread over a good chunk of the map because from what I've seen SOLs are not a silver bullet for any nation. They're obviously extremely valuable but at the moment the major advantages of SOLs has really only been psychological.


    In short, I don't think there's a Lineship problem but I would like to wait and see how RvR works after the patch before changing things.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Jonathan Arlington said:

    .. What a bad excuse for a zerg action. Honestly which diplomatic talks do you talk about.  All we've heard from you is that you are undecided.  After that their was your war declaration in the diplomatic situation thread. 



    we never declared war in the diplo thread. I can't remember but it was something like hostile neutrality or undeclared conflict. Which is true we fought at Santiago and you guys sailed up to Louisiana (i was genuinely impressed at) to try and screen out our fleet. We also famously clashed at Isla de Pinos. That's not war exactly but it's not peace.

    I had multiple convos with guys from KINGS and ROYAL, they made proposals and we considered them. You guys also said that the Brits were having organizational trouble. We've waited weeks, now you've got CM producing ports. You have a lot of players and now you have Agamemnons which are the max ship for most of your ports anyway. Chin up, the Spirit of Mantua got me and a whole lot of other guys into RvR. Let the Battle of Belize/omoa/Yucatan be your nation's crucible.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Twig said:

    The marks have been the same as earlier. This is exactly the same. Before the "PVE SHIP" patch the basic cutter had been absolutely free too and you also got no PvP marks earlier for sinking it. The only thing they "fixed" is that you can not directly attack an enemy ship with the basic cutter!

    So everything you said here is totally meaningless and you only embarrass yourself even more.
    I hope that not the whole VLTRA clan is that ridiculous but right now it looks like it.

    Sad story for such a proud nation as the Spanes that they got such a foolish clan.

    I'm not sure you understand what I'm saying.  That's partly my fault as I haven't expressed it the best i that post.  This isn't primarily an issue about marks.  Also the way Basic Cutters worked before was also flawed.  We used it, it was flawed, it got changed.  Now there is a new flaw and it should be changed. 


    The comment about marks is to further point out the absurdity of current system (where we have gotten marks from sinking a ship in a Basic Cutter but when we sink we don't give marks) and the absurdity of the recent tribunal decisions that tacitly endorse the use of a Basic Cutter swarm which can/and indeed we are now using in all PvE situations to the detriment of the game. 


    I suspect English is your second language, which is fine and good on you for communicating in your non-native tongue, but I'd rather you took the time to carefully read what I post before saying I should be embarrassed.  And I genuinely would recommend this site


    I use it a lot when I communicate in Spanish.  It has saved me a lot of misunderstanding on our forum :)


  5. 1 minute ago, JCDC said:

    oooooo, internet threats!

    if we had done the same thing in dead cheap lynxes, I am pretty sure you would have been just as sad. but seriously, if the issue as you put it was the use of lots of free ships with no risk, why was it ok for the Spanish to do it to us the week before? that's really the whole rather obvious point. you cant cry in tribunal about tactics you used yourself first.


    and you are welcome to interdict our captains on the open water, its what this game is about. I wont be complaining as long as you follow the rules of the game.

    It wasn't.  It was fixed or at least an attempt was made to fix it.  And there should be more than just the 'rules of the game' things should be done in 'the spirit of the game' this is a ridiculous loophole that seems to have been sanctioned by the devs. 


    PS had you used lynxs, with 5 or 6 lynxs sunk that's near 100,000 worth of ships.  That's a fair trade off.  I'm not sure how much the British faction would be prepared to lose that way.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, JCDC said:

    Being more serious, it is clear that the basic cutter used in any form of PvP is just broken, but the devs have 90% addressed that now so good on them. its a non issue really now.


    The real issue is that for a number of reasons, mostly not linked to effort or organisation, some nations have fleets of L'oceans, and some have not a single one. so if you bring your big shiny ships down, you must expect asymmetrical tactics used against you. We would love to fight you in 1st rates, but we have none. so, do we give up? we cant fight you in frigates, so we use whatever is allowed. in this case, fireships. if cutters weren't allowed, we would use brigs etc.


    So, really the lesson is to bring appropriate ships for the enemy and the situation, understand the tactics that will be used against you and take preventative measures (and not be a hypocrite.)

    The issue isn't fireships nor is it asymmetrical tactics.  It's using a workaround to get a free ship meant for PvE into a battle it really shouldn't be in.  Bring brigs or lynxs or whatever you want.  the issue is that the Basic Cutter is absolutely free, you get no PvP marks for sinking it and so carries no risk. 


    Seeing as your tactics have been sanctioned by the tribunal we intend to make it impossible for your puppies to do missions or operate safely doing pve and we will carry no risk.  But we will get PvP marks, we already tested it out this morning on one of your captains in a snow :)

  7. anyone who thinks the outcome of this war is a foregone conclusion is kidding themselves. The wipe wasn't long ago, mechanics and balancing are constantly being changed and there's a HUGE difference in numbers between one clan and the most populous faction on the server. The Brits just need to put in the most miniscule amount of effort and organisation and things will already be in their favour. So pull your socks up GB and give us decent PvP and don't look around for cheap exploits.

    Also for the record. Spain's CM lead came from defending Santiago, defending Cartagena and taking New Orleans. All contested or screened battles and all played in the spirit of the game.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    A bit late?


    15 minutes ago, Cabral said:

     And this Casus Belli letter is just ridiculous, why they declare war twice at same nation? That hostility fleet was coming with peace in their holds? Maybe some humanitary help?

    I'd think of this as a clarification of a previously nebulous state of hostility into a "the gloves are off" battle to the death.

  9. His Most Catholic Majesty

    The King of Spain

    And of the Oriental and Occidental Indies

    Announces Through His Viceregal Representatives

    The Most Noble and August Clan:


    Henceforth and without exception VLTRA refuses to deal diplomatically with the any and all clans of the British faction except through means of war. There will be no surrender accepted, no quarter given and no line that will not be crossed in our pursuit of nothing less than the complete destruction of this faction's capacity for RvR.


    VLTRA had previously been at war with the British and were aware of their weaknesses.  VLTRA held off attacking ports for several weeks because of this and entered into several talks with representatives of the British Council.  Balancing the desire for PvP and wanting to ensure that player bases aren't adversely affected is difficult.  There are always times when things could be done better but we always tried to enter negotiations in good faith and in a way that would be healthy for our new server.  What happened today was disgraceful and the lack of any British Council presence in their Nation Chat or Global Chat condemning what at the very least is against the spirit of the game is something that should give the faction much to reflect upon.   Alea Iacta Est.




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  10. Today while raising hostility in the region of Comayagua we encountered various members of the British faction, (screenshots below) engaging in what we believe amount to griefing and exploiting with Basic Cutters in the pursuit of making RvR difficult or impossible.  When we engaged AI fleets (as is necessary to raise hostility) the Basic Cutters would sail as close of possible to our fleet in Open World and then be dragged into the battle instance (due to the ROE) or would later join the battle (we believe the created instance counts as a PvE battle) with the sole purpose of setting fire to each other and exploding next to our ships.  This was organised and planned on the British Nation Chat (pictures below) and done in full knowledge of how and intention to circumvent the recent ROE changes affecting Basic Cutters.  The goal was purely to make it impossible to engage in either proper PvP or PvE hostility generation.




    The organisation in Nation Chat




    The names and fireshiping






    Sailing close to our ships in OW.


    Now we believe fireships to be a legitimate tactic with plenty of evidence in history (as if Spaniards would forget about fireships :P) but this is different.  Firstly because it's no risk, a Basic Cutter costs nothing and upon dying you are teleported back to the closest port.  This has been brought up before in other tribunal posts and was resolved by changes to what the Basic Cutter could and couldn't attack.  We understood those changes to mean that the Basic Cutter was to considered a "basic PvE ship" and even if there were workarounds.





    On that understanding our main problem, and what we think is the offense is, is using PvE workarounds to engage in PvP that would otherwise be disallowed.  We believe the precedent was set and the message made clear with the incident at Cap-Francais that even though the mechanics of the game might temporarily allow something, common sense and user discretion has to be an important part of making the game the best it can be.  This wasn't a last resort, there was no attempt to engage our fleet with anything but Basic Cutters that weren't to even be used for PvP beyond griefing.


    Even while in battle many of the British Captains got around our attempts to demast the cutters by firing on each other, in violation of the rules against 'Green on Green'.





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  11. 1 hour ago, Twig said:

    should i laugh or cry?

    Neither. They tried and this time they failed but they still got a few of our ships and we were impressed they managed to get 35 captains to sail all the way to Louisiana. I think Jorge meant that it was obvious they didn't have success because Louisiana is now Spanish.

    Great Britain will always be the biggest faction and will always have PvP to practice with on its doorstep. Those two factors mean that Great Britain should be a long way away from being written off by anyone.

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  12. ATLAS in keeping with our values and mission statement advises all stakeholders that we will be actioning a vertical integration strategy of our human capital with Clan VLTRA going forward.  This will be a synergetic and goal focussed merger grounded with a focus on end user satisfaction and achievement making.


    As we push on to meet the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow ATLAS/VLTRA will always strive to bring it's core values of excellence and dynamic problem-solving to the table in these exciting times.

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  13. 39 minutes ago, DeWoudt said:


    Who ever even thought up the possibility of the Dutch allying with the French must be high out of his mind and not even considered the Dutch position on the matter. As the French are our mortal enemy favorite most hated beloved adversary I feel like I can speak for the entirety of DAS if not our great nation and say no thank you.

    Well it was discussed as a possibility in the Spanish faction and also brought up during some conversations we had with other factions as to the eventual diplomatic layout of post-patch PvE EURO.  Obviously the idea isn't that farfetched.  Personally I think it would be a mistake for the Dutch or anyone else (including the Spanish) to carry over pre-wipe or roleplay prejudices into the new server otherwise we'll just get bogged down in same old power blocks again.  

    In Spain there is a good saying "don't ever say 'I'll never drink from this well' nor 'this priest isn't my father'".  You never know what the future holds so it's best not make too many strong statements.

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  14. 4 minutes ago, Hodo said:


    The funny thing is the Spanish used that currency, the French used a different one, the British have used the Pound Sterling for a LONG time... and the Americans were using the Dollar, I think the Swedes were using the Kroner then, and the Dutch I have no clue.... 

    The point is there is no standard currency in the 18th-19th century.

    You are right that there was no standard official currency of the 18th and 19th centuries but the Spanish Dollar (Po8/Real etc) was widely accepted globally (much more than other currencies) especially in the Caribbean.  I've found quite a few sources that refer to it as the first "global currency".  I mean I'm happy with 'Gold' being used in game but if that were to change I think the most logical would be 'Real'.  Just my two cents (or should that be pieces of eight :P)



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  15. 12 minutes ago, Fenris said:

    Spanish Dollar :)

    Simply because it was most used money and reference for other currencies in the "West Indies", almost till mid 19th century.


    (Off topic) The Spanish Dollar, Reales and Pieces of Eight are all the same currency.  In terms of name I think it should be be "Reales", Spanish Dollar sounds to modern and pieces of eight sounds to piratey. (on topic) Patch good, would be nice for Forged Papers to be craft-able (but very expensive).

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  16. Huh? I'm so confused.  So now it isn't all gang up on France?  I thought we all agreed at the secret meeting last week that France was to be one-ported, Spain declared perpetual winner of NA and that Australians were God's chosen race.......

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  17. Das spanische Königreich wird alles verteidigen. :) Im Ernst ... Ich glaube nicht, dass Spanien den Amis angreifen wird, wenn sie uns nicht angreifen. Aber wir hoffen / erwarten Eroberung wird langsam sein, da wir verteidigen.


    Ich wünschte, mein Deutsch wäre jetzt besser, da du die Hauptsprachengruppe in zwei der Fraktionen bist. Es gibt immer Google (oder Englisch)

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  18. 1 hour ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    You might want to allow ships one tier up from mission rank.  A lot of the missions are hard to do for some new/casual players to do at there level so they normally will down level one to make it easier or so they can solo them without help.

    Not even just new or casual players.  I'm what I suppose you'd call a 'veteran player'  (although I'm pretty mediocre at PvP) and I prefer to take missions lower than my ship type.  Usually I take missions if I want to try out a new ship I've bought/crafted so I don't want to either a) lose the ship or b)really think too much beyond getting to grips on how the ship handles.  Sometimes i take missions when I just want to have some stress free battle fun.  Otherwise I'm on board with the other changes and obviously this is just my opinion but I don't think EVERYTHING needs to be hardcore.

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  19. I don't think two forums are needed.  I think the solution of [PvP EU] and [PvP Global] in the titles should work fine as it has in the past.  Maybe add a red or blue tag for extra clarity.  That said it wasn't a stupid question and the reaction spewing out of some of the Global players to this idea is insane.... just say your opinion in a concise and constructive way and be done with it.

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  20. 1 hour ago, Chijohnaok said:

    Should the Asian players also ask for their own server, since right now neither PvP1 nor PvP 2 server works for them?

    Perdón, pero esto es la parte español del foro.  Si no hablas español (y no hay nada mal en eso) por lo menos poner lo que quieres decir en google translate.  Muchos de los no angloparlantes -no solamente hispanohablantes- se esfuerzan en escribir sus ideas, comentarios y quejas en el otro parte del foro en ingles.  Si se esfuerzan ellos pues deberíamos mostrar el mismo respeto y comunicarnos el la idioma de su parte del  foro.  Por favor no lo tomas como una critica o un reproche, no te estoy acusando de nada y mucho menos; simplemente que no podemos esperar que la gente nos habla en nuestra idioma hasta en sitios reservado para las suyas.


    Ahora sobre la tema.

    No se la solución, pero desde luego no incluye sufriendo múltiples noches sin apenas dormir para después tener que aguantar al bicho yanquee ese en el foro presumiendo de habernos derrotado.  Porque al final nos derrotaran.  No podemos estar 24 horas luchando contra los holandeses y ingleses de hora europea y contra los estadounidenses de hora americana.  O cambiamos de alianzas, de facción o llegamos ha un acuerdo (o hasta paz) con los americanos o tendremos que aceptar que el Golfo es de los yanquees porque no podemos luchar eficazmente contra ellos.  Yo no quiero formar parte de ninguna Armada de Insomnios luchando contra esta gente,

    no merecen tanto esfuerzo.

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