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Posts posted by JustaRegularDude

  1. Felt cheated and lied to? Yeah - I bet you were all in tears in your voice channel when news of the epic betrayal reached you. What had Britain done!?

    ...Come on, Loco... Really, what did they do that was so terrible?

    I'm sorry dude, but you need to educate yourself of the real causes of this hostility and our demands and stop basing all your conclusions on assumption.

    There is plenty of info further up. Also here http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16387-gotta-love-politics-and-drama-pvp2-server-story-of-a-player-and-a-big-bus/



    and when members of BLACK are camping KPR, attacking people who have literally no chance of winning, and taking ports day after day completely unopposed - you get to own that too. That's what I meant about "clubbing seals". You know as well as I do that BLACK members do it on the regular. (And do it well I might add!)

    Your whole complaining point is about pirates seal club newbs. Correct? Everyone is ok with us clubbing CKA as they are the veterans and this is a pvp server, tough cookies? Yes?

    Well go and speak to the newbs that have been clubbed by us. Ask them how they feel about it. Ask them in nation chat so others can join too. Hear them out then make conclusions.

    As far as I know GB newbs are pretty well aware of the cause of all this. They also don't really give a damn. They are learning to live with the blockade and learning to hate people that caused this.


    Cordova and CKA followers are trying to use the "Newb Button" to trigger the "Hate Nasty Pirates Emotion".



    then schedule a time/port to fight it out several nights a week? You'll be getting all the pvp(!)

    Regarding us looking for pvp. Yes it is true, thats what pirates do. This is the main reason for most of our decisions. However this time around we are making statement that is above the desire to simply pvp all day.

    First things first. We got another 40 ports to take from Brits. As of setting up a pvp fight, they just need to show up to any PB. We don't play Fake Flag Game no more. If the flag is pulled, its going to be addressed. You know where to find us.



    And actually doing what a clan boss should be doing. Recruiting, teaching, mentoring, and then leading into battle the players that would be coming to play Naval Action if we could stop this pettiness and drama in game. Is 7grams willing to do that?

    BLACK Clan has been already doing this all along. This is just your another uneducated assumption. We are all trained and looked after. 7Grams made me ships, gave me starting cash, gave me upgrades etc etc. Same as other clan higher rank officers. They been dueling me and teaching me how to sail properly. And now I'm doing my best to repay this back. BLACK was the most humble, the most friendly clan I have ever seen in this game. This is why BLACK clan is the strongest on server. We are loyal to each other. We support each other. We do things together.

    So your imaginary "clan bosses should be doing what they should be doing" makes zero value as this is already in place in BLACK long before your hypothesis.


    I think I know the answer he'd give,

    No, you dont... obviously



    This is funny how you people whinging about the blockade and trying to push pirates to stop it. Wailing that pirates should forget the betrayal, should forget being sold and portrayed as ultimate scum who isn't capable keeping their word, should become above someones wrong doing, should do this - should do that...

    And no one of you... none, are saying to Cordova, well man, why don't you man up. This is your clan's wrong doing especially if you all voted for this. You have caused this, get this sorted and this will stop everything, all hostility. None. Nada

    Get your act together and address the causer of the problem. But we know this will never happen because Cordova is a coward not capable to put his nation's needs in front of his ego.

    You know that too. You know that so well that you understand that trying to convince CKA to comeout is a dead end. Impossible. Doesn't exist. So you all trying to address the other side - pirates.


    Bad news for you I guess


    Like I said to Loco, training the officer perk "reading comprehension" will help you here. I highly recommend it.


    1. Again, I don't know what happened with CKA or Cordoba and I don't care. I have no doubt it is childish and petty.


    2. Incorrect. I think it is awesome how ruthless you guys are. I'm a fan and I want to see you continue to throttle those newbs until they find a way to find Cordoba and drag him screaming to Mortimer's Town to answer for his most aggregious crimes against the Brotherhood! Just don't try to sell me that it has anything to do with honor. You like winning, like bragging, and you have to ability to bash those seals. So why not do it a few more weeks, amirite?


    3. Maybe calling out the big boys a few weeks ago when Britain could muster more first rates then I have fingers on my hand was impressive. Now, eh. Fair game but that's got to be boring racing each other to try to get the killing blow in before everyone else swarms the target. Soon they'll be in cutters. Take those cutters too, I say! Cutter starts with "C" after all, and so does CORDOBA.


    4. I know 7 a lot better than you think I do. Take your own advice on assumptions, my pirate friend.


    The rest of your rant - I know, I know... Cordova Derangement Syndrome is alive and well. He's a coward, he eats children, he kicks puppies, and he'll get your children if they misbehave. I got it. Again, I'm not interested in your rationalizations for war as I think they're horse hockey. Just keep it up - I'm making a killing on this war.


    Anyways, Loco punched out I guess. You up for addressing my concerns for the BLACK diplomats?

  2. Mate it's about ending a message. It's why we are doing these tactics. BLACK as a clan has never gone back on our word in any deal. You can ask the Danes, Spain, Swedes. We make a deal we stick to it.

    The point is we are doing this to Brit for the double cross. It's sending a message that if anyone wants to make a deal with us not to break it. Like I said before if they didn't want to be allies it would as easy as coming on TS and saying deal is off. As other clans have done in the past. The fact of the matter is no one is upset, the TS meeting our clan was what do we do to repay the favor of being double crossed. So we employed new tactics and it must be working cause the forums have exploded.

    One question though what is your in game name Lionshaft?


    Man, you seriously need to pick up the officer perk "reading comprehension". It'll help you in the forums.


    1. I don't care about your e-honor. You don't have to rationalize strangling Britain until Cordoba prostrates himself before you - least of all to me. I said it's a valid playstyle and I am a big fan of BLACK's work in his area. By all means, rip those baby Brits to pieces every night and cut "Cordoba did this" into the wreck of every one. Sweet. I just think you're either lying to yourselves or delusional if you think honor has any place in a pirate clan that is beating a dead horse day after day. Just say you think it's fun and you're a petty lot. I'll respect you even more.


    2. I have no clue what Britain did. Most of them probably don't either. But keep killing the all the same. The best tears are the ones collected from people who suffer in the process of someone teaching a lesson to someone they've never met.


    3. No.


    Going to answer any of my questions, mate? I see Koltes is full of energy down below and he appears worried you can't handle this alone. Will I have better luck asking him?

  3. Tell me when I was last out the front of KPR last clubbing seals? At least 2 weeks ago when this shit started. So we sank anything on site. Yeah we are ruthless it's what we do, disrupt supply lines, sink em all and kill em all, take your boats off you. It's pvp. If Brits don't like it bring the big boys out to look after them. Most of the guys I've attacked are in trincs. So what's your definition of a seal?

    You do realize there are other Pirates there blockading not just BLACK. Plus I've been to busy organizing the war on other fronts to spend time at KPR. Also this is not my justifications this is the whole faction of the black flag. We felt cheated and lied to. It's war so if people want to fight Brits because they fuct up an alliance then let them. Well Brits didn't fuck the alliance and it's not an excuse we all know Cordova did and rebelwitch has already said that.

    Now if their nation is fighting amongst each other how is that our fault or mine? We are being piratey blockading and stopping supplies.

    First off, when I talk about clubbing seals, I did not refer to you personally. And since you are the forum mouthpiece of BLACK, you don't just get to say "I didn't club seals, so no one in BLACK does." You're an officer of that clan, and when members of BLACK are camping KPR, attacking people who have literally no chance of winning, and taking ports day after day completely unopposed - you get to own that too. That's what I meant about "clubbing seals". You know as well as I do that BLACK members do it on the regular. (And do it well I might add!)


    I do realize that there are other pirates blockading Jamaica. And oddly enough, I don't see really see any of them in here day after day trying to sell themselves as being anything other than merciless pirates who are killing people because they can. Why is that?


    Felt cheated and lied to? Yeah - I bet you were all in tears in your voice channel when news of the epic betrayal reached you. What had Britain done!? Point to the spot on the pirate dolly that the bad man in the red coat touched you guys. I thought you guys were supposed to be tough? And then on the same page you're complaining about hurt feelings in a game? Come on, Loco... Really, what did they do that was so terrible? Sink a hold of tobacco sailed by a BLACK alt they didn't know about? Make fun of 7grams' friendly demeanor? Call someone's mom a bad name? Take one of a hundred ports you may have never even been to? Let it go.


    I see a common theme that BLACK is "all about the pvp" and that's the impetus behind all you do. (Well, besides the hurts feelings...) Well, in that case I hope you'll indulge a crazy idea of mine. Why don't all you clan bosses put your petty little arguments aside and allow each other the space to amass a reasonable force at a good pace to sustain a war's losses and then schedule a time/port to fight it out several nights a week? You'll be getting all the pvp(!) that you claim to care about and you also won't be beating a dead horse and running people out of a faction who probably weren't even members of the clan you had the issue with. And at the end of the day you can exchange good fights and do again the next day with another faction.


    So under that scenario your two big issues, your feelings and your pvp - will be taken care of. You won't have pages of trash in the forums and you'll personally be able to spend less time here and taking empty ports, and more time actually pvping.


    BUT! That would mean 5-10 of you prima donna clan bosses wouldn't be talking smack, and bickering, and arguing over who killed whose alt six months ago, and did they have a screen shot and blah, blah, blah.... And actually doing what a clan boss should be doing. Recruiting, teaching, mentoring, and then leading into battle the players that would be coming to play Naval Action if we could stop this pettiness and drama in game. Is 7grams willing to do that? Or would the first thing out of his mouth be yet another petty grievance against Cordoba?


    I think I know the answer he'd give, but what say you, Mr. Loco Bandito, BLACK diplomat?

  4. I've got to hand it to you, Loco. It almost sounds like you actually believe your own justifications.


    BLACK clan are pirates. They are very good players who make up roughly 1/9 of every player online during US prime time. They can field a fleet of 10-20 Curse's and Devil's at literally a moments notice. They are organized and ruthless. I have no doubt when they zone into a fight against a ragtag fleet of... whomever, it is in every sense a race against each other to get to be the one who deals the metaphorical coup de grace to the baby seal. No problem with that - they are pirates. It's what they do. I respect that play style, and it makes sense...

    The problem for me comes in when they send their PR man into the forums to explain that the reason they are doing the equivalent of running over children playing in front of your house in tanks is because one of the slightly older boys talked some smack to one of them. Then they use this as a justification to attack whomever they set their sights on for the moment. I just don't see why BLACK feels they needs to have Loco do this every day? Why not take 7grams' approach to Naval Action and crush everything in your path because you can. No apologies. No reason other than that black flag on the mast. I just don't get why a bunch of stone cold killers try to make themselves the victims just do they can go to war? It's silly.

    Now, I don't think there is any way I could actually read everything Loco posts here and have time for real life, so forgive me if he's answered these questions somewhere else. BLACK will not back away from a "fair" fight. I have no doubt they would be all over that. I'm just saying that at this point it seems to me that using the excuse that this guy Cordoba touched you in a bad place or said something about your mother six months ago as a reason to continue to strangle the life out of Britain on a daily basis is nuts. Just be up front - your crushing all those little baby Brits and a turning them against each other because you think it's funny, you have no one better to fight at the moment, and because you can.

    I don't know, can you guys just try to act a bit more... piratey? The "helpless victims of circumstance" card is getting old.


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