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Jack MacNeill

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Posts posted by Jack MacNeill

  1. On 2/9/2017 at 4:15 AM, Ink said:

    Will the game ever simulate damage to rigging in addition to damage to sails?

    Damage to rigging = Demasting. Rigging is such a complex mechanism with so many parts that for sake of simplicity in gameplay environment you can consider it one element replicated by masts and mast sections.

    I wanted to like this game so much.  I invested months of real time sailing across much of the map.  I think the problem is I know too much about how Age of Sail combat actually worked and what the Caribbean actually looks like.  This game has great strengths, but it also has great flaws.  Life is too short for me to spend much more time on this "book".  I'm switching to EVE online and going back to reading Patrick O'Brian novels.  Maybe someday there will be a better sailing game.

  2. So I'm sure I'm not the only one that has successfully demasted an opponent, only to watch them pop their sail repair and POOF magically, a new mast appears and your prize sails off into the sunset.

      As a pirate, this is very, very annoying! I have ENTIRELY demasted a Constitution in my Surprise, started prep for boarding, made my turn through chains to get to him assuming he's dead in the water..... NOPE! POOOOOF! Good thing the Bosun had some spare masts in his back pocket!!!


     You demast, your prize is dead in the water... again, approaching to board, but oh look! Magically, he escaped battle with NO MASTS! Now back to the OW, where he sails just as fast as a brand new ship. Really???

     I would propose a change to this. If you are demasted, number one, you CAN NOT LEAVE BATTLE. Number two, you CAN NOT REBUILD MASTS. Popping a sail repair at this point should only repair sails on still standing masts.


    Great post all around.  :)  +1

  3. It was mentioned it will come back but will have locked/limited fly distance around the ship. 

    What I miss is being able to fly up above islands and above towns, etc.  Locked/limited fly distance sounds like that won't work.  A fair amount of results of the effort that went into designing all the land will remain inaccessible.

  4. After reading this ENTIRE thread today, here's my two cents:

    Another vote for STORM DAMAGE, as well as dolphins, flying fish, and whales. Also currents and drift/anchoring.  Tossing guns at sea for speed.  Manual sails and target barrels in the OW for practice. Wind shadows. Bigger bow waves through swells. Musket fire at close range outside boarding. A barometer on the OW and lightning. And, by God sir, let there be PVP on the PVE server against Smugglers! With suitable warning before this change goes into effect.

    A regional reputation system, motivating dispersal, could also be a great feature.

    It should really be "Fore", "Aft", "Port", and "Starboard".  And have beat to quarters.

    Custom ship names, but only selected from a long list of historical names.  Do not want to see "StrikrXX69" written on any stern.  Maybe option to remove the name from above ships, at least temporarily.

    Teleport to a chosen home (with long cool down for choosing) instead of to capital.

    Depower independent of raising / lowering sail.

    Mostly all other's ideas, just voicing support.

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