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Posts posted by Maxus

  1. Personal opinion from someone who's played a lot of betas over the years. Often times (and I personally believe it holds true for NA as well), early development is not a good place to say "we will never introduce premium ships/skins/insert microtransaction item here." The reason for this is that microtransactions are a business model just as much as an avenue to game content. At this point, Naval Action's business model is purely "buy once - play forever." No subscriptions, none of that recurring income that F2P/P2P games use to fund their own continued development.


    The devs' attitude here reminds me a lot of the devs of Eugen Systems, who long ago said there would never be paid DLC, which in this comparison are one and the same for possible premium ships in Naval Action. However, two years after release of Wargame Red Dragon (third game in the Wargame franchise), the devs asked on the forums if players would be interested in paying for DLC. All DLC, new factions, units, etc. had been free in both Red Dragon's predecessor, and Red Dragon at that point. For the most part, the community was happy to pay for new content at that point to help fund continued development and updates to the game. That may happen with Naval Action as well, but it's far to early to tell seeing as the game isn't even released yet.


    And that's my point. I wouldn't even mind micro-transactions if they help improve the game.


    The problem is they made a post where they said they were going to implement them.


    Someone makes a review calling them out on that and then they call that person a liar without ever having posted anything else about this, so that person used the information that was available to him and made a review about that.


    The devs are way out of line here and they're actively destroying any chance this game has to attract new customers.

    Ok, so moderators and volunteers will get special unique ships. So what? If someone spends his time doing something why shouldn't he be rewarded? It's not like they will get an invincible dreadnought with "I WIN" button built into it instead of guns.


    Also, if they decide to put in game shop with different ships for real life currency, so what? Most of the online multiplayer games have that today and it didn't break the games.


    I, as someone who works almost 10-12 hours every day would like to be able to buy a good looking ship without having to waste hours of my limited game time on sailing and grinding resources. Why would I be limited to grey ships or low quality common ships just because I have real life and have to work long hours? As long as all the ships are balanced what do you care if I bought it or crafted it?


    Also, I wouldn't mind buying some good looking cool ship for real money if it keeps developers fed and more content coming into the game. As long as things bought in the game shop are not giving unfair advantage to their owners, I couldn't care less for that.


    I never said I was opposed to the idea. I am opposed to the devs calling someone a liar for saying they would add it, whilst they actually did say they would add it.

  2. This topic is our response to the review. 

    The review has multiple false statements in it. Just one false statement is enough to question the whole review. But it has more than one.

    You can judge it by the fact that you are given a voice here and question our statements (which the reviewer says its impossible). While the reviewer does not let the community to do so. 


    It does not matter to me what else he says or what points he raises that might be valid if he uses false statements to exaggerate them.


    In terms of the questions you asked you seem to have researched the forum well. You can find all the answers on the forum and ask them in the respective topics, because you have the right to share your opinions on this forum.


    This topic only refers to false statements in the above mentioned review and we will only discuss them in this topic. 



    So, I guess, rather than setting the record straight in a place where people that read the steam review might come and look you're going to bury your head in the sand and hope it goes away. That's not how online press works.


    Rather than saying black on white 'micro-transactions are (not) going to happen' you're going to leave it to the reader of the review to decide whether or not it might happen based on your answers here, which have been ambiguous at best. 


    The only thing you said in the OP was that ships for moderators won't happen. That leaves people wondering: 'So mods won't get special ships, but micro-transactions might still happen'




    Why exactly were you so angry at the mention of micro-transactions then?


    Anyway, good luck handling press in the future. I'd advise you to consider talking to an expert or even someone who has experience with this, as right now you're making one negative review into a very big mess.

  3. Thats not the point. It does not work like you say. People see Microtransaction section and see a BIG RED FLAG. whatever is said in that section creates an impression that it refers to microtransations. 

    So instead of posting links to posts from 2015 - we challenge you to just post a screenshot of any moderator sailing a premium vessel or an exclusive vessel that was given to them. Or post a message that says that we plan to give special premium vessels to mods. 


    Regarding your suggestion on contacting the reviewer.. the community tried to point these facts to the reviewer in comments. BUT HE DELETES ALL OF THEM. ALL. 


    Actually you did say in your 2015 post that you were planning on offering premium vessels and that people should view it as a donation. Afterwards you never made a post saying that was no longer on the table, whether or not they are in the game right now. This is exactly what micro transactions are and it is indeed a big red flag and should be. You also said in that post that moderators would get exclusive ships.


    MY POINT IS you NEVER made a post saying this would NO LONGER be the case and then go insane when someone mentions it in a review. 


    There are currently no premium or exclusive ships.


    My question still goes unanswered which I find baffling when you're so concerned about microtransactions.


    Will there be premium ships? (Yes or No)


    Will there be exclusive moderator ships? (Yes or No)


    Will mods have to pay for these ships? (Yes, No or Not applicable)


    And if you don't know, then say it. As long as you don't make an official statement that the post from 2015 is no longer relevant and that microtransactions will not happen, people will assume it WILL happen and the review and whatever is said in it is completely irrelevant at that point.


    Your developer comment is still there. You could've added him to your friends list and informed him and asked him to change the review now that he had the correct information.

  4. Statement 2. Exclusive special ships for moderators and testers

    The author claimed that there are some mystical premium ships planned for testers and moderators.

    This is not true.

    There are no special ships for moderators. Everyone who plays the early access edition is a tester. Every tester (every player who bought the game in the early access game) will receive the reward for helping us find and fix bugs and fine tune content.


    This was your response to his review. 




    This post says there are special ships for moderators and that premium ships will happen.


    So you're arguing that they won't have to pay for them and this somehow makes your criticism of his review valid?



    This was in his review:


    They are on their way in the form of "premium ships" special ships you can't get your hands on unless you buy them in addition to the already expensive game. As a game with a large pvp element, I don't need to tell you how detrimental this will be to the balance of the already unbalanced game. Special ships exclusive to "testers" and "moderators" are also under consideration.


    Granted the title of the section was maybe not entirely correct, but how exactly does it take away from the fact that:


    1. You will offer premium ships

    2. You will offer exclusive ships to moderators.


    Yet in your OP you said there will not be special ships for moderators and that the reviews is lying, but his review was made using all the information available when it comes to this point.


    So what's true?


    Will there be premium ships?


    Will moderators get free ships?


    Will moderators get exclusive ships they have to pay for?


    None of the above?



    And rather than, as an adult, say: EDITED FOR PROFANITY And then contact the reviewer to explain this to him, you decide to go on some sort of crusade which reflects badly on future consumers and giving even more press to a negative review.

  5. First - we never edit or delete our posts as we always say the truth. If you always say the truth you will never have to remember what you said to be able to explain it later. 

    Same with this message. That post was made in 2015 which was long before the steam launch (check the post date). Since then a lot have changed for example we did not have crafting in july 2015 and now we have crafting, buildings and trading. 


    The message you linked does not sound at all like the premium ships. Premium ship = the ship you can buy for money. 

    A gift is not a ship that you can buy for money.

    There are no premium ships for moderators and there will be none. 


    premium ‎(plural premiums or premia)

    1. prize or award.
    2. Something offered at a reduced price as an inducement to buy something else.
    3. bonus paid in addition to normal payments.
    4. The amount to be paid for an insurance policy.
    5. An unusually high value.
    6. (finance) The amount by which a security's value exceeds its face value.



    An Award they receive because they are moderators, a badge of honour for helping out the community? Sounds like premium to me. Pretty much all you were able to do is try to argue with a dictionary, and yet didn't even bother looking up the definition. I'm not even opposed to the idea that they get shit for free that nobody else has, as they have dedicated their time to helping you out, but don't say it's a lie when it clearly isn't.


    And yes that post was old, but you never once set the record straight in a new topic or a new post, but then you call someone a liar for pointing that out? That's on YOU and nobody else. If you make such a statement and then expect people to know you changed your mind without ever informing people, then it's your own fault when people use the information that is available to them.

  6. I get you don't like negative reviews, but premium ships are real and will be released. You even said so yourself. Please stop lying to the community. You're calling someone out that made a review for providing false information, but it's not actually false information is it? If premium ships are no longer going to be introduced then you're at fault for never setting the record straight. No, you'd rather accuse someone of lying and sweep the review under the rug.




    Post number 6


    I quote directly from that post:


    Premium ships are not rumors and they were discussed extensively before. 


    Premium vessels provide the opportunity for Captains to express their gratitude and give an option to support us financially even more, and allow us to give them something special in return. You should consider them donations or patronage.


    Volunteer moderators and community managers who we plan to recruit on forums will also receive special gifts in form of vessels that no-one else will have. 




    Vessels that no-one else will have. Sounds pretty much like premium ships for moderators and the likes.


    See http://imgur.com/a/Sm0Y5for a picture of said post.



    Let me also say that him removing replies from his review is a shitty thing to do, but most of the things he talks about are things that have happened and are real. You did ask for people to write positive reviews. No player of a game is going to write a negative review at your request when you say that a positive review will make you 'work harder'


    Premium ships are real as per your post.


    You did say you would pull a future feature because you got all annoyed at criticism, and saying that it doesn't reflect company policy is again a cop out. You need to exercise more control on your admins, rather than letting them post that kind of shit.


    Constructive criticism is welcome, but the moment someone has some constructive criticism that doesn't fit into your view for this game, rather than telling them as much you get all condescending and aggressive, hence people get the impression their criticism is not welcome.


    Threatening to ban someone over trolling is also a ridiculously aggressive move. You could just mute them, or remove their access to the help channel, unless your interface doesn't allow for simple things like that.

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