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Posts posted by Gooneybird

  1. Its not about wining or losing, its about dirty play vs fair play. If a nation has 70% of his ports in a time window where they dont even have 20% of they players just because you will force your oponents to wake up in the middle of the night... Its dirty play. If a nation set the time window when your opponents, and probably you as well, are working so they cannot attack anything... Its dirty play. If you make use of exploits to defeat you enemy, its dirty play... And so on... We dont complain because we lose ports, as you have seen we take them back at our own rate, but about that attiude typical from ratkids where the only things that seems to matter is winning above everything else... Thats killing the game. You will see what happens when PB are in a fair time window... Hello Verengenos!

    Pd: I hope the new "hostility" system fix the time window abusse or we will keep complaining about this situation.


    Whatever; you weren't 'protestesting' when things where going your way, you are 'protestesting' when they don't. It's all semantics.

  2. Why does everything have to be "your bad no your bad" I was there when the ports where taken back spain showed up with like 17 ships we could not get the numbers to match them. So Spain wins nd gets the ports back. People on both sides need to stop the bitching and just play the game.


    Thank you Niko. Brits and Spaniards should stop bitching and moaning. It's a wargame sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. The emotional crap is what it is .... bs. Rather energize the fights which happen instead of crying over the ones that don't.  

    • Like 4
  3. 16 Pages of emotions and all this about a wargame.


    Spain attacked the allied Dutch,

    Spain chose to declare war to the Brits.

    Brits hit back.

    End of story.



    • Like 2

    In reality, the results today is not surprising.
    English occupies a central position for hitting opponents where they want but, hegemonically shifted west so as not to fear the three nations to the east. This is also why the English choice is called "easy."
    The English account, alone, 35% of players, giving them a coordinated strike force unparalleled.
    The most powerful force of its opponents, the France with 17%, comes up against a force equivalent, the Netherlands, binding both to a daily defense strategy.
    English coalition represents 55% of the population of the server and is the only one to have forces to exploit blocking timers and attack undefended ports.


    You call it easy, we call it neutralizing an opponent in a well played campaing. Our playerbase is not representative for our RvR fleet size. According to the number of votes casted in the first voting round, the GB playerbase populates the PvP1 server for about 35%. This percentage is for a large part active outside the EU primetime.  Using a timer is not an exploit, attacking an undefended port is not our fault but your own.



    The Spaniards only 10% of the population of the game, despite their courage and their will can not resist because, completely isolated in the west.
    When the Spaniards, discouraged, will  have massively left the game, the English can easily attack where they want and do the same thing with any another nation with the same result.


    We acknowledge the courage of many Spanish Captains, the isolation of your position and the lack of allied assistance. Peoples choice to stay or leave based is often based on many motivations. Sure enough for some losing a game can be one of them, but surely these are not are the brave.  



    Therefore, this game will be balanced again when the port attack system has evolved, too, especially if the Spanish capital is moved to an area closer to its natural allies, Cartagena de Indias or Portobello. Which would, moreover, more in line with Spanish Caribbean in the late eighteenth century.
    Consequently, English friends, have the decency to not pretend teaching strategy to your opponents and do not burden them under the arrogance of the victor.
    Alanxo Basque Privateer



    A game can't be balanced in any other way than equal opportunity. A major improvement is equal opportunity. This could possibly achieved by blocking flagpulls against a nation when that nation is already in a PB fight with another nation (for example: 1 fight per nation at the same moment.


    We do not pretend anything - we just do it. Thats not arrogance its perceverance and the will to win.

  5. And no defense was given. So the Brits refuse to defend their ports are the same as spain according to your logic.


    And again your memory is selective - Bani defended 3x, Azua defended 5x etc etc etc.. After Jacmel western Hispania was abandoned for tactical reasons. If you don't like to take undefended ports than leave em alone.

  6. 1: So 25% of ports for Eu timers (not reachable) for 60% of the Brit playerbase. Seems fair LOL.


    3: brits are ruining this game. people just don't see it yet.



    1: Yep just like 90% of your timers are not reachable to players from all other continents other than Europe.


    3: No players ruin this game - this game is still in its test phase, Some mechanics work for the better some don't. The very reason gamemechanics change overtime, including porttimers.

  7. Challenge acepted(Thanks @CeltiberoClearco):


    This graphic shows that the most players (all nations) are on between  18:00 to 24:00 and the most porttimers are set right after server maintenance. I don't understand what the challenge is but your timers stats do confirm the porttimer setting percentages I already mentioned.


    So whats the challenge?   

  8. And I am completely done with you, Gooneybird. You twist everything and corrupt all. I wonder when others see this and stop wanting to be allies with you. 


    You can believe all you want but Brit timers are divided  the clock round and set to what the British nation believes to be a tactical setting, taking our USA/AU playerbase in account. By setting the timers 24/7 we facilitate players,regardles of there timezone.


    25% of timers are set between 24:00 and 08:00 (USA time - many timers set on this time involve the Mexican Gulf)

    50% of timers are set between 08:00 and 18:00 (EU/AU time - many timers set on this time involve the Mexican Gulf)

    20% of timers are set between 18:00 and 24:00 (EU/USA time)

    5% of timers are not set.


    Approx 35 to 40% of our playerbase is USA/AU the exact numbers are unknown

    The British Nation, according to the voting grid, populates about 35% the PvP1 server. 


    The above percentages are aproximates, based on simple derivations. If anyone can argue different numbers based on known stats I would welcome that. Afterall I can be wrong but sofar nobody showed up.


    As for the choice of your words; I realise that sticking ones neck out when representing a nation may trigger personal attacks and insults because of the choices made by the playergroup of that nation. However there are limits to what is acceptable and you crossed a line for the second time here. Whatever you may think of me personally, many of us lost loved ones due to this terrible decease. Try to realise this before making such incredible heartless remarks or making a threat to physcally attack a person. This is just a game played with some roleplay,on a forum. Nothing more and nothing less.

    • Like 3
  9. Im on holiday atm and have been for nearly a week so I´ve missed most of these battles sadly. First things first, well done to GB,VP,US alliance on your offensive. It looks like you organised well, fought hard and brought your numbers to bare where they counted. The Spanish player base knew it would be a struggle going into the war and you’ve given us a whacking so kudos to you guys.

    That said lets call a spade a spade and lay some things squarely on the table.

    3: Lastly, putting Cuban ports on ridiculous timers is a cheap trick. It may be good strategy but its poor sportmanship and anything but playing with a straight bat. It tarnishes what is otherwise a very impressive and well played campaign.


    More than 26 portstimers are on open on Spanish prime time out of which 5 don't even have a timer and at least 15 of them are in reach of a Spanish fleet. Another 25 ports have been set on American timers so the South American players have something to do and can enjoy the opposition of the US/AUS based players.


    Take a look here. As you can see the British nation is open for business 24/7. The only nation which actually facilitates all players from Indonesia to Greenland to South Africa to Japan to Buenos Aires. We provide every player with a chance to start RvR.



    When do you get it? We don't want to fight a Spanish fleet - we are done with the kiting and shootin sailz.  

  10. You are correct, this isn't a war. It's pest control.


    I resent the above as I do some of the other posts in this forum. I'm confident, knowing the players who are active as the British Council, they also reject this level of toxism. Our Spanish opponents are players like us and everybody else. We want to fight them in game and a bit of roleplay/sarcasm is fine but should have his limits. I visited Spain over a dosen times and have always been impressed by their history, culture and their passionate character.


    Having that said; We are on on our nations TS every night (the TS is known to your diplo and if not he can PM me), I encourage the Spanish diplos to visit our TS to renegotiate the Spanish position. You are welcome as always in your embassy,

    • Like 4
  11. So basically throw a bunch of flags at us for ports you apparently cant hold, or don't want to have to defend, then set the timers to exclude a portion of the player base from RvR, all this after saying on the forums you all want to conserve the dwindling player base and that you want to promote respectable, fun combat. Class act guys, gotta hand it you.


    It's about the reality of Brits being attacked on 3 fronts by 5 nations and formulating a strategic answer. We resolved it with the perceverance and game mechanics to our disposal, You may not like it but thats how it is.


    We offered a very resonable solution but your nations major clans decided not to accept a simple peaceful solution which would have prevented all this. Knock on their door, not ours. We gave you 13 ports, peace and quiet in the past. Your major clans decided to declare a war.


    All the rest is drama. You can't declare a war and expect nothing to happen (besides the fact that this a wargame). Threats are dealt with. Again, your major clans decided to decline an oppertunity and to opt for a war instead. The rules of war are simple: you fight and end up winning or loosing.

    • Like 5


    Over the last 6 weeks the Brits have:


    1: Proclaimed a unilateral declaration limiting actions against Spanish ports. All Brit RvR players showed great restraint to not attack Spanish ports.

    2: This unilateral declaration was, after 3 weeks of relative peace, changed into a the 'Three Admirals treaty' extending our own  declaration in a bilateral peace, all parties involved followed that treaty to the letter.

    3: When the 'Three Admirals treaty' ended, multiple attempts where made to extend the treaty, initially by the Spaniards and later on by the Brits. Spanish council refused to continue despite our warnings we no longer would hold back due to the changed political situation of 5 v 3 nations

    4: Spain declared war, Britain reacted.


    As far as I'm concerned the Brits have presented a courtagous and an empathatic stance during the duration of their own unilateral declaration and the 'three admirals treaty'. These actions, asking a lot of restraint from the GB playerbase, was for the benifit of the Spanish players, the game itself  itself and sure enough to appease our diplomatic relations with our allies.


    I'm sorry you and other players with you find it difiicult to play the game you like to play, due to the British territorial offense. But keep in mind that it has been your own council which chose a path they knew in advance, would lead to a British reaction.


    We truly hope the next patch will include new mechanisms with makes life for the starters a bit easier.


    A correct Spanish translation of this post would be appreciated so all Spanish players understand what lead to this and for what reasons.

    • Like 9
  13. This week-end (27 & 28th of Agust) has been very painful for the Spanish faction.


    The brit offensive campaign has been performed in a very impressive manner.

    All my personal respect to the commander who has planned these operations, as well as to all these players that were available for such a large scale campaign.


    Also, we can appreciate the clever decision to disregard the Eastern front (Haiti) to powerfully focus onto Western Sapish territories, with allies support. 


    Great organization gents

    A pleasure to fight you !

    (otherwise it should be so boring like against the Americans :P



  14. The Brit TS needs more mods or something.   People are always told to join the TS when something is going on.  So they join it and don't have any speaking privileges.  They sit around in the public channel for 10 minutes not able to speak at all and just end up leaving.  It happened to be 3-4 times before I was finally given proper permissions.


    Your clan officers have the ability to set you up. Ask them to set you up. 

  15. If I go into any game - most games. I click "enter battle" - Im put in the fray. Here I do the same, and yet SOME (not ALL) get angry if the ship is wrong or you takes someones "seat".


    The discussed PB here was an incident where I joined a PB (after the whole nation got invited on nation chat) in a 2nd rate. The PB was empty - I had a reward. Someone in a first rate got angry...


    Well - dont say that this was in any way abusive behavior... 


    But again - if you make a PB, you must know that everyone has a right to join. If you get pissed when they do... well... 


    The outcome of a NA fight, wether it be a PB or OW pvp, is highly influenced by the organisation and communication invested in that fight. If you do not want to put an effort in the organisation and/or communication then don't be surprised when people are not welcoming you. You may have a right to join but others have a right to create a chance for themselves.


    As long as you don't want to accept that you'll remain an outsider. You have the key to your own success. Keep on going like this is just an endless stream of egocentric rethoric mate. Be smart and take the advice so many gave to you - get on TS, listen to what the others expect of you and support yourself by supporting them. 

    • Like 6
  16. I hope that all the good things we won with the Three Admirals Treaty wont be lost in war.

    Fun, respect and sportsmanship should be the common ground in a game.


    We'll  forget the few with the acid attitude and hope to refind better understanding in future - as mentioned this is a step in the right direction.

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