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Posts posted by Riparian

  1. 2 hours ago, admin said:

    Please propose in this topic if we missed anything

    "Swedish East India Company" flag might be based on historical flag with faded colors. They did use military style flag (with tails), even after it was prohibited in a royal decree in 1751. However they were also allowed to have a monogram (SOIC) in the middle of the cross.




    Also missing are Swedish merchant/civil flags. They are basically the same as "Naval Ensign" and "War Flag 1815", but merchant versions have no tails.


  2. I would prefer to get rid of this current "healing potion" type fast repair model altogether (fast with cooldowns or otherwise limited).

    Just make repairing one of the crew activities (like sailing, gunnery, boarding) that you can activate or deactivate. While repairing, you would slowly repair your ship if you have repairing materials left, but at the same time your crew would be very vulnerable (more than in boarding).

    It would be even better, if we could better control exact amounts of crew in each of the activities and not just activate vs deactivate.

    With crew casualties, not all losses are killed or badly wounded, but include shocked, lightly wounded or scared. As long as you have "rum" (or medical supplies) you should be able to slowly recover half (or some other reasonable fraction) of casualties (but definitely not all).

    • Like 4
  3. On 10/4/2018 at 8:51 PM, Latron said:

    I think the Swedes could use a bit more variety than what was shown. There is this flag here that was used by the navy in the 1600s, but there aren't many pictures of it, and the ones I have seen have varying numbers of stripes. So that might require more looking into. Also can we include flags with their coat of arms such as the three crowns?


    Here you can find good selection of Swedish flags (but many of these are out of current naval action time window) ;


    However, there should be at least one version with no tails for merchant shipping.

  4. Could we do repairs without single or multiple use "healing potions"?

    There was already a proposal to make repairs more continuous process.

    You would assign men to repairs the same way as to other activities (loading, sailing...). This activity repairs hull and rigging slowly if you have men assigned and repairs left. Little hull damage would need only few men, but if you have lots of damage and "critical hits" (pump, leaks or missing mast) you might need to use most of you crew to repair then reasonably fast. And during repairs the crew is very vulnerable to damage (like boarding or even more).

    • Like 3
  5. For the old 1st rate battles, I would stay mostly with SOL's.

    The BR limit should make it possible to deploy fleets of something like 5 1st/2nd rate SOL's, 15 3rd/4th rate SOL's and 5 frigates or smaller.


    And for the old 4th rate battles, lets get two BR limits.

    One for couple of 3rd rates and mainly 4th rate ships. And other for frigates supported by few 4th rates.

  6. Dutch 3rd rate would certainly be a good choice. Something like Admiraal de Ruyter (1808, Dutch 80-gun ship) as proposed on this thread. Also we should remember that she was 5th in the 2016 poll.


    However, I would propose the ship that came fourth in 2016 poll and lost by less than 20 votes.

    • Venus (1783, Swedish 40-gun frigate)

    Venus was built following the Bellona design by Fredrik Chapman, the first frigates to carry 24-pounder guns. She was captured by the Russians in 1789. She retained the same name in Imperial Russian service and participated in the battle of Reval and in the battle of Vyborg Bay. She was sold to the Kingdom of Naples in 1807 to avoid capture by the British. Venus and her sister ships sailed exceptionally well, doing 13-14 knots with a good wind. Pictures / 3-Decks / Wiki


    • Like 2
  7. Many more than 3 changes, but here are three hopefully doable things;

    1. Refine OW ROE (e.g. tagging circle to defender, groups pulled only if tagging/tagged by member of the group and maybe even teleport-to-port for defender).

    2. Remove universal speed cap and make it 5-10% cap for upgrades/skills.

    3. Less "required" PVE (higher rewards for PVP, more craftable upgrades/books, no PVE only loot drops)


    Other big and small things I would like to see; Develop real pirate mechanics (with both benefits and disadvantages), Create more activities affecting hostility (normal trade and warsupply delivery missions, raids on multiple ports, blockades on multiple ports), Bring Alliances back (but with max 1 ally and none for country with most ports), Introduce national paints.


    • Like 1
  8. 17 hours ago, sveno said:

    A beautiful ship, and we surely cant have enough Swedish ships ingame, but, is there even the slightest chance for it getting implemented due to never being built in RL? 

    Maybe we could hope for "Chapman 1790 Swedish fleet proposal" ship bundle! ... ;-)

    (included: 66, 74, 80, 94 and 110 gun ships, not sure if all of these had even plans made)

  9. Herrat Kapteenit,

    Ruotsin (PvP1) riveissä on seilannut useampikin suomi-poika. Tosin hajaantuneina eri klaaneihin.

    Itse valitsin ja valitsen jatkossakin Ruotsi(-Suomen) laivaston. Pääosin historiallisista syistä, ja koska mukavan haasteellinen altavastustajan asema on kiinnostava, Jos nykyinen kansainvälinen klaanini (KHAUL) jatkaa niin ajattelin myös itse pysyä mukana siinä (EU palvelimella).

    Jokatapauksessa olisi mukava nähdä lisää maanmiehiä tai jopa kunnon Suomi klaani. Eihän tuo rakas naapurimme ole paljon sodissa menestynyt ilman suomen joukkoja.

  10. I feel that 3 allies per nation is forcing two power blocks whereas I feel that 2 allies per nation could, with the need for resources, provoke a more dynamic use of politics system.


    I would also like to get rid of two blocks.


    However, with 2 allies per nation there would probably still be two block of 3 nations plus 1 lone nation and pirates.

    And the lone nation could very easily come "virtual" ally of one of the blocks.


    Limit nation to only 1 ally, and there is a better possibility of three 2 nation "blocks".

    Naturally, even this wont override player diplomatics and it could form into be 2+2 vs 2, but mechanics wouldn't enforce this.


    If we also add a neutral/trading partner status (can enter ports w traders) and maybe even only one war limit (can take ports from nation/alliance), we would have much more varied system.

    • Like 5
  11. Currently we (@pvp1) have two allied blocks fighting each other.


    Personally I would prefer more multipolar gaming world.

    Best way to get this would be to limit each nation to just one ally.


    In addition there should be Neutral status.

    Nation that you can trade with, but not fully co-operate or build bases in their territory.

    • Like 2
  12. 1) Most common SOL's (3rd rates) are not common enough. Bigger ships (2nd and 1st) should be more expensive or otherwise limited (e.g. only couple allowed in a port battle). Also Frigates should be less powerfull and durable when compared to SOL's.

    2j Freeports are used as fleet bases. Maybe there should be a limit on docking (1 or 2 ships) and rates (up to 5th or 4th rates)

    3) Too simple officer and perk system. There should be more officers (less perks per officer) and variable number of officers based on ship rate (more officers on bigger ships).

  13. I would prefer only 1 alliance per nation.


    This would make the choice more important, and also allow more polarity (max 3 pairs of nations, one lone nation and pirates).

    With 2 (or more) allies, we will usually get two blocks fighting each other.


    Fixed alliance length doesn't have be long, as you can always renew the alliance.

    Actually it is good that you can get out of an alliance soon if needed.

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