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Posts posted by Pontolemaeus

  1. "Overhaul of War & Peace mechanics and national relations, pirate role and national alliances"   +1


    It's odd to me.  I found this on Steam the day of EA release.  Everything I read about it stated it was a PvP game.  I jumped right in.


    I don't mind having NPC ships out there in the OW unless we suddenly have 1000s of other players actually populating the seas.  I don't really mind the missions although I haven't done one in quite some time myself but I certainly used them to get the hang of things early on.  I don't think the AI fleet cutter/lynx for the first little bit is that bad of a thing - if nothing else it teaches you how to maneuver in battle with other friendly ships.


    It is odd to me to see so many PvE only folks in this game.  It's a PvP/RvR game.  That's what it was advertised as.  That's what it is at heart.  There's an oh so true old saying that starts, "A fool and his money..."  If you spent money on a PvP game that was clearly advertised as such and expected PvE then that's your own fault.  Reality bites?  


    I'm gonna get ranted at over this but whatever.  Add more PvE content to the OW and guess what you'll get?  More people crying about getting PvP'd while they were trying to PvE.


    Speaking of rants...   /rant




    Have to agree with this, This game is a PVP based game. I am here to fight other players not large AI fleets. If they continue to focus on the Care Bear side of the game I am going to be vrey upset

  2. too hard to choose just one.... 


    But, really are we needing a ladder board ?? I don't think !!! Adding some duel option and/or friendly battle ok, but a ladder board for roxors no thank's we need more cohésion and coopérative play no stupid compétition between same nation captains.



    I couldnt agree more with this sentiment. The factions need to be brought together not paced against each other.


     Though maybe a Pirate bounty system to work in. Could be done with the Diplomacy and Pirate rework. As a pirate or (Privateer) you have a Notoriety rating based on what you do as a pirate. Taking ships, Sinking ships. harassing ports as you do things in game players and factions you attack will place bounties on you. (Factions could do it at a set rate that is small so it wont change much unless you really harass a nation) If you harass a clan every day they can decide to bounty you. Someone kills you they get the bounty. I think it would be rather realistic and provide a nice independent "ranking" system for pirates. How good of a Pirate are you? well how high can you get your bounty without getting attacked? Do you decide to fleet up with other Pirates? or do you have a large bounty from Great Britain so you need to fleet up with the French to stay alive? This would work with the Diplomacy changes. Pirates should be a Neutral/Mercenary faction IMO. They should be flexible but I find it hard to think that they should work like just another Faction. 

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