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Posts posted by Crippen

  1. Can we all PLEASE agree to change after battle teleporting to PVP battles ONLY that last at least 20 minutes. Trader Tears here please. This mechanic is abused to the point of breaking the Open World concept. So much so that sailing a LGV in enemy waters is safer than in friendly....let that sink in for a second.............Now think about how many ships you chased for 10 minutes only to watch them tag a trader cutter just before u can tag them and watch them magically dissappear to a freeport 20 minutes away. Anyone posting on this thread blasting me for even mentioning this change GET OUT OF YOUR TRADE SHIP and enjoy some pvp because if you dont all the trading you do to build all those shinny ships wont be needed because no-one will need any ships as fast as they are being built atm since 95% of the time no-one is in any real danger of losing thier ship unless they try to.

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  2. Yep Vernon I see your point. I would think solving this issue would need to be a timer for joiners. It would have to be the case. Someone in port should not be able to hear about a battle on other side of the map TP and make it in, But on the other hand many ppl have been in situation where they are outside of the tagging circle and cant get in because their BR is 10 points over the BR limit. Having to do math and being lucky enough to be in the right ship to get into a battle should not an issue imo. I do think there is a happy medium between the strict tagging rules we have now and the open ended social perk system we had before. I think this happy medium is allowing the lower BR side of a fight able to pass the BR of the stronger side and having the battle open for long enough that if you see the tag you are able to get into the battle. Hence if a 3v3 battle starts and in the distance but in render range each side has 8-10 ppl that see it they can come and join in...The system we have now might as well be a lobby system

  3. At the moment open world battles are locked at the start to not exceed the higher battle rating. I am proposing a change that BOTH sides of the battle can escalate the battle to 1.5 times the lower br continuously This allows the battle to escalate from 300 vs 300 to a battle of 2000 vs 2000. Allowing each side to recieve reinforcements once they have lower BR. This allows the fight to stay competitive and involve more ppl and even discourages outright ganking. Any suggestions to build on this ides pls share




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  4. I like the idea HethWill has in that if you open a port to battle there is more than one fight to capture the port over a 24hr period. A lot of other games do this and has success but also more even player levels through all the TZ's. This game atm has a unique problem of having a swing from DT to peak play of up to 5 to 1 ratio. Solving the issue of keeping access to PB's to all that play will be a very hard nut to crack.

  5. This game in my opinion has an issue regarding port timers. In its current form  a defender can  simply set a window for times where the server has a low player count. With servers having such a large swing of players from down time to peak times this has created a situation where almost all port battles will be left to a small number of players around DT. Leaving most players to only  spectating, opening the map when they log on to see what has changed on the map. I am sure this could be verified if devs have the ability to see when port battles have been fought which I am sure is the case. So to change this I recommend switching to a system with vulnerablitiy windows every 12 hours instead of every 24. Still allowing the owners to pick the window of attack they can either choose to have one window they are very strong and one undefendable, or split their  strength by have each window a little before and after their nations peak times. This all taking into account the strength of the enemy. It adds more strategy and allows more to participate. Everyone wins. Please take a close look at this issue because I feel it will only get worse if not fixed.

  6. I believe for all to be happy with next content patch both diplo/nation relations and pve content need improvement. This is because vets have a lot invested in the game and see nation relations the  top priority so next patch must fix this. Also to keep the casual player interested adding pve/pvp content with every patch is needed. I hope to see this approach. Love the game. Keep up the great work.

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