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Posts posted by Vykorie

  1. 3 minutes ago, Mrdoomed said:

    Lmao buys an age of sail game, bitches he has to sail.

    age of snorefest more like. i see why the trope of sailers being gay exist now(i mean who wouldn't want to pass the time :unsure:), i played for 2 hours and got nothing to show for it due to sailing about looking for ships to attack and didn't find jack shit. if the devs are so sure they want a real "experience" of the age of sail maybe they'll add diseases so i can hurry up and die <_<



  2. I agree. I would love for free ports to be less of safe heavens and I would love more rewards for operating behind enemy lines. I proposed things like cool-down on repair kits behind enemy lines. I'm all for making it more risk, more reward.


    But breaking the game to fix something is just introducing other problems instead.

    a solution on free ports is only let pirates dock deepwater ships at them.


    removing a "feature" isn't breaking the game, they need to come up with something better.


    Learn how to def tag ? Or attack an AI fleet near you at max range if you see enemy is much faster in OS ? 

    1. there might not be AI around


    2.def tagging is a symptom of awful battletimers

  3. Operating within enemy territory, with little to no ports that they can hide in, opposed by hundreds of people in enemy nation and always on the look out if their prey is alone and can be caught off guard...


    Truly what a horrible advantage they have! We need to give reinforcements 10 minutes time to come, so that anyone willing to attack other players can be buried under the bodies of our comrades!


    Tsk, tsk, tsk.

    operating in enemy waters should be dangerous, that why pvp should reward more.

  4. The 2 minutes timer, in reality, isn't relative to a time laps, but to a distance... If the timer is too long, you lost any coherence between in battle instance time, and OW distance.

    but the time in battles is tied to OW time, i've been in battles that has lasted days in OW but time have only been 40ish minutes IRL


    just timed it, 2min IRL= 2 hours OW. clearly not enough time.


    First of all, Spain hasn't used 4-6 timers since the server went live mainly because they were fighting against the US (4-6 timers against the US? Ouch) and they couldn't change the timers on the base ports.


    so you're saying spain didn't put the timers there for the exact reason we have.......BTW i didn't see US based players complain about spanish port timers during that war

  6. Guys please.


    The dissapearing trick issue has just been reported in the tribunal. If it was invented by spanish, I dont know, but it should be repaired as soon as possible no matter who "invented" it.

    how close was you? was the weather foggy? i've seen ships pop in and out and put it down render distance/DCed players

  7. The point of an assist would be assisting in a kill, perhaps a greater reward for each milestone of killing an enemy ship? Ie a certain amount of XP for each 25% mark taking into consideration the ship's overall HP, rate, your ship, etc.?

    yeah it'll give people a reason to stay and fight, and reward the people who get denied

  8. lastnight my friend got tagged outside Bonacca but made it into port when he got both combat and port loading screens and then was put onto the port screen, he left the port to make sure he didn't get pulled into combat and we both saw the combat marker outside, thinking he was safe he then logged off for the night only to find his ship now gone.



    he doesn't care but the ship but this is a very nasty bug

  9. "We're perfectly fine with wiping a nation because literally <<frell you>>

    But no worries, we're very cool guys!"

    oh behave! the spanish refused peace not us, everyone say we're "devils" "nasty" and "liers" but if you was in our shoes you'd have done the same!


    hell the US did or are you forgetting that?

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