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Posts posted by Delfigrey

  1. 22 minutes ago, jodgi said:

    Avoiding that pure time-tax is the main selling point for me.

    I so look forward to that.

    Imported ships makes the game more fair; If you don't enjoy getting mats, hauling and crafting nobody forces you to just like people are able to avoid pvp forever.

    There's still a lot of better ships you'll only be able to get from crafters. Besides, when they buff something to equal the herc or raise its BR, it won't be as much fun to take into PBs.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Christendom said:

    I would say keep   US, GB, France, Spain and Dutch as the nations and then have pirates be the catch all hardcore faction.  

    That's what it was at the start.

  3. 3 hours ago, Cabral said:

     I didn't understand my topic, I'm not interested in that game gameplay mechanics, it's just a pity that Ubisoft give more importance to a naval nation like Portugal and Naval Action didn't.

    I see. Nevermind then. :)

  4. As Early Access (allegedly) approaches, there is one mechanic that I feel, as a pirate, is imperative to implement before much larger numbers of new players (hopefully) flood the game; the concept of "turning" pirate rather than choosing to start out as a pirate. 


    The game of ArcheAge already has this mechanic: players start as one of the 2 default factions, which are also at war with each other. If they commit enough crimes they have the ability to "turn" pirate, effectively joining a 3rd faction. Doing so removes them from their current guild, and lose the protection of any of their previous faction's guards, among other things. Going pirate in ArcheAge is no small matter, so many wait until they are the highest level to do so.


    I suggest that Naval Action implement a similar mechanic for pirates. Players should first start out as any of the default nations, and if they attack a "friendly" vessel, they turn pirate. (I think this should also be tweaked. I believe someone should only be made to go pirate if their are survivors to tell the story of said treason and piracy). 




    Turning to and playing pirate should be a sobering smack in the face of the player; Cut ties with anyone and everyone, lose access to ports and trade you once claimed. Have a ship in a port you can't access anymore because you went pirate? Tough. It shouldn't be a simple decision, just as it was in history. And just like in history, I also think that "accidental" piracy should be observed. You didn't mean to attack a vessel; you thought it was an enemy? Good luck telling that to the Lord High Admiral during your trial. 

    I think this is imperative to implement something along these lines for EA due to the fact that the game will then be accessible to a larger population, many of which who may come in thinking they can play pirate with the same (relative) ease as any other Nation. They shouldn't. Doing this after EA may cause some dissent, so it would be better to implement this sooner rather than later. , in my opinion at least.


    EDIT: Being a noob that I am, I have only just added a poll option to this topic


    Fair winds and swift seas,





    These two women chose to be pirates. New players should have that right also. Historically there were people who straight up chose to go pirate without joining any navy such as the boucaniers of Hispaniola. Sometimes merchants took their ships and rolled pirate because they felt there was more profit in it. Some of these took letters of marque and became privateers instead. These situations were more common than some naval captain deciding he's had enough of the navy life and they usually sucked at it like Captain Kidd. Bart Roberts was the only navy man who flipped pirate and was good at it.

  5. Actually, the devs care very much and are watching the spread of The Black with rapt attention.  Not because they think what is being done is broken in any way, but in order to refine it so that it will evolve to be inclusive of more players in more varieties of ships.  your pain is every players gain.  if some ppl are leaving because of the testing we are conducting: so be it; the devs already have their money PLUS most will be returning when more changes like the coming rate limitations are implemented PLUS new players will continue to join.  This is all known and expected in the development cycle of a game.  When you tell us (paraphrased0 "you are breaking the game!", our answer is "Good, we are doing exactly what is expected of us. [sORRY]"

    I am just perusing the forum and have to say as a Texan I like your sig.

  6. So far I have no complaint with the AI accuracy and damage as everyone else seems to have. Think like a captain of the time period and don't take on anything you think you can't handle. However, I do have one complaint. A clanmate of mine took a Post Captain mission and found himself facing a privateer. This obviously needs to be fixed. A flag captain facing what is basically a canoe with guns is an insult.

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