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Posts posted by Glazo

  1. Glazo, i'm not lying. I begin to be a bit discourage with you trying to influence the guys byt rewritting history.

    You always add into your peace proposal the fact that french have to stop attacking brits and join against pirates. If it's not written there don't be surprise it's all writtend on french private CSNF forum about the update in our diplomaty... I've check few minutes ago to be sure i was not missinterpreting the facts but it's almost everywhere...


    i can only paste you again what i wrote few posts above. Current peace offer from Dutch Councill to French Councill is:


    - white peace without additional circumstances. White peace means Pampatar, Carupano and Galdonas stays in Dutch territory (same as before this war), all ports east from Galdonas including St.George's will be part of French territory.

    - about ports north of Fort-Royal French side have to make separate peace with Sweden or if you have allready consensus with Swedes we can announce 3 sided peace treaty, its up to you if u wanna make separate peace with us and another with Sweden or u wanna make it 3 sided.


    I dont see there anything about Brits, Pirates or any other faction except Sweden. Sadly you dont answer for offer, i must say... as allways. We just waiting for answer from French side. i wanna make it public to avoid any future misunderstandings. And im sure our earlier propositions about white peace were same as above. Preafect asked you to not attack Brits in near future or join us to attack Pirates, but it was not necessary to include as points of peace treaty. i was there when we talked about it, so maybe you missunderstood or didnt pay attention for every word, it happens, i dont blame you for that. Just wanna make things clear. You have our simple offer above, in my opinion it cant be more simple as it is now.

  2. Praefect never propose frencha white peace. (...)


    C'mon, i know what i heard, why u simply lie? I dont understand it. If we have to do everything public, we can do it, here we go.

    We offered you white peace many times including current proposition from our side. To be clear, current offer from Dutch Councill to French Councill is:


    - white peace without additional circumstances. White peace means Pampatar, Carupano and Galdonas stays in Dutch territory (same as before this war), all ports east from Galdonas including St.George's will be part of French territory.

    - about ports north of Fort-Royal French side have to make separate peace with Sweden or if you have allready consensus with Swedes we can announce 3 sided peace treaty, its up to you if u wanna make separate peace with us and another with Sweden or u wanna make it 3 sided.


    End of peace treaty terms here, all below are speculations what can happend in future. Some of those points can be included in peace treaty or not, most important point of peace is "white peace"


    - we are allied with UK and Sweden, If France will attack one of them, and those nations will call us to arm, we will help them in terms of our alliances and 3rd FRA-VP war will start

    - we will probably fight Pirates in future, we asked you many times what will be your reaction if we'll be active in war against Pirates. AFAIK your current answer is "we will stay neutrall to this war"

    - we asked you many times to not attack Brits in near future (like at least 2-3 weeks), couse it will make Brits simply ganked, can destroy their community, and can lead to 3rd FRA-VP war in terms of our aliance with UK

    - we asked you to join our war aggainst Pirates, you refused several times, its ok. For you Pirates are friends and we're respecting it.

    - we can make some pvp zone in Carupano-Galdonas Scarborough-El Toco areas if u find this kind of "closed area" fight funny, its no problem for us to agree for such zones even with PBs


    If something is unclear for you in this peace treaty proposal just ask.

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  3. I personally had a really good impression of Horail and Kaiir. Had the feeling, that there was a rly good understanding and personal trust, so I enjoyed the talks. Would like to continue with that. :)


    Can some other french council member approve that statement? Because no further time investments are needed so. Still don´t know if its a language barrier or some culture stuff...


    Im for contuinue talks with Kair and Horail too. Talks with those guys are moving things forward and there is at least some kind of thread of undersatnding each other.




    If you are member of French Councill, then looks like u wasnt informed about all our peace proposals.Those were many in different stages of war, and only once we made proposal which included ports in south-east corner for us and Swedes asked for part of Guadelupe. It was when you were beaten hard and all up to Castries from south and whole, or allmost whole Guadelupe was in Swedish hands. As Preafect counted at this point when we made this proposal you were -26 ports since start of war. In your opinion we should just give you all back at this point and say to our PvP players "thx for fighting, we'll get nothing from this war, lets have fun from PvP in future"?


    Every other peace propossal were "white peace" (it means to end war and get back to borders like before war), and i cant even count how many proposals of "white peace" we gave you, even before we conquered south-east. Everytime your diplos, usually Kierrip said "NO" couse of something not precised exactly. And now when u have 3 our ports and we're coming again with proposal of white peace again you saying no "couse those were french ports in January". I remember 1st FRA-VP war and peace after this war. We were winning and u were beaten badly after "black friday" and for you loosing only Pampatar, Galdonas and Carupano was in fact gift from us and your side were thankfull for those peace terms, couse ppl from French nation were just switching nation or leaving game after "black friday" and we gave you terms of pece which guaranteed u to save your community. So pls dont write about taking back "french" Pampatar, Carupano and Galdonas, becouse if we'll behave in past like you're behaving now, u'r community will be destroyed long ago in February.

    Then, after 1st war we gave you passage to Brits and allowed you to make "Tour de France", you dont remeber this too? Sadly I dont remeber any favour toward us from French, and we asking you just for one: White peace now, and as answer we allways hear "NO!".

  4. From all those posts from French players here, not involved in diplo talks, i have bad feeling, that French diplos are talking with us one thing, and then giving completly oposite infos inside French nation. In fact even during diplo talks with them Kierip says one thing, then Eric comes and says something opposite to Kierrip, and next day Kair says third version from his point of view, thats why talks with them are not going to any conclusion.

  5. well that had different kind of reason and you mean curse guys


    Probably. I think his source must be inside Curse or FFD, i dont see any other possibilty to get such twisted infos, I like some of those guys, but they came to us not long ago, and dont have any idea about history of our nation on PvP1. Looks like AEthistan dont have such knowledge too, it is fairly clear from his first sentences about first FRA-VP peace. Simply he dont knows what he writes about.

  6. These arent lies. This is what happened, as I saw them. I do not remember the name of the dutch diplomat(s) as this was several weeks ago. 


    Man, im in Dutch Councill since months and im one of Dutch diplomats, I know all other Dutch diplos, and i was present during many diplomatic talks including those with French diplos durring current war. All u wrote is distorted information and has nothing to do with facts, really. I dont know who is your source, but he trolling you, or just has wrong informations.

  7. Look. I had a long very well thought out post in the making, but it was erased. Here is the cliff notes version


    French give Resource Ports to Swedish, and 3 strategic ports to Dutch as result of Black Friday


    Swedes abuse given resource ports, ganking traders and lone French left and right. Swedish Council is now comprised of all major Swedish clans, and says the ganking will stop. It continues (as I can personally attest) so disgruntled french rightfully take back the ports the gankers were basing out of. 


    The Dutch launch an attack on St Georges


    In Response, the French take ~5 ports.


    Sweden refuses to stop fighting and is whittled down to just Gustavia.


    The tables turn, enabled by bug exploitation and underhandedness, which set French blood to boiling. Any possible peace at that stage was ended, as the French had their ports capped out from under them while they slept, and also viewed peace as impossible as long as their ally was continuing the fight. (the same excuse made by the Dutch, in fact)


    The French fought on, reclaiming their territory, as dutch players, pissed off at giving up the fight with the pirates to fight the french, stop logging on daily. Clans consider re rolling to other nations, due to a strong dislike of new national leadership


    This exodus of Dutch players, combined with the fix of the bugs, enables the French to reclaim almost all their territory, including the 3 french ports held by the Dutch after Black Friday


    The Swedish agree to a peace deal I have not been made privy to yet. The dutch, who joined the war to aid sweden in their aggression, refuse to stop the war unless the French make concessions


    The french maintain that they took back their ports that The Dutch took from them after black friday fair and square. From the looks of things, they may be going after 1 additional port that they did not have at Black Friday, in reparations for the Dutch attack.



    only 1 port. Yet the dutch refuse to make peace




    I am not on the council, I am not a diplomat, this is my view of things, taken from old PvP2 friends in VP, having participated in the war, and a few discussions with some Dutch diplomats.


    I didnt saw so much lies and distorted informations in one post. Give me names of Dutch diplomats you were talking with. I dont believe it was Preafect or Icceman and for sure i didnt talk with you. So just give names of those Dutch "diplomats". Really i dont believe what i see above, its just so far from any facts as it can be.

  8. At least it is better than your pirate friends at New Edinburgh.

    ??? Sry i dont know what u writing about, but i was not logged to game last 2 days, maybe something new. I know about pirate guy with double account, who as Dutch buys flag for Baranquilla 5 days a row now to make it impossible to craft for Dutch. There is topic about it in Tribunal section.

  9. How fast French forgot about pece treaty after first war. We gave u back all in south-eastern corner, to prevent your players from leaving game or nation, even if this was very hard for some of our clans and made a big troubles inside Dutch nation.

    Week ago, when u lost 20+ ports to Dutch and Sweden u asked for white peace. With score of war of -20 ports, 16 taken by us and 4+ by Sweden u asked for white peace. Im writing it twice to make it clear and to force you to remeber it. Now is unaceptaptabe for your side to accept white peace when u have 3 our ports?

    Think about your diplomatic behaviour continued for weeks. Everytime you wanna something else, any step back in demads is for u "dishonor". This is no diplomacy, this is bullshit what are u doing frenchies.

  10. I think some of they guys here were way past my time or others,back when it was just less then 100 people playing,most of the guys are still playing the game.It is safe to say that as long as there will be some of the "mature" people,there will be the game


    You enjoy to play 8 factions MMO with 100 players, where 25 vs 25 are top fun for many players? Wow, respect!

    The only solution to stop ppl from leaving is giving more content. All those things sticked in "Developer news..." + pirate mechanics and diplomacy ASAP. Instead devs are tweaking masts or sails endurance for weeks. Details instead of big changes. Most important things from pvp players perpective dont have any ETA. I mean like changing port battle machanics, delete those stupid flags, waiting if enemy will show up 3 hours doing nothing, diplomacy, pirates, making ports important to have more as nation, making SOLs playable and important again, get rid of exploits etc., and many many many more minor changes. Me and many others just wanna see this game to evolve faster in big things, not details. Most ppl dont give a f*** about birds over sea, new crew shouts or another ship in game, those things are nice but tbh not important comparing to big changes in mechanics which are required and expected ASAP, not "noone knows when". And if you think that expecticg from devs to speed up works and keep promises (like date of big patch with ports wipe) is unmature, then for me you are just unmature dreamer of perfect world where everyone will make joint effort to achieve happiness for all. Kinda unmature comunistic utopia.

    Offcourse u can look at NA from PvE perspective, then u can play it like single player too, and those minor changes and slow pace of development will not distract you.

    • Like 1
  11. Your suggestion sounds pretty fun. ;)  If you are bored and think the game lacks anything to do, though, maybe you should break from the game for a month or two?  For myself, I have plenty to do and not enough time to play the game to accomplish it.  Leveling up and trading is a lot of time and work, and if you craft and do fleeting with a clan too, or are into port battles as well, I can't see running out of anything to do.  If you think there should be more variation in the game that's a different subject.  You might need to break and come back to a changed game with a new perspective.  (or the "a lot of people" you are referring to)


    If "a lot of ppl" will take breake, server will be empty ;)

  12. 10% have not done a PB?  That doesn't surprise me one bit. I asked how you found out and was pissed a comment where some one called me a spy for not knowing that with how long I been in the game and my rank.  NO I HAVE NOT DONE A PB. I only been in PvP twice and both times was ganks by mulit players in much better higher tier ships.  Many of the players are very rude so I just do my own thing.  Hate to say this prob has chased off a lot of new players.  I only pop back on when a new patch comes out and for a short time.  I'm only Lt Commador and level 18 crafting cause of it.   That and having to go from EU server I played on because of the larger population from start to the US server when it got more popular and with only a basic trader sucked.


    As for the ganking, why not make surrender give you a chance to not loose your ship, but they can take your cargo.  This was how it happend many a times in the age of saling.  They couldn't take all the cargo so they would just take what they can.  Give them an option to grab the best loot and keep going.   


    I did have a clan come out today and ask if I would like to stop by the TS and meet the players and join them to get help.   After all this time solo playing I'm thinking of doing so.


    I think they should up the buildings allowed to 10 instead of just 5.   This will help keep folks from having to resort to mulit accounts.  Hell POTBS had more building options and I was running 5 accounts on that game cause of the crafting.  I agree with the travel time needs to be speed up a bit.  It is a big turn off on a game after spending an hour or so to get something and than be ganked and loose it all.   Oh and on that note why did I get sent to a far away port when I had two outpost close to where I got sunk at?


    If i remember correctly devs published some players data about April. It was like 20.000 players logged in at last once during April, but only 800 participated in any PB. I dont know if i remember it corectly, u have to dig in forum if u wanna confirm it or ask devs. That was argument from devs that PBs are not so important.


    Yup, sadly. Add to this recent negative reviews on steam from players with 500-2000 hours played NA and u'll have whole package of current players attitude.

  13. I can't understand why everyone is complaing about new dmg model. That model is so great.

    Before it fights were all about sinking people and that felt stupid arcady and like every kiddy pew pew game.

    Now fights have way more depth and all aspects of the game are required to win.


    Are u joking or its real? Now its only one proper tactic, both OW and PBs: make max boarding ship (usually ppl use consti), split enemy, gank with chains and grapes splited part, board them, repeat with rest of enemy before they'll click out. In PBs add 1 point: capture towers. All about battles is now which side will brake enemy lines first to split them and gank.


    There is even more simple tactic in last days for PBs: 1. make screen fleet with some 2,3 rates and stay outside attacked port. Let inside 5 ppl with boarding stuff and capture towers. End of battle in max 20 mins, profit.

  14. Ships that you capture will have to have crew to be transported back to port

    - This is a BIG change, so if a clan wants to operate in say Panama and they had previously been in say Haiti, thats a 90 min sail PER ship they want to be down there !!

    - I would really like the ability to send a capp'd ship or even a ported ship to a help port via some sort of time delayed convoy or some such. I dont have 4-6 hours a week to be sailing around just to move ships


    This! Currently ratio "action vs OW sailing" is low enough in NA.

  15. nation should have not rally against French at first to ask after the French to rally on them...

    French speak like they play, we don't use duble language.

    Last week swedish and dutch proposal for peace was everything north grand anse on sweden, everhthing south of cariacou dutch or french-british alliance vs pirate and we could get more ports but not all of them.

    You make an ultimatum to us and we refuse your 2 proposal.

    The first one because french won't surrender and betray his friends

    The second one because french won't surrender and be treat like iroquois or cherokee in US.


    First of all we didnt give you ultimatum, just peace proposal,first version for further negotiations

    2nd we made step back in proposal on Sunday last week during meeting FRA-SWE-VP, and Swedes took few steps back in demands too,

    3rd French didnt made any step back in their demand, new proposal was promised to us and Swedish till Thursday by Kaiir (french diplo), no offer arrived till today (Saturday)

    4th I likely wlll continue negotiations with Kaiir, couse he looks like only french diplo who speaks in name of french nation not only one or two clans.

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