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Posts posted by Martin

  1. Are you playing on PVP1 or the EU server?

    When you saying "crashing" are you refering to a disconnect or the game completely closing?




    The crash always sends me to the login page - which goes to shards then to player and start button - sometimes it will error and say that my STEAM login is invalid and I have to try again.

    This is a disconnect ^.


    The fact your using Comcast in US is highly suspect especially if your playing on PVP1 There renown for huge amounts of networking and routing issues. 



    Lost a 3rd rate when another bugg locked  all Controls and ability to sail away, being attacked (and sunk)

    I had this before. I can't remember how I fixed it at the time but either tabbing in/out of the game fixed it or opening the map and closing it with 'm'

  3. Some thoughts,


    I imagine the work behind the war and peace changes is somewhat minimal compared to the other changes and is a badly needed change.




    Hired crew and officers (incl supplying them with provisions, food production and fishing) 

    The undercrewing of ships update was a nice addition but being so recent this feature could be pushed back so other areas of the game are improved first.




    Open world PVE: epic events, more variety of fleets, more missions (incl delivery missions)

    This is likely the largest of the updates mentioned and would be ideal for everyone overall but there are other smaller updates which could be done first.




    Arranged PVP: Leaderboards, tournaments, pvp events, duels and ow duel flags, balancer improvements

    Not needed in the games current state in my opinion.




    Overhaul of resource distribution, labor hours rework, crafting improvements, exploration for resources

    The changes to production building I think are great and don't require this to be addressed as soon as you might think.

    • Like 1

    Because so many people have problems with the API i will give you a sample how to get all Ports.

    Result can be seen here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M-wUC6pK3eQL8rwNHGH4uoAqVE-UOkGhQdML6NFQYLA/edit#gid=1565570060)

    and this is the function (in Google Sheet open Tools->Scripteditor and copy this code)

    function getAllTowns(){
     var options = {
         "contentType" : "ContentService.MimeType.JAVASCRIPT",
    var url_ports = "http://storage.googleapis.com/nacleanopenworldprodshards/Ports_cleanopenworldprodeu1.json";
    eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url_ports,options).getContentText());// Ports
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Ports");
      sheet.getRange(1, 1, 368, 4).clearContent();
      sheet.getRange(1, 1).setValue("Id");
      sheet.getRange(1, 2).setValue("Name");
      sheet.getRange(1, 3).setValue("NationId");
      sheet.getRange(1, 4).setValue("Nation Name");
      sheet.getRange(1, 5).setValue("ConquestFlagTimeSlot");
      sheet.getRange(1, 6).setValue("LordProtector");
      var index = 0;
      var Nation = "not set";
      for(index = 0; index < Ports.length; index++){
          case 0: Nation = "Neutral";
          case 1: Nation = "Pirates";
          case 2: Nation = "Espana";
          case 3: Nation = "France";
          case 4: Nation = "Great Britain";
          case 5: Nation = "Verenigde Provincien";
          case 6: Nation = "Danmark-Norge";
          case 7: Nation = "Sverige";
          case 8: Nation = "United States";
          case 9: Nation = "Free Towns";
          default: Nation = "not set";
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 1).setValue(Ports[index].Id);
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 2).setValue(Ports[index].Name);
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 3).setValue(Ports[index].Nation);
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 4).setValue(Nation);
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 5).setValue(Ports[index].ConquestFlagTimeSlot);
      sheet.getRange(index+2, 6).setValue(Ports[index].Capturer);

    Don't hardcode your making all of us sad :(

    • Like 1
  5. If you mean shipsofwar.net - yes, you can use it. I will update it using the new data.

    Maybe enable queries to use the parameters id, name etc in the lookups. Would be nice :).


    e.g http://api.shipsofwar.net/ports?apikey=secret&id=133




    instead we're making dump of all data each time when we do maintenance and export it to google storage

    Could we be so bold as to ask for a nightly backup =D


    I've attached this picture as a bribe 


  6. I think I've noticed the days being more sunny and colorful which I imagine will take more GPU resources. I play on max setting using an 390X and am getting 60+ fps in combat and 45-50 in the open world which appears to be a small increase after the patch.

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