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Raymond Woolstone

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Posts posted by Raymond Woolstone

  1.  It was just fine when we could put a small group together and take a city of two.. Now the only fun is for big GANGS 



    this game is like eve online, if you come alone they will bring 3, if you come in a 6th rate, they will come in 4th rate.

    games like these are not ment for small gangs/solo play if you want to change the map. you can harass and do raids as a small group/solo player but that is all it will ever be.

  2. thing is, pve as it is now IS pointless, and that is mainly as the game is still in open alpha.

    ofc we could have port battles in pve, but they require more job to make, as you need to make a program for the ai to do it, and you allso need to have a counter charge by the defending part so that we dont get to a pvp point where 1 nation can teoreticly controll all nations in the pve server.


    and it would allso require an instant teleport to the area where the port battle is going to happend, or a 24H notice about where it is going to happend so that players have the time to sail. it allso have to happend in all nations at the same time.


    then perhaps a monthly campain could be made where 1 nation pushes on multiple fronts to see if they can capture a area. if they do the players in that nation gets some rewards and the ports get reset the next day. if they dont the defenders get some rewards and ports get reset the next day.


    i dont think the devs have the time to make all this right now, maybe when the game hits open beta.

    like 1 dude in pvp1 said yesterday: the game is currently just to test ship combat and open world mechanics, nothing else.

  3. Looks like Pacific coast will be PVE - So sail around to the pacific coast from the East coast and you are in PVE area, sailing this distance would take many hours so not to be easily done. Sail back around to east coast and you are PVP again on PVP1 EU server.

    So effectively everything will be on the one server. At least that is what I gather and assume.


    are you talking about that area of waters that is to the left of the map that has no ports and cant be sailed to?

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  4. politics alliances and pirates will be addressed and they will improve conquest

    but it will still be somewhat meaningless - unless gear treadmills are added to the game - for example you cannot sail victory until you get reputation level which you get if you capture 10 ports etc.. 

    or you nation cannot own victories unless you own 20 ports.. 

    But current design - you can sail anything without any limitations if you have money - contradicts with gear treadmills. 


    if sutch a system would be made, it would have to be based on dmg doe and ships sunk, as you cant take ports in the pve server.



    as for topic, overwatch and new update for division both at the same date. ofc you will see a drop in population in this game.

    give it 1 month or a decent update to do something aboute the pirates and the players will return.

  5. well, i have not played these boardgames myself, but i know of two:


    Merchants & Marauders  https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/25292/merchants-marauders

    Black Fleet  https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/157403/black-fleet


    if, you dont mind a totaly unrealistic approach you might want to take a look at Dreadfleet  https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/108722/dreadfleet

    now dread is a hate/love game. some likes it for what it is(stand alone skirmish game)others dont like it for the lack of support or greater replayability value.

    i find it to be quite fun to play but then again, i am a casual wargamer, not a comp player.

  6. soft wipe it as many times as you want to for all i care, BUT allow us solo hunters who dont care for building or the boring capturing to do missions from the start again whit the lowest order rank avalible so we can actualy make some gold to buy back the ships we lost.


    you simply cant take on master and commander orders in a basic cutter whit no gold to buy a Surprise..........(no, capturing a ship is not the solution, mutch more fun to sink everything that floats.)

  7. Some people purchase early access games, try them out for a while to see if there's potential. Then they stop playing it waiting for more content before they dig in more seriously.

    I'd like to think this is what have happened. People who joined first 1-2 weeks from ea-release now just wait for more content.



    that is atleast the case for me.

    this is the second alpha title i bought on steam, and i moust likely will never get into alphas again.


    the game is simply too early in its life for the avrage gamer to play it. there is no content apart from pvp, and you can get pvp in any other mmo out there that is fully released.

    for the pve`ers there is allmoust 0 content. what you can do in pve us, you can do in pvp eu 1 in a remote location in the world.

  8. Hi


    i came across your main collective thread while i was browsing here looking for clans for pve server but it appears there are none.


    im playing this game primarely for the pve element(pvp might be in my future, but pve is where my main inntrest lies) but the very low server population in us pve when i play(50-70 in the whole server, and as i am scandenavian and play on daytime CET, i am too late for AU, too early for EU and way, way too early for U.S) is starting to take its toll as there is only so mutch solo mission i can endure, and i am realy looking for small group play, aka ai fleet hunting.


    if what i want whit this game suits the goals of this clan then i would be willing to move to eu pvp1, but i would be a Lt. Commander whit only a basic cutter and no gold in my pocket.....

  9. That being my point as well.  We will already have a huge advantage over anyone that hasn't played.  Leaving our rank or gold or crafting exp is kinda overkill and likely to chase off new players.  I know I know, invested time blah blah blah.  If you're like me you bought an Early Access Alpha game.  If you did that and didn't expect a full wipe before release that's kinda your own fault.


    aslong as xp is saved on steam account and are not going to be wiped, and missions is based on rank, not the ship you sail, then they simply cant wipe.

    if missions where to be based on ships(and that is not a hard fix to create), they can do as many wipes as they want for all i care.


    im here only for one thing, play on pve server, grind missions and coops, and get the biggest ship asap. and i wont be alone whit this mindset as the game gets clouser to open beta.

  10. As Maturin said, at least on the PvP server, missions were only added because it was hard to find fights.  At the moment, they're not supposed to be a rich, rewarding feature that you hammer over and over again all day long.  They're filler, something to do when PvP is quiet.


    People always complain about missions being boring and grindy - stop grinding them and sail over to a place where you can fight players.  You'll have a ton more fun and get rewards to boot.


    see, here is a problem, there exists something called a pve server where pvp dont exist. if it was made for a reason or not, i cannot tell, but it is here, and it is mainly for u.s tz players. so we eu players has no option but to do missions as there is no more then 50-80 ppl online in the whole server if i understand the counter correctly.


    and in that server there should be a big variarity of non pvp content, and missions should reward better, as it is the only thing to do there. no point in doing fleethunts when the players who has the big ships are sleeping as they are 6-9h behind us in eu. i see more french bigship ai fleets then i do british human players around PR.

    only when it is night time in eu does the pve server come to life.

  11. i have been inntrested in having a sail ship model, but i dont have the space nor experience whit wood models.


    are the plastic kits from say revell any decent in terms of visual details and how they look?

  12. There are clans, and there are group activities. Finding a clan requires going out and looking for one, or getting invited. (I was invited to mine after sailing with them for a couple battles.) With regards to group activities, Post-Captain and Flag Captain missions are, from what I hear (as a Master and Commander), impossible or extremely difficult to run alone. There are also larger AI fleets, found near Cuba and Haiti, that put anything found inside Jamaican waters to shame.


    how would i find these clans? i flipped thru the first couple of pages in the clan section on this forum but only found pvp clans.


    You can get big battles in PvE. (Human vs A.I.)

    But just like in PvP, you can't expect to do much for large battles in a basic cutter, or at low rank.

    There are alot of 'group activities' and also clans.



    yea, i kinda expected that, i just wanted to know if there was any reason for me to grind the biggest ships other then just to look at it in pve.


    Yea this game is not really tuned for pve as much and the mission are repetitive for PVE but its an alpha and pve will get less attention then pvp imo


    in games where there are both pvp and pve, it has allways been so. seems it is the same here too.

  13. no new player section that i can find, so im posting this here.


    is the pve server exlusivly solo play? are there no group activitys or clans on this server?

    i know the 50 ship battles are for pvp, but i wouldent mind a 20vs 20 humans vs ai battle.


    i have been playing for 4 days now, sailing a snow on autopilote for the brits and i am finding these 1v1 or 1v2 missions to be boring by now.



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