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Posts posted by xAzDKr

  1. 41 minutes ago, maturin said:

    Zumwalt is firing its gun. So unrealistic.

    Give it a couple months, at this rate it might be smoking some North Koreans very soon

  2. I have yet to try this on the testbed, but who's idiodic idea was this? Do away with the entire concept. Normal XP system is fine imo, don't fix what isn't broken.

    There is no reason for me to have to grind around a bunch of random ships just so I can captain a specific ship.

    This will make the game somehow even slower and probably turn me off from playing the game entirely. It may reward those who grind countless hours but I am a college student and I work, I don't have the time to grind some dumbass brig so I can captain a renomee so I can captain a surprise so I can captain a trinc, I'd rather saw off my own leg with a rusty spoon.

  3. 32 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

    Both options got merits but Equal rules. Either we like it to stay or we wish it to go.

    As both options have merit we are discussing both.

    Why not give an option to turn it off or on? People would be knowingly putting themselves at a navigation disadvantage for the challenge/fun. I see nothing wrong with that, they couldn't complain because they chose to play that way.

    No point in restricting gameplay in this situation when it could be an option that gives the player more freedom. I found trying to navigate using coordinates and that old map quite immersive. 

    • Like 2
  4. Last thing we need is people who barely understand how to manual sail going into port battles in their shiny new 3rd rate.

    From my understanding, devs have tried to incorporate lower levels with shallow port battles and the like.

    This is before taking into consideration alt griefing which has been an issue for well over a year, since I started playing, and is still an issue now from what I've gathered.

    At this point, I am a commodore in game and I still prefer Frigate gameplay to anything else but that's because I took the time to learn the game and mechanics. I've driven everything from the basic cutter to the Victory and decided that 5th and 4th rate gameplay is where I enjoy myself the most and I am most productive. 

    • Like 5
  5. Current implemented Economy makes all captains more or less privateers in fact.

    We earn money when we sink an enemy of our nation, we buy and repair our ships...


    What might be needed is a naval officer career such as :

    I'd like to be given a choice of ships but the maximum is governed by the "admirality"


    For example: The admiralty offers me a 3rd rate but I prefer a Constitution

  6. Characters do not carry over from server to server. Each server is independent of each other (unless otherwise stated by devs, such as the merging of pvp3 into pvp1)


    Creating a new character on a DIFFERENT server will not affect any other servers you play on.


    For example: I am Brit on PVP1 but Pirate on PVP2. 


    The only things that carry over from server to server are crafting level, crafting hours, and overall rank. 

  7. understand you cant put 1100 men on a lynx, but if I have 1100 crew by rank then I should be able to FULLY man the sails and guns onboard a lynx. Victory is 850 crew, I have 1100 and Im still short being able to fully crew guns and sails even with mastercraft hamocks by more than 100 crew.

    with 1100 crew I should be able to man fully both stations on a victory, even with all med cannons gun crew is 868 and sails are 200 crew to man.

    Victory historically is fully crewed with 850 crew, that's what 850 is the max (without crew space/hammocks)


    There's a difference between being "fully crewed" and being able to fully man everything without any penalties. 

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