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Posts posted by IceShade

  1. What to do if you spotted enemy sail and he is sailing at you?

    First thing first, turn around and double check it is enemy ship. This can be done by pressing Home button x2 times and using scroll mouse wheel +WASD keys to move and increase free camera movement. Fly to the target and check what ship is it. Once you know for sure keep sailing away and test his patience. In most cases they will give up or if you are lucky you will lose him during the night or fog/rain.


    Couldn't you just... click on the ship...?

  2. Resurrecting this thread. Is it time yet to consider this proposal?


    Other than buying extra port slots, perhaps mothballing is an idea, to store extra ships? Pay a fee to mothball a ship, and when it needs to be taken into service again it costs an hour or two to prepare the ship?


    Although I honestly don't know whether mothballing Age of Sail ships was an actual thing.

  3. Mind you the system was not devised to stop ganking. Please read the notes again.




    Hello all. 

    We see a lot of commenters who oppose this change (implemented for testing).


    We would like to issue a statement regarding it.


    Goals of the 1.5x change

    Reason 1. Reduce ganking




    Unless you really want to go into semantics and argue that "stop" isn't the same as "reduce". I'm trying to argue the point here that the current system does not stop, battle or reduce ganking. It has in fact made it easier and as such has become more prevalent.

    • Like 1
  4. In my experience these new changes don't do anything to stop ganking. In fact, so far I've only seen the gankers being helped by this.


    A bunch of trincs and renos just gank people right outside Carlisle and KPR. They all form up, see an unfortunate target, attack him and with 20 seconds they're all in. So far, nothing new.


    People close to the battle see this happening, they didn't get dragged in, so they make their way over. Maybe some can't get just close enough due to wind and whatever, and so they are locked out due to a 2 minute timer. Those that get close jump in. Those that are a bit later will notice the BR is at the limit, so they can't.


    Those that managed to get in will soon realise it was all for nothing, because they spawn so far away from the action that the gankers are already well on their way to sinking their target! By the time they get close, the gankers will have escaped the battle. They will sit on the battle screen for 15 minutes, grab a cup of coffee, have a snack, wait for the defenders outside to get bored (or perhaps just wait for the wind to become more favourable to run away), they will flee with their invisibility devices and are already well on their way to the next unfortunate target by the time you even see them appear.


    Combine that with the ability to build an outpost in a free town close to the enemy, and the ability to send ships across the universe by capping traders .. and you have a recipe for easy, accessible ganking.


    These are my experiences. I personally don't think this is the direction that Naval Action should take.


    Be careful out there, folks. Don't go off on your own. Always stick with friends.

    • Like 1
  5. drama in internetboats aside, it does boggle the mind why the French would attack Britain, get spanked and then cry foul on the forums about it.


    if it's not fun, then stop doing it. Maybe withdraw, think up some other RP nonsense reason to attack the Dutch or Swedes or something and have some fun with them.

  6. I was right outside, and filled up before I could get a slot. Shame that a cutter with two AI took up 3 slots, but it was won regardless. Apparently it wasn't looking pretty at first, because our side was purely adhoc and lacked good communication.



    Not to throw a spanner in the works but from those two screenshots I will note:



    brits: 25 = 1034 guns
    7 3rd rates = 518
    4 4th rates = 216
    8 5th rates = 220
    2 6th rates = 44
    3 7th rates = 36

    Pirates: 22  960 guns
    1 2nd rate 82
    3 3rd rates = 222
    4 4th rates = 216
    11 5th rates = 402
    2 6th rates = 38
    0 7th rates = 0


    Not only did you have more guns, you also had 7 SOLs to 4 SOLs, which is nearly always going to be a deciding factor in that battle.

    So I'm afraid your claim you were outgunned, is incorrect ;)

    Looks to be a great fight though!


    Let's say that the 6 (4? there were 2 AI) pounders of cutters and snows don't particularly weigh up to the cannons of 5th rates and up. If we remove those from the equation, we come to a more even 954 vs 922 guns, if you care about these numbers at all. I'd say that communication and tactics has a bit more influence in these fights. ;) I'm surprised the Brits won this fight.

  7. Personally I don't think this is very nice - cheating a member of your own nation - especially when that person could have used a high quality high end ship for the numerous Port Battles the pirates throw at us, but it is perfectly legal within the confines of the game.


    It does hurt reputation, though. Perhaps of only those involved, perhaps the clan involved, or perhaps the trust people have for crafters in general. Shrug.


    Bad for business, tbh.


    It all comes down to trust at the moment.

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