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Posts posted by Neith

  1. More populated nations will have less crew per player (total crew pool of 250,000 for 1000 players)

    Less populated nation will naturally have more crew per player (total crew pool 100,000 for 100 players)


    All fine but this ? Really ?


    Admin please read it again and again and again. Maybe you will understand why this is wrong ... More popluated nation will have less crew and less populated nation will have more crew ? More populated nation should have more crew and should be not problem with this.
    I know your idea. You tries push people to switch nation and join to nation where is a less people, but this is not fair for the players. We spend on this game a lot of time and thanks to people like me nations become stronger and stronger.
    Why becouse of this new mechanic which is trying make a balance between all nation a lot of good players will get a punishment ? Why ?
    I know that for the game best option is to have an endless war between all nations which stay all equal for ever. Maybe system like this bring a lot of new players to game but also for sure many of them stop play. People need to have progress, not just stay in same place and lose private time. (I have Schout-bij-Nacht rank and few Santisima. Since long time there is nothing to do for me. Now also is not many chances to use my Santi because of this port system...)
    One month ago was 2000/2300 at european prime time, now is maximum 1000/1200
    Please give the players something else to do. Endless war and pvp where you can lose a lot and need to spend a lot of time to participate in this system and prepare before you join to this system is not exactly this what people need from this game. Should be time for pvp and time for pve. Game where people have nothing to do in pve or do not have time for pve, because of port battle system is not friendly for the players. In longer way push many of them to stop play. At this moment this game is just to hard to play even for people like i am :P Just one day break from port battle system is enough to lose all ports which you taken in last week thanks to your hard job.
    At this moment people do not have even safe place to do mission or economic stuff. Water around capital should be safe for players from this nation, not for the enemies! Close to the port people should also can build tower which gives them an another protected area where they can do mission or whatever they want.
    The open world pvp system, port battle system and economy are more than poor is just...
    At this moment only one is very good (or was before last patch) battles. But all outside is just weak and need a lot of improvements.
    For me this patch and system what you propose is just a time to stop play this game. To many not tested changes, not good enough. I pay for this game to have a fun, now i have just a place to waste my time and become an non-profit alpha tester. Really wish you all best, but now can't do nothing better than just take a break :)
  2. Lord protector is a person who earned most victory points in the port battle (port assault flag will be abandoned)


    Please think about it again. In my opinion if you do something like this, in port battle will be a lot of random players which don't play with team, don't follow orders or stop being part of line. People start focus on doing dmg in battle because everyone wanna become a Lord Protector.
    Probably it kills a team play, and team strategy. Probably it will be the moment when i stop play this game.
    In my opinion when the battle will be over, should be a possibility (only for the players which participate in this battle) to put vote on one of them. Person who gather most points is chosen to become a Lord Protector. After this Lord Protector should have permission to assignation council of this city  (3 members).
    • Like 4
  3. Really bad news :(


    You don't have to lose time to read national news and other not important sub forums. Just let moderator do theirs job and keep discuss on good way.
    Focus on " suggestion" and others more important subforum. Lock "national news" subforum is not an option. This game live, because of this part of forum. Without this people could felt like playing in hmm boring game... But is just my opinion.
    I think, that like always you chose a best option for all :)
  4. I just heard that the Dutch community is divided between a part that wants peace and a part that wants to finish this war with a one-port-end.


    This is not true. After situation with France, we are much more experienced and much, much more organized as nation like we were before it happened. So don't worry :)

  5. But have to say that the dutch fought REALLY well in that fight. Good job guys, was an honour to fight against you!


    Really nice to hear it from You! I know that our fights are not everytime best, but always in battle and after battle i see just a good words from the most of our and your players :) Keep fight in that way and have a fun tomorrow. Cheers !

  6. Yea i wana replay to Abuu, but it could be also to you.

    You need to outnumber us 10:1 and even bring in French clans to push us back  :D


    When we bring French clans to push you back ? We didn't even talk with them about you... And about outnumber you 10:1 You know that befeore decide to come here. So now please do not use this as argument. Thanks for the good game and see you in next battle :)

  7. @eklipz


    I said "some of our ports" - It doesn't mean that all of them. You are trying tell to everyone, that we have all our ports back, because was without defenders. This is not true. The truth is that we have most of them, but not all. We have our ports back, because our people work very hard and keeps attacking you every time. By the way, you captured Fort Zoutman, because your attack was when most of people in our nation sleep. You as the Swedish also should sleep. But you bring here your biggest ships and attack with much higher battle rating. The same things was with many our ports. Also we had problem with timers. It was our weakneses. And now you are telling to me, that you are better player than we, because you won some battle in that way ? Really ? I need from you a screenshot where we lose a port defense with equeal battle rating. It could prove something.


    Show us something like this screenshots, where you were a attacker and our main fleet was a defender. We won this battle, and we have back Macanao. But still we are not felt like a pro gamers. We still respecet you as a very skilled players, but i think that, we can be proud of us and be happy from that fight.




    Our attack on Cumana. We almost win as attacker with lower battle rating on the begin.



    Our defence in Caracas (Yours attack with lower battle rating)


    Or maybe if we are not good enough to show on us your strength, you should find the better enemy ? Hmmm ?

    • Like 1
  8. @eklipz


    This screenshots only confirmed that in port battle as defender better is avoid the fight and keep battle rating than take a fight. You running away all time and won this battle. It's only a prove, that this game need a lot of improvements.

    • Like 2
  9. OISNvWw.png


    In my opinion should be something like "War Zones" like on screenshot. War Zones bring more people to defend and attack, because they can gather honour points which can be exchanged in Admiralty Port. For example - special pvp ranks, better upgrades or even additional life on ships.
    At this moment defenders are losing time and got nothing from participating in a port battle.
    My idea works only if port battle system will be changed. Attackers should buy a flag one day before events starts (can sails with a flag only when timers are opened). Thanks to this improvements people can do a important preparations and go fight under port where will be a lot of defenders and enemies. Thanks to this system everything will be clear and with much more fun.
    Please think about this. I think it is not very hard to do.
  10. 2. I never said you were worse in OW.


    But you said that You are better in PB than We are.



    Like you see on the screenshot you are not better. I know that one week ago we lose one or two port battle in same way. But like i said our nation as nation was really broken, and we were not ready for fight because on west and east was our alliance. Your attack on us was totally incalculable.
    We respect You as a good PvP players, so please do not trying change our opinion about You :)
    Btw You have some our ports, because yours attack on Us was prepared and You come here on much better ships than we had at this time. Many port you got for free. So please don't tell and don't feel like a pro, because you are not better than the others. Also please do not forget, that win in a port battle as attacker even with the same ships is really hard and you know that.
    • Like 4
  11. @Up


    Poland disappear from the map of europe in 1795 and come back in 1918. So in our thousand years of history it is just a little break, where people still exist, but only country was not on the political map. The game is from 1600 to 1800 (info from official website) so 195 years exist in game time and just 5 not. So please understand why i am a little bit angry if everytime and everyone trying forget My country.
    In Battle of Vienna (1683) Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth together with Holy Roman Empire under Polish King command stop the Ottoman Empire and you are trying telling to me that we didn't exists in this years ?
    From the 1654 to 1690 as Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth we even had a Tobago in Caribbean region. And people still trying tell to me, "you didn't exsist at that time" how i can't be angry ?
    In my private opinion if you connect Polonia with Prussia it could be for many people from my country a little bit dishonour. I understand that it is just only your suggestion with this map, and you don't have to know all history, but if u wanna trying improve this game please do it better and read before starts :)
  12. I am really happy, that Netherlands come back to the game and again plays as a Nation :) The Swedes are really good player but they had a very very lucky when they decided to invade us. After misunderstanding with France, We were totally broken as a nation :) But now looks like there is no more problem and we have really good friendship with the France and clear enemies. Keep it guys !

    • Like 4
  13. Can you?


    France came into that fight to stop the carriers, and it did. It was a full-out ram-fest, and French capitaines sacrificed their own ships to stop your flags. And they did. So... what are you proud for...?


    All you can do is lie - "we won!". There was no fight. Your pride is a lie.

    No comment... French guys even when they lose all, always are a winner ! Muhahaha


    Maybe few days ago when we fight together with DAS, BOAT and DKF you also won ? Tell me yes ! ^^

  14. We talk about battles, 25 against 8 (11-3rd vs 2-3rd), they can't be proud of battle result and says we won, we are better. Yeah i can understand that they did good job and split us, but they can't be proud of win in battle. First battle was 25 against 25 and they have in this battle 8 3rd rates against our 3 and we won. So i think we can be proud of that fight even we don't capture a port. Can we ?

  15. Yes, let's kick the eastern man on its knee instead of standing up to the proud giant in the west. Well played pvp choice, well played.

    Before we come here, yours plan (not ours) was "beat a french guys" and take our ports back. So why you don't keep this agreement with us ?
    Yours plan is not done yet, so we gonna fight with France until we done here. After we can find others enemy.
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