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Everything posted by DurtyD

  1. I appreciate your understanding... The numbers will not lie though, as I feel the game is currently catered to hard core pvp enthusiasts and the main content body of battles prevails to them however I assure you there is just as big of a community if not greater of people who wish to experience a full bodied game product, something with multiple facets to sort of appeal to the masses would, I would hope, bump sales...
  2. Bare with me as I would like to be straight and to the point for this post however I am concerned with regards to potential opposition of the concept, one persons ideas or visions are hard to articulate to others so that the big picture can be envisioned and scoped out for its plausibility, that being said, please maintain an open mind towards this and my following opinions as I attempt to convey from reasoning the suggestion I wish to make... This game is very nice, it is beautiful in both design and graphic abilities. However, it has been in development for quite some time and although I am new, and one of the people who purchased this game when it was released on steam (for a hefty sum of around $50), I would expect this to be a fully polished and ready product. That is not the case, there are still some parts and pieces that are basically placeholder'ing if you ask me and are ready for updates with new material, stuff like the missions, the UI, crafting, conquest, boarding battles, and little bits here and there which are great and needed but overall are small pieces. I am concerned too much focus will be spent on these aspects of the game, polishing it up as it is now in its current state and nothing in additions to flavor up the product... So the issue I am having is lack of content, lack of excitement, lack of freedom and ability to do OTHER things besides constantly sailing either into battles or back to port to go back to battling... and I understand the nature of the product and its developers are sort of use to this same framework. I just feel this product can do much better for itself... this game needs more in features so that it may be separated from being just a "one scenario" type of situation...where again, all you do is sail and explore different ports only to stay on the sea and never truly travel on land... Yes you may be involved in conquest but you must first be of proper level and it is still some what primitive in nature, as it is the same thing as before but in bigger numbers and more is on the line which is awesome and great especially for hardcore PvP'ers, but lets entertain the fact for a minute that there could potentially be other people outside of this demographic interested in flocking to this game... Surely, even the hardened of hardened sailors are land lovers to a certain extent, they cannot stay days and days at sea... so they go to port to dock. Pick up some missions, maybe purchase some items from the shop, review your vessels upgrades, etc etc and set sail again to face whatever adventures they may find... but why is all of this confined within just a UI menu? These port cities are geographically located in nice areas I wish to see up close and for myself....If I see a clock tower to a city upon the horizon, I wish to be able to go to that port, dock, and physically walk off of my ship to journey to this clock tower, to see it for myself up close and in real proximity... (Assassin's Creed 4; Black Flag photo posted here is a representational example, it is not the actual depiction of what is to be expected) So, I propose and hope to meet open reception in my belief that we should have 3D model characters added to the game, in representation of our personalities and who we wish to envision ourselves as we sail and explore the seas in this time of cannon balls wizzing by, the clash of swords, and the taste of the finest wines and rums...Let there be port cities that may allow you to walk their very ally ways and stumble upon the tavern where you may rest your weary legs for a day and allow your crew to refresh themselves, creating the readiness to battle and set sail as rested men... Taverns & Sleep Accommodations Come have a brew, relax, maybe settle a score with a fellow crew member or clan mate you have a disagreement with by arm wrestle... get drunk and witness visual impairments, sleep in a hammock so that you may be refreshed to set sail the next morning and be able to fight battles with strong will and ability (is there no penalization for being at sea for a 1000 years?, doesn't the crew get tired, I just haven't seen it?) Town Shops Hire fleet? Sell items? Purchase repair kits? etc? Churches Is he a hopeless buccaneer, has he committed treason, or maybe he needs to repent, cleanse yourself of any guilt here... (if you don't like drinking and u wish to find another form of rest, perhaps prayer is your thing?) Auction Houses Place bids on items of need, materials, upgrades, vessels, you name it... put up for bid items you have here at this location... Bank Access your stored funds and items here... Dockyard (instanced load, enter the zone/area and specifically see your items only) See the vessels you have stored Guild/Clan Houses Meet your mates here, see schedule & bulletin notes from your leaders, review your numbers, your people, who is or was online, what accomplishments were commited, stated here for review... Crafting Houses Anything and everything to do with crafting, access your materials, review needed materials, etc (personally I know nothing of the crafting system yet) Watch Towers If you wish to be vigilant on behalf of your faction, there could or should possibly be tall buildings in which you may scope and seek the horizon and receive early intelligence on enemy factions mounting up for a strategical taking of the port city you are currently in... Clock Towers Possibly obtain missions here?...but also basically just a tall building to identify markings on the horizon when sailing in the open world, thus finding your destination.. NPC's Populate the town so that it is not just other players running around, create NPC's in each town of different nationalities, sexes, origins, religions, etc and perhaps you may conversate... some conversations short and brief...some a bit longer with perhaps a mission that ensue's... (e.g. found the lady in the blue dress walking around, she sent me on a mission 10k gold and 100xp) & etc etc, for any other building concepts the developer may have... Port cities already exist, you may dock there, there are no other cities beyond the port cities and that is the way it should stay, there should be no land based open world exploration at all, it should only be confined to just the port towns, there would be city walls and there could be gated exits made out to be there but they are not accessible and maybe there are guard NPC's watching said exit gates, but like I said, you may never leave the borders of these towns... this prevents the game from becoming something else and prevents a large work load to the developer. Not to say that this concept isn't already a massive workload addition in the first place... It is however, still plausible considering they are able to have made rudimentary town buildings and have placed them already, detailed building models and textures would have to be made and the addition of the player character model, its movement and emotional articulation animations...(/laugh /sit /dance) Skins and more $ in the developers wallet... This opens up the possibility of extra revenue gain for the developers because they can create custom skins, or wearable items... they could be seasonal promotions, or just a hat to wear, shirt, pants, jacket, that pretty sword you always wanted... maybe you would like a parrot on your shoulder... create the skin and sell it... If you create the pathway for player personality customization the limits are endless and people will want to express themselves in their own ways... Some point notes to mention: - There could or should be no further exploration beyond these port city towns - No PVP melee/ranged combat allowed, there is no need to add a combat system for land, just exempt that all together, it is not needed - Weapons on your character are for show purposes and may possibly offer stat increases when at sea in open world battle during a ship boarding process (big maybe) - No swimming, invisible walls at the docks - and I cant think of anymore but as this thread goes (if it goes) I can add... Photos from different games, some what articulating these concepts but in their own style and nature... If you have any other screenshots of games with similar dwellings matching the listed above and you feel they are a good fit for this concept please add them and also please express your input constructively, any and all suggestions to better regulate this concept or improve it is appreciated...
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