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Posts posted by kitsunelegend

  1. 23 minutes ago, Hači_CZ said:

    Until people know about the game. It is difficult to fill the PvP / PVE servers. Advertising is what the game lacks. Wipe XP is not a solution, it really is not and it badly happens. Remember the last Wipe, I and many guys have stopped playing for a long time. I apologize for my English

    gl At any rate, it's a good game


    No, CONTENT is what this game lacks. You can bring in 1000 people, but chances are, only 100 of those people will stay due to an extreme lack of content, coupled with an extremely repetitive grind. You can advertise all you want, but if those players dont stay, its all for naught.

    Releasing the game and advertising it isn't going to magically make everything better. Age of Sail games aren't as niche as a flight sim, but they still dont have a large following over all. You burn those few people who are willing to give the game a try, and you'll most likely never get them back.

  2. 1 minute ago, Meraun said:

    looking at videos of PotBS i cant see how this game is any thread to NA: i am look at it? with the upoping numbers and the Comicstyle?  I coud never play such a Game. About Skulls and bone. There wont be any PvP on S&B  just koop PvE. it also gonna be waaay more Casaul. I dont think i goes for the same Player segment. It like comparing Battlefield 1 with Tannenberg

    One of the main issues with NA, is that it caters WAY too much to hardcore players. There is almost no room for more casual players like myself, so we go to games that are more cartoony or arcady, because most of the time, thats the only other option. (and this is coming from someone who also enjoys games like IL-2 Great Battles, X-Plane 11, and DCS)

    Also, Skull & Bones is apparently going to be pvpve, much like the war server we have here. Except with about 15 times more content. (And sea shanties! Dont forget the sea shanties!)

    This type of game NEEDS a lot of players in order to do well. And most players are going to be more casual. Thats why a lot of flight sims for example, are very very niche. But most flight sims also are not MMOs or RPGs. Naval Action is basically an MMO, and MMOs NEED players to be able to live. And the way you GET more players, is to make it a little more casual and friendly, and ALSO adding in much more content.


    Also, PotBS is a very old game, so the graphics are very dated, but it STILL has a rather large following due to the sheer amount of content and things you can do in the game. And no, I'm not saying make NA like those games, I'm saying that NA needs a huge influx of content if it ever hopes to survive. This game will not survive post release with sub 500 average players.


    Like it or not, this game, as it currently stands, is a quarter of a mile wide, but half an inch deep when it comes to available content.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, admin said:

    the limbo state will be very short. There will be 1-2 more patches before the release; one will finalize the localization, another one will be focused on overdue maintenance things like fixing bots sailing through land. 

    So we're looking at maybe no more than 4 to 5 months before "release" then possibly?


    This is a major mistake. Releasing the game in its current state is going to do way more harm than good. There might be a slight uptick in players for a little bit, but with PotBS getting a major revamp soon, and Skull and Bones coming out this year, it will not last long at all. Especially when players realize just how shallow this game actually is, they're going to end up leaving in droves. Just like before.

    • Like 1
  4. I love how so many people think that simply "releasing" the game is going to magically fix all the issues that plague it currently.


    If anything, its going to kill this game if it releases in its current state.


    NA needs at LEAST 2 to 3 more years of active, heavy development in EA before it can release. I urge the devs to take inspiration from other naval themed games, and use that to add more content and to develop this game into a truly amazing age of sail experience. Take PotBS, Tempest, AC: Black Flag, Sid Mier's Pirates, ect ect. All of those games were very popular for a REASON. You can still keep the game realistic, you dont have to add fantasy stuff, or super natural stuff, but there are a LOT of things in all those games that NA could benefit from.

    • Like 1
  5. I dont mind a full wipe, but this game is NOT ready for release. Not by a long shot. There is a ton of missing content, and a ton of things that a lot of people want to see changed/added. Personally, I feel this game needs at minimum another 2 or even 3 years of EA development before it should be considered for release.


    - Sextent needs to be reworked completely. No more GPS dot tied to a skill perk. Make it a minigame done on the OW that EVERYONE has access to, regardless of skills.

    - PVE Raids/PVE Port Battles. Some kind of system for the pve server that allows port battles, or some way to flip a port without hurting the original people in said port.

    - Allow people of different nations to add each other to their friends list. Especially on the pve server. Some kind of nation alliance system maybe?

    - Better, more entertaining boarding system. No more rock, paper, scissors clickfest. Do some kind of an RTS type of deal. Turn based maybe? You guys made the Ultimate general series of games, maybe take some inspiration from those and use it for boarding?

    - More minigames for long trips. Card games, dice, poker, checkers/chess, an interactive fishing minigame maybe? Just SOMETHING to do on long trips.


    If you could add HALF that stuff, I would be ok with this game releasing fully. As it stands, if this game releases as is, it will only be met with failure. You are already losing potential customers from the current state of the game. How do you think new players will feel when they buy a fully priced released game, and its in the state its currently in? They'll be rightfully ticked off, and leave the game forever.


    [edit] Oh, and lets not forget one of the most important details about games. MUSIC SOUND TRACK. For the LOVE OF FUDGE AND COOKIES, PLEASE HIRE SOMEONE TO MAKE MUSIC FOR THIS GAME!

    Seriously, this is one of those games that would benefit MASSIVELY from a really well put together sound track! The fact there is still nothing like that in this game, after all these years, is extremely disappointing. Heck, I'm sure you could even find some musicians right here in this forum that would LOVE to contribute to this game, or at least might know someone who can! Just anything! Please!

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Captiva said:

    There should be absolutely no reason whatsoever for being conflicted when your very own words state, "thinking logically".

    Come on, this is an age of sail game that should include a static Captain's Map similar to Shrouded Recluse's gorgeous map with cords, and a historically based method to, as you again say,  "realistically identify his location with good enough precision". 

    You've answered your own question. 



    Boom! Right here! There should be ZERO debate on this topic. Having a way to deduce your location IN GAME WITHOUT USING THE BLOODY TRADERS TOOL is a realistic and period correct game mechanic.


    Eye balling your location using fish meat via the trader tool is a stupid, metagamey "wallhack" for lack of a better term. In fact, I vote for the complete removal of the trader tool outside of ports, and the removal of distances to ports completely, as its extremely unrealistic.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Grundgemunkey said:

    wheres the automatic you are here icon ??


    You are the type of person that is hurting this game. You want everything super complicated with a very steep learning curve (more like a giant wall tbh), that serves no purpose than to scare away new potential players. And for what exactly? What possible reason could you have to NOT want something as basic as a god damned bloody location mark on a map?


    ffs people, this topic should not even be a point of such heated discussion! Map markers are BASIC GAME FUNCTIONALITY. We have a massive bloody game world. Making it needlessly difficult to get around is completely counter productive to what this type of game needs. NEW PLAYERS.

  8. Here, I've made an example of the type of mark we could have in the game for navigation. Map is at max zoom in this picture.



    Have the mark update its position every 30 seconds to 45 seconds or so. Just a simple circle with a rough location. Thats it. No coordinates, no lat/long, no metagamey trader tool trickery, no super complicated mess of different tools to mess with. Just a simple, clean, hand drawn looking circle of a rough location for players to use as a reference point when traveling.


    Thats ALL that is needed.

  9. 1 minute ago, Grundgemunkey said:

    you said you were lost just trying to help

    a new player only has to ask .. how do you navigate ,, to get the answer


    And not all new players are going to bother asking for help.


    Again, using the trader tool as an excuse to not have proper navigation in the game is getting very old. I do so very wish people would stop using it like this...

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Hethwill the Harmless said:

    Time is just time. Some folk "master" a game in 2 weeks. Others take months. The end result is the same.

    Yeah, and some people dont have the patience to sail around for weeks or months to learn where they are, and therefor leave the game entirely to play something else.


    Which ya know, is the exact opposite of what this game needs right now.

  11. 1 minute ago, Grundgemunkey said:

    type fishmeat into traders tool .. look at two nearest ports ,,, look on your map... make a rough mental triangulation,,,, thats where you are  ... its not hard



    Its very VERY metagamey. If I were a new player or a casual, I most likely wouldn't even know that was possible (or even know that tool exists for that matter). Which was the point I was trying to make.


    Stop using this reason as an excuse. Its growing old.

    • Like 3
  12. I'm going to use an example of my current situation to make a point.


    As of typing this, I'm sailing in a LGV just north of the Bahamas. I'm trying to get to Ays, but I cant go through the Bahamas because obviously the LGV cant go through the shallow water there. My issue atm, is that I can see islands... but I have no clue WHAT islands they are. I know I should be passing a port very soon, but A: I dont know how long it'll take to get there, and B: theres a chance I may not even be able to SEE said port from my current position, which would make it very hard to actually figure out where the heck I am. This is creating a situation where navigating around this area is becoming very frustrating, tiresome, and annoying. Hell, I cant even place custom waypoints or marks on my map to plan out a route to take!


    I were a new player or a casual, I'd most likely be extremely frustrated because I have no idea where I am or where I need to go. So much so, I'd most likely just alt-F4 and go play something else instead. Preferably a game that has a decent navigation system that isn't metagamey.


    This is a problem. One that is a super easy to fix by adding a simple mark on the map for players to see roughly where they are in the world. It doesn't have to be super complicated or pin-point accurate or even updated every other millisecond. Just give us a 1km sized circle on the map that updates every 30 seconds, to give us an idea of where we are. Then, allow players to write and draw on our maps and create waypoints to plan out custom routes.

    Its basic game design. It shouldn't be this bloody hard.

    • Like 1
  13. Holy crap, why is this topic still so heavily debated?


    Just take away lat/long coordinates all together, give us a small circle on the map that is 1 square km in size that represents the rough location of our ship, and call it a bloody day.

    This game needs players. Not having something like basic navigation mechanics does way more harm to the player base than good. It scares away new players because they see the map is huge but have no idea where they are. It puts them off wanting to sail long distances, which means they dont take risks. They dont go and explore. Which means the game becomes stagnant to them and they get bored and leave, most likely leaving a bad review on the store page.

    Seriously, something like navigation shouldn't even be a topic of discussion ffs.

    And to the people who are saying they dont want any type of navigation, you're doing FAR more harm to the game than good. Just because you understand how to metagame the trader tool/3rd party maps and F11 key, does not mean they're all thats needed.

    • Like 5
  14. Still getting lots of lag and rubber banding on the PvE server, something I've never had before until this last few weeks. Last night was the worst of it I believe, rubber banding, high pings, a disconnect, and I wasn't the only one having the same exact issues. At least 2 maybe 3 or more players all said they were having issues as well.


    Getting really frustrating. You gonna fix this any time soon? If not, I'll just go play something else instead.

    • Like 1
  15. Soo...from my understanding, they just completely scrapped the idea of updating Constitution's model at all? So....one of the most famous USN warships is going to continue to have a highly outdated model and we're just supposed to accept that?


    I'd say I was surprised, but given all the prior actions I've seen of the devs...I'm really not...


    I am EXTREMELY disappointed however...

  16. 1 minute ago, Hodo said:

    If the UI turned them off then this game wouldnt be for them in the first place. 

    No offense but people like that are amazed by flashy graphics and fast paced action... so are better suited for DOTA or WoWS, not Naval Action or WWII Online or even ARMAIII or EVE. 


    Funny you mention EVE not being for them, because 3 of the 4 play EVE and have played it for many years, and 2 of those 3 have even created missions for ARMAIII and play it fairly often. They also play DCS, IL2, Rise of Flight ect.

  17. 11 hours ago, William Drayman said:

    Are you sure the UI is the problem? I've read a lot of stuff about why the lack of players, but I can't say I've spotted any mention of the UI. Combat mechanics, cost of stuff, nerfing of marks, etc, etc. I would think the Devs would be far better off worrying about the engine, chassis and gear box than fretting over the color of the furry dice at this stage.

    I can account for exactly 4 people who were thinking of buying this game, and after showing them a screenshot of the most recent UI, they were completely turned off of buying. I didn't even have to say anything else, I literally just showed them what the UI looked like, and they put their wallets away.


    And thats just 4 people I personally know of. I wonder how many more people saw the UI and were instantly put off but didn't say anything?

  18. 7 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    This game is still in Alpha Development. I take it you have never done any Alpha/Beta Testing?  The last thing they work on before going to BETA is the bells and whistles which includes the UI.  Why would they up date the UI when they might change a bunch of features over and over?   They will wait until they are closer to final product. I been on game that had most of the UI and content locked out when we tested to not spoil the story line content as we where there to test the actually combat mechanics and such not play the game.  Than when the game released we got the surprise of some things that wasn't in the Alpha/Beta when we started the game over upon release to every one else.  

    I was apart of the CBT for WoWS, I am currently taking part in the alpha test of Medieval Engineers, took part in the alpha of Space Engineers, am taking part in the alpha of War of Rights, Heliborne, War Thunder Naval Forces, and Star Citizen. I also took part in the beta of Day of Infamy, and was a supertester for WoWS for a good amount of time.


    All of those games, minus Space Engineers, had a nicely fleshed out and functioning UI, even in their alpha stages.


    So yeah, I know my alphas decently well enough to know there are some serious priority issues with Game Labs and Naval Action, especially since one of the MAJOR issues with the game, is a severe lack of players, a lot of which has to do with the UI.

  19. 18 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    Well the UI can wait, as Unitiy stated there is a new update coming to the engine.  So I can see the UI taking a backseat to that.  IF the developer chooses to upgrade to Unity 5.0 he will have more options and the ability to add more ships something he cant do currently.  

    ....you're joking right? The UI is one of the most important things in a game, and one of the very first things new players see. Putting the UI on the back burner is one of the most stupidest things you could do...

  20. First off, this game hasn't seen any real content for months upon months. I don't even remember the last time we got true content like new ships or something.


    Secondly, CaptVonGunn, the current UI isn't even an alpha UI. Its a lazy half ass attempt at making a barely functional UI just to make the game function at a barely playable level. Keep in mind that the UI is literally the first thing a new player sees on starting up the game. It needs to be good and understandable so they don't get horrifically confused and eventually leave. What the devs currently have atm is just....its unacceptable really.

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