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Posts posted by Khendon

  1. I miss when all the wrecks spawned somewhere south of Cayman Brac.  I thought the devs did that intentionally to create a dedicated PvP zone.  I understand their motivation for changing it, but it was nice to see all nations in one spot.  

    i liked that too. the open sea is a barren waste land because there are ever so few reasons to get out there. even if u arent pvping.....missions...sail 2 squares. safely enter mission....sail 2 grids home. repeat....NOTE----NO ONE WANTS LONG ASS HAULS TO GET TO MISSIONS PLEASE DON DO THAT


    just be creative and add reasons to take my fancy boat out to see....i literally dont think ANYONE does epic events...i enter them when i am running from enemies...such handy little pockets of you cant catch me.

  2. Hi devs (hopefully).


    bottles are pretty cool. i actually tend to enjoy sailing and watching videos or something to go pick my bottles up.


    but its a pretty single player activity, despite the gankers attempting to get my sweet lewts. 


    i would LOVE it if wrecks were just randomly scattered around similar to epic events. and every one could see them and POTENTIALLY this would induce greed fueled raced and battles as some other faction claims the wreckage. 


    if not wrecks randomly scattered around then something else.


    i just wish there was more reasons to set sail and GO some where. most sailing is around randomly looking for some sod to gank, going from one town over and back to bring in lumber for crafting, going to get a bottle in an impossible to catch lynx or going to a port battle. 

    wish there were missions to haul this and that to this port, wish there was wrecks to hunt for (not bottle style).


    anyway. i know you lot are busy and the game really is cool. got over 1000 hours of play time logged now. cheers.

    • Like 1
  3. And that's what will happen,  pvp will move away and be on different areas of the the map automatically, players base will be spread out in different areas for pvp instead of having many attackers/ defenders around capitals only, but apparently what many want is just jump on easy targets, they never want to have even fights with enemies prepared and coming to fight like it will happen when all those players going to other Nations capitals will meet together somewhere more or less mid way from the capitals the attack on daily basis and will be more even fights there instead of 7 guys jumping one isolated  ships near a captial.



    They just want to have them easy uneven fights, be able to pick targets they are sure to win against, like going to the supermarket and use exploits to escape and hide the rest of the times if fight become even or in them defavor while in the enemies most populated waters where it should be risky to go for pvp to start with.


     Those guys don't want pvp, they want easy ganking like 7 trincs attacking a single frigate and call it pvp but when those same 7 trincs attacking in the enemies Capitals will get 7 trincs chasing them they will call it revenge fleet and flee from an even fight like it is almost always the case when it's just even fights, and of course if you go hunt 5 mn away from a capital you expect to get some risks and be ready to see a fleet similar to yours in size or way superior in numbers rise and start to go for you, putting the hunter into the hunted, it's part of what is implied when going there but apparently guys just want the free wild card to avoid any fireback using exploits to hide while being able to hunt in only uneven fights in them favor picking what they want like at the supermarket ...  what an hypocrisy ... 

    i disagree with you. i WANT a good fight. i generally lead my clan around morti town searching for a good fightable adventure. we tend to run 2-4 frigates, and ingermanland being the heaviest ship we will likely bring. 


    now before people start screeching that this is our choice...it is. this is what we choose to bring so we are nimble to escape and heavy enough to kill. GENERALLY we find solo frigates and recently that new 2nd rate. we would be FOOLS to not kill those targets of opportunity. its moderately boring. but i am going to take the kills that i can take over searching for the mythical "good fight"


    on one occasion we left the battle screen and found we were surrounded by like 30 ships. my brother and i both left the battle screen and engaged this mega fleet of anti-gank. 

    we lost our ships. i got to blow up on a Constitution tho :)


    was HORRIBLY unfair. not complaining about it. i am saying is that we brought  a 5th rate and a 4th rate and got REKT by many many 2nd and 4th rates. no good fight was had that day. not by us at any rate. and thats ok we went back to tortu and found one of our gankers sailing and ingerm in the channel....we had some fun revenge sinking him. gotta keep that isk positive.


    TLDR; if i managed to find a group similar in size and fire power to fight i would eagerly take the fight. i generally don't so i take what fights i can take. usually 2-3 vs 1. sorry.

  4. That point could be valid BUT since they are in fact hiding in a battle screen it does mean u in fact got them into battle and failed to kill them. Thats completely on your team to have a good tag and to kill them. If they escaped they win now they get to decide the next step. To me this seems fair, easy and most balanced way to do it.

    I would say if they are hiding them move on to the next bad guy in your capital. After all they are everywhere you guys say. The capital areas aint that big and if all you are sailing around you will get them.

    Seems fair no ? I dont see why you would rather sit and do nothing rather than helping all the guys getting attacked.

    if i am paying attention on the OW (which I usually am)....and i see a terrible situation coming, a fight that i simply cannot win...i will defensive tag and start a conversation with them while i sail for 2 minutes and escape. happens all the time. 

    therefore i call your statement incorrect. good positioning is on you and your team to ATTEMPT. but defensive tags are sooo simple to employ and devastate your position attempts 

    • Like 1
  5. My friend I know this. And this is cheat because you can inform all the world about type of ships, their cannons and apr. wood during the battle, as well as who's going to leave the battle and when.

    this is uncontrollable regardless of game mechanics. one person in combat and "text locked" out of nation chat can still tell all his or her friends about what has hit them and where they are. i talk people through battles all the time, what point of sail to hit vs various ships to catch or escape ect. i think that point...while valid....is moot.

  6. i passionately hate mid-grade notes. i'm looking at a week at least if i want to craft upgrades for a 2/4 ship even.


    i would rather the crafting be more like eve in that i command ship to be built, resources are consumed and a clock starts which prints out my ship at the prescribed time. 2 weeks for a SOL? done.


    and notes??? WHYYYYYYYYYY!!! it takes like 30 freaking notes to make a ship decent. 'ho'mah'GERD!

  7. I'm not calling you out on anything man, I even said people only want to play fights they can't lose, but you started a fight you can't win, so kudos for that.

    But you can't hit the wall with your fist and complain the wall is too hard afterwards.You knew he had a fleet, so there is no reason to throw a rant about fleets. The guy would not have stand a chance otherwise, so good job on him for taking some fleet with him. Fleets are ideal for traders, lower leveled players or lone wolfs.


    Please don't be offended by my posts, as these forums are allready filled to the brim with bitter people, and I do not intend to add to that.

    I only want to promote fair gameplay, balanced fights and a fair chance for the easier targets in the game to protect themselves.


    I am sure you agree with this, and I am sure you're not amongst these pro gankers, who used to log out etc... or sail invisible out of port to fight a totaly unfair fight.

    My complaint was directed to these kind of people, because I hope these are not on this topic ranting about people running fleets to protect themselves against ganks, because thats just low...


    I'm a Brit, we're allied, but if you want to do a fair battle we can totaly arange that, not to settle any scores or anything, just to for fun...o7

    you right you right.

  8. It just bothers me that people only want to engage in a battle when they have the clear upper hand, when you engage in a battle that can't possibly be lost from your side. To me thats as good a gank with two ships as with 10 ships. A managable disadvantage is no problem, but two frigs vs a LGV, that is just a lost battle. Even when the LGV counter tags, the frigs are faster and have chasers so will get him eventualy. Thats just frustrating gameplay for the LGV captain. That is like playing CS and your team has less then half the players of the other team.


    All the coolest battles I have ever played in NA are battles that are even or at a slight disadvantage, they give so much satisfaction. Last week I got attacked by a lone surprise in my lone LGV, it was the best fun I have had in this game for over a month.


    There is literaly no skill involved in capping a LGV with two frigs, chain the sails, shoot the masts, grape, board. So I don't think people should be complaining that a trader is running a fleet to protect himself.

    my friend, this was a gank, my friend and i were sailing 2 frigs with no fleets because they slow you down. AND we were looking for any fight we could get into this just happened to be a player LGV. sue me.


    as for frigs being faster with chasers. dude, coward perk now makes it so that if my 30 second reload on my chasers misses ONE single shot/volley he gets to pop out of battle which is what happened in this case. glad the 3rd rate surrendered at that point cuz he was chewing my face off.


    as for only taking fights i can win, i'd just like to say its really easy to call people out for being cowards and or only fighting obviously down hill battles. 


    the other day pagan pete "barnstormed" my friends conni. it was brutal. i didnt even see where they came from and i was some what ready to call foul play. but it just so happens that pete and his friends finished murdering a trinc outside sunbury JUST in time to see my friend and they nailed him. perfect timing all around. i watched his twitch feed and saw that my accusations would have been unfounded and just damn untrue. also...nice ganks pete.


    and finally i would like to defend myself and say that you can find me on pvp1 i fly the american flag, i'll be sailing a rattle or a frig or something similarly sized. i'll probably try and kill you if you arent USA and dont outgun the pants off of me. i'l probably try and run if you and 13 of your friends are trying to fight me.


    good fights to those i've fought and sunk, good fights to those i have fought and sunk me. my beautiful frig is 3/5 dura now. got some more battles in her before she retires tho. SEE YOU GUYS OUT THERE!!

    • Like 4
  9. As a Hethwill were saying;

    "Fleets turn a 1-on-1 into a 3-on-3, which is 66% PVE."


     I that what we want? PVE?

    i also say remove the fleets. attacked an LGV today with a frigate and a 3rd rate in his fleet....we were two frigates...what are we to do with that. combined with the coward perk he used after cutting behind his frig.....un-killable. even if we did get through his protectors. this game should be about players fighting players, not players machete-ing through other players dumb minions. 


    naval action does not need few players with commanded ships. naval action needs more reasons for players to undock and get out to sea. looking for bottles, chasing the urca gold, searching for pagan petes buried treasure. hunting white beard the villainous pirate queen. 

    • Like 2
  10. anything to put more people on the ocean would be a good thing. right now we have 5? reasons to sail.


    move resources, move to mission, hunt people moving resources/missions. oh ya and go to port battles. and now fishing and BOTTLES! 


    HUNTING treasure ships would be really. 


    AND it could be something like faction get emails saying "his most catholic majesty king hernando spanisho's royal treasure fleet is departing habana on >this< day bound for spain! captains are expected to protect this treasure as it departs the dangerous Caribbean waters."


    and or....


    "reports indicate a spanish treasure fleet is departing habana >this< day. the captain(s) who captured this fleet would be greatly rewarded in both honor and riches."



    ^^this would lead to epic line fights on the open sea. DONT say when the fleet is leaving. just have it rando depart from some the capital on the announced day at some rando time and let the games begin!

  11. BUt it did sink that is the point. It sank after it surrendered

    VALID point!!!


    i killed that ship. i killed the SHIT out of it. 


    dont award me for him being a coward and surrendering...award me for his ship going under the water...i will wait. dont worry. if i cannot cap it i will sit next to it....do clip my nails, refill my drink, take a leak, ect....i'll wait for him to sink to get that credit....and if he surrenders to save his crew...fine its the ultimate abandon ship function. i am for it.








    face. THANKS.

  12. so there i was. bringing UNITED STATES OF MURICA justice to the coast of cuba today (finally) and i seent this hurr LGV doing his thing. i stalked in with my 2 frigs and a suprise in my fleet GOT THE TACKLE IN CLOSE AND WENT FOR THE KILL!!! 


    obviously my main ship (a gold oak frig) with gold copper and speed was faster than my no-upgrades allowed NPC ships, so THERE I WAS TEARING IT UP IN THE LEAD!!! firing madly with my bow chasers to keep the 1.45 battle timer a ticking and wear them sails down! FOR USA!!!! then...i missed ONE salvo with my bow chasers cuz both shots when wide. 



    and he was gone.



    dont even know how people measure distance in the game honestly. have seen people saying "200 yards" but i have never seen or been shown where its measured so imma just say that i was catching this dude over time and wearing his sails down while doing it. but he magic poofed out....THEN he got to chill in the out of battle screen for as long as he possibly wanted. and i just left any way because there was no chance in getting a re-attack....now i know why he didnt bother to head for a port seeing me. no WAY  i could catch him (slash) my chances were low as fuck.


    that coward perk tho....who thought that one up?? the escape battle time is already TOO SHORT. batteries reload at the speed of molasses. you are modeling fights that lasted DAYS not hours and your are allowing people to escape in a matter of SECONDS! 


    i once escaped pagan pete by sailing my t-lynx INTO THE BEACH because he trapped me in a fucking BAY. it was perfect for him, i was DEAD TO RIGHTS but because that stupid timer i sailed my ship into the ground to avoid getting tagged and pete got denied a whole 800 silver ingots. 


    sorry dawg i gotta use them shitty mechanics if they are there....you dig?



    battle timer is too short coward perk is makes a broke thing mo' broker

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  13. So you do have to sail over and assign crew if they surrender, and you cap what's in the hold when that happens. I don't feel quite as robbed now. :P

    u do need to sail to it and claim it


    HOWEVER if they surrender after ui have done sufficient damage to sink them you are fully denied kill, prize, and reward

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  14. surrender does not give kills because then it becomes very easy to farm kills with friends

    especially santisima kills - which can turn the tables in hostility levels in the future


    to get a kill the ship must sink


    ok fine. please make it so that u cannot surrender when your ship is on fire, taking on water (be it through a few leaks or out right sinking)


    that way IF he surrenders i get to cap the ship he saves his crew, and if he boldly decides to go down with the ship FORCE him to go all the way and give me the kill. what is currently in place allows for people to deny kills and caps which doesnt reward my effort in fighting him the first place. i cannot make him sink any faster than the game already does.

    AND if they surrender before sinking i get to cap the prize which is currently denied 100% unless i have gold boarding mods and manage to grapple him.


    May i suggest that you can't surrender when your sinking? 


    This way, if you want to surrender, you must do it before your ship is taking on water and is in the process of sinking.


    It would solve the problem of surrendering to deny the kill. And at the same time you can still save your crew by surrendering before your ship is actually going down.

  15. love the crew managing patch. got one issue with it however.


    i just fought a spanish indiaman 1v1 with no NPC's involved. i was sailing a frigate. it was a good fight. 


    now i do not possess golden boarding mods and he had more crew than me. therefore i never had the slightest intention of boarding him or allowing myself to be boarded. i pounded his sails to slow him, and pounded his hull to sink him.


    as he went down at last he surrendered right as the water line was overtaking his gun deck.


    denied me the kill AND the ship AND saved nearly his entire crew.


    that isn't fair. i sank him straight up and go no kill credit or gold reward. and he double wins by saving his crew from drowning. why did i bother fighting him if he could just pop out when he looses and deny me the kill credit and the capture


    this is the same problem that plagued eve for years where titans and super carriers when they would self destruct and would deny the aggressors the kill credit. 


    another potential issue is the 20% reload buff for pirate hunter, that is game breakingly insane.


    the coward perk is ridiculous. its already challenging to keep enemies in fights. if i miss a single volley with my chasers they can pop out. this change makes it doubtful that i can even miss that one volley. PLEASE make escape mechanics distance from enemy as well as tagging related.

  16. I am completely against onerous paperwork and time-wasting that takes away from gameplay and also forces people to join clans (which they may not want to do) over being a loner in a nation (which should be also a playable option).

    me too. but making it impossible to stay at sea forever with out resupply or "mid air refueling" via another ship would be cool, paying the crew would help decrease the number of mega ship fleets running around. IMO at any rate.

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  17. provisions should be added to crafting

    the reasoning is simple - ships were well supplied for 4-6 months of travel. In game time it means that you most likely have lost your ship by then.

    Hey boss, I've had a victory for 2 months and a paval for about 6. Along with several other ships for even longer due to almost exclusive paval and victory usage.

    My traders Lynx is nearly 10 months old and I used it for high risk trade runs frequently.

    I firmly believe we should be required to supply our ships with food water and ammo.

    Pirates of the burning sea, elite dangerous, And Eve online require ammo,

    You recently sites cid Myers pirates requiring you to sail prizes back, well you also were required to supply your crew with food. I really hated the requirement to disband the crew after a time. Like shut up and sail.

    Elite dangerous requires fuel for space ships.

    Point is that each of these requirements is a beautiful niche for players to get themselves into. Each thing creates a potential market that should be handled by player to player transactions.

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