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Everything posted by Dotson

  1. No, we just need active members. If you are interested just message me or Verhuer.
  2. John Paul's Privateers is an American clan that is dedicated to the defense of the Republic. We carry out actions against foreign aggressors and work to make all men free.. We are recruiting new captains to fill our ranks we don't ask much just your commitment to protecting American ports and projecting our national power and regular activity. It is more important now than ever before that all Americans rally together to stand against the tyrants on our door steps. If we are to stand strong and hold our borders we must stand together. We plan to work very closely with other american clans and participate in every PB we can. With all this said we understand that real life comes first and will never punish, chastise or judge you for not being able to be active. To contact us simply message me on here or in game by messaging Dotson, Verhuer, or Hattori. We may ask you a couple of questions but don't worry. You don't have to expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition, actually we are rather opposed to that at the current time. Clan motto: "To make men free!" Clan slogan: "Sir, I have not yet begun to fight!"
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